Under It
8 years ago by

So Garance may have already said it best ” Ultimately, no one cares if our underwear is more functional than sexy. Everyone knows this: guys couldn’t care less about the lingerie we wear. They like us naked!!! ”
But I still had this lingering voice of the other ladies in the studio when I offered that, in fact, I didn’t own even a single piece of lingerie.
My imagination plays visions of Belle du Jour, a masochistic fantasy of sporting sexy lingerie (the lace panty, the lace bra, the lace garter attached to the nude stocking) and walking with the sex appeal only Catherine Deneuve could posses out of the powder room into the boudoir all to entice your man. OKAY MAYBE THAT’S A BIT EXTREME. But, really, that’s what I presumed most women did while wearing lingerie.
So, I took it upon myself to visit the kid sister of Agent Provocateur, L’Agent (baby steps, Brie, baby steps) to get a set of my very own and take a test run. As in, I wore the whole set under my clothes for a day, just to see how it felt. Would I feel sexier? Naughtier perhaps, just knowing I had it on? Would that be enough to legitimize the wearing of (a) a bra for starters (yes, I was not blessed like G in that department, and in general forgo said brassier) and (b) the whole lot in order to make me believe in lingerie for more than the alleged purpose of exciting a lover?
… I felt as close to Mrs.Robinson as I may ever get. Are the stories of unmentionables more seductive than actually wearing them? I think it’s up to you to decide… behind closed doors ;)
Particulièrement pour les petits formats comme nous ;-), il y a pleins de solutions hyper confortables, de dentelles syper douces qui ne piquent pas et qui n’ont pas d’armatures solides mais qui font que nos mecs nous voient habillées/désabillées à la monica bellucci
I guess about ANY piece of clothing the main thing is: How does it make YOU feel?
If you feel great your life is great.
Such a cliche, but I think it’s true.
I only have one pair and I do also feel sometimes that maybe I should have more. Even like, sexier underwear in general! But just not high on my priority list right now lmao even with a boyfriend. Am I a bad person?!
My lingerie (and swimwear) world turned upside down after I was diagnosed with breast cancer and went thru mastectomy treatment. After that I had gone from being a customer that could get functional and beautiful products from many stores and shops, to not being able to find anything. I got so frustrated that I started from the hardest challenge I faced – swimwear.
I hope that I don´t come a across to “marketing/promoting” but I hope that my passion for this project translates and hopefully brings joy to women in the same situation as I was. You can also read my own story about handling incurable form of breastcancer here: http://lullebiegga.com/it-all-began-with-breast-cancer/
It’s not true that men don’t care, my husband appreciates beautiful lingerie very highly. Then again he also loves me naked :) I myself feel better when dressed up underwearwise, even with casual clothes. Not necessarily sexier, but just more… beautiful, and delicate maybe?! However I do own two granny bras, which I wear too often since they are unfortunately the most comfortable :(
Sometimes I think underwear is more about what we want or feel .If underwear makes you feel sexy or confident you exude sexiness and confidence. I think you wear underwear to suit your mood or your day. A bit like the clothes you wear over the top!
Is it alright to disagree about the quote for once? Because whilst men can be rather primitive, they do appreciate the extra wrapping and the fantasy behind it. And as for me personally, I really do care about what lies beneath :) It’s like a secret I can only share with a special someone and also an element that makes me feel beautiful. :)