Pansy Panties
9 years ago by

The holy grail of underwear is cool and comfortable.
And to add to the burgeoning fine list of lines that fulfill these credentials (Ten Undies, Base Range, etc), I recently came across Pansy. Friends Laura and Rachel decided to just go ahead and make the undies they had always dreamed of, and the all-organic and locally-made Pansy was born! I love how they just keep it simple with the basic underwear needs, but it’s still playful. This video attests to that:
As you can see, my ideal undies are cute and super simple – not too much detail to irritate or create underwear lines. A little hipster (cough, Lena Dunham) maybe, but shot in a cute and sexy way…
What do your dream panties look like? And what are your favorite underwear companies of the moment?
I am always on the lookout for simple, comfy but still cute cotton undies. Gap Body used to be my go to, but now the quality is terrible and they start unraveling after a few washes. The Pansy low-rise look like exactly what I want, but I’m not quite ready for $39 panties. The best I have found are Wacoal ‘B Fitting’ bikini underwear ($39 for 3 pairs at Nordstrom).They are super basic, really soft, and oddly, one-size-fits-all, but the non-sizing seems to work for all the different sized reviewers
I can’t do high waisted panties
They are 42 bucks each! I will alert my very rich friends whose money burns a hole in their pocket.
I like the concept but I’m always concerned when the product doesn’t even fit the models that well. Assume it wouldn’t fit me at all!
This is exactly what I was thinking! There’s a little too much bunching going on there for me to drop $40 on them!
Looks to me like they fit absolutely perfectly. You don’t want undies that pull up. At least thats the kind of fit I like.
That’s got to be the cutest underwear ad/video ever! Love it! And it looks super comfy too.
Honestly, I think they would create very visible underwear lines, considering the stitches.
I read they cost $42 each, too much.
My favorite underwear company is Italian, and it’s called Yamamay. I like Intimissimi, too and of course Victoria’s Secret. But I want to try & Other Stories underwear, it’s too cute!
Intimissimi seamless microfiber panties are my longtime favorite!
Honestly non, if they event can’t make a pattern that does not create creases everywhere, they should give up lingerie design.
For me this looks frumpy and it will make lines under the clothes
Cotton. Cotton. Cotton. Ask the doctor and this is what he will say. For everyday this is what I prefer myself. For a special evening or in order to feel more feminine I always go for lace, never synthetic though. The brand that fills my drawers is Calvin Klein. I know, not original at all, however their underwear is stylish, withstands wishing machine turmoils, and is made of great quality fibers. Sounds like an ad but it is not :)
P.S. I also own and love some playfyl Diesel panties but their seams are a bit too obvious for my taste, thus I wear them mostly with jeans.
what a great ad! beautiful lingerie
this is cool, but these girls are so skinny!!
J’adore ce genre de sous-vêtements en coton pour la maison. Je les achète chez Petit Bateau. Sinon pour tous les jours j’en achète qui sont invisibles couleur peau avec 30% d’élasthane chez Chantelle.
42$$$$$$????? It’s crazy…
There is a great shop by me. Sweetest Sin Red Bank,NJ. Very Very good customer service. Bra fitters that know how to fit and know there brands. I found my absolute favorite sports bra there by panache.
I buy hanky panky low rise thongs, eberjay cotton panties and thongs. My new love is a sports fabric panty in a boy short or thong. Like the sports fabrics it wisks away sweat so you feel dryer, cleaner after the sport. So comfortable. I never would have cared or considered this until I tried it.
J’adore le forme de ses culottes, ça me semble idéal. Bio et fabriquée localement en plus, c’est top !
Super !! Les culottes “de grand-mere” reviennent a la mode ! Serieusement j’adore les culottes en coton c’est quand meme l’ultime confort du frifri.
Bon mais la (comme le soulignent d’autres commentaires), la coupe me parait etrange (ca ne moule pas les hanches) et les elastiques sont epais : ca va se voir sous les vetements. A un prix pareil pour une culotte basique la coupe aurait eu interet a etre PARFAITE.
Pour moi le meilleur endroit pour choper des culottes en coton jolies, hyper confortables et a un prix raisonnable c’est Monop. Six euros piece, et roule bouboule.
Oh Boy, where do I start! $42. Ouch! way too much to spend on underpants. Also they look like they were rationed to British women during WW11 when silks, fine materials were not available.
I love high waisted pantiies. They are the only thing that fits right. Lower wished pantiies are always climbing up and creating panty lines. That is exactly what i wear. Except i don’t pay a lot for mine. Anby high waisted cotton briefs work just fine.
Hey Neada. Nice post and they look nice………but seriously $42 a panty? I’ll stick to good old Petit Bateau. :)
Je suis très petit bateau aussi et ces dessous ne sont vraiment pas élégants… c’est peut être mon regard de française mais pour le coup je ne les trouve pas très beaux…
Is this a joke ? oh my God…hipster stupidity knows no boundaries. $42 for ill fitted granny underwear…
LOL! No reason to be like that simply because someone has a different opinion on what looks good, is there? I don’t wear anything other then high waisted briefs. Haven’t gotten any complaints either… its certainly more sexy and classy then wearing a painful looking thing like a thong!
Granny panties. Passion crushers. These are not pretty and would make lines under clothes. Victoria Secret lace thongs or plain boy shorts. I don’t want 1940’s undies.
Base Range every time. Bamboo!
LOVEEEE THIS VIDEO! Yes I am all about the expensive, delicious underwear! It raises my oxytocin and lowers cortisol!
J adore ces petits dessous , ca a l air tres confort et tres net …
J achete des petits boxer ( syntetiques ) qui sont tres jolis dans des tons chair noir et blanc ulta confort chez blulemon .
Il y a une grande boutique a Geneve ( rue du Marche)
Je ne met que ca et je melange avec des hauts agent provocateur .
Garance j aime ta sincerite et ta sensibilite .
Je suis sous le charme des culottes taille haute depuis qu’elles reviennent en force dans le milieu de la lingerie. De toutes simples comme celles-ci sont parfaites, selon moi, si l’on recherche confort et douceur.
J’aime aussi la touche d’originalité de par la forme des sous-vêtements : des brassières et culottes hautes, finalement, ce n’est pas ce que l’on voit le plus souvent.
Pour moi, mes dessous de rêve sont en dentelle, noire (j’adore le noir). J’aime beaucoup le satin et le cuir aussi (j’avoue que le confort n’est pas la première de mes inquiétudes). L’alliance soutien-gorge-bustier et culotte taille haute donnent un côté très séductrice que j’adore. Pour moi, les soutiens-gorge sans armatures sont à proscrire, mais j’aurais adoré pouvoir porter des triangles, c’est ce qu’il y a de plus joli à mes yeux.
Quant à mes marques de lingerie préférées: Maison Close (marque française) et Lascivious (marque anglaise) répondent à toutes mes attentes en matière de dessous. J’avoue, c’est du luxe, mais la lingerie est ma passion :)
Voilà pour mes goûts!
A bientôt!