
Black Underwear

10 years ago by

Nude week here at the studio had me wondering why I fancied black underwear so much.

Then it clicked. It was this quote from the movie “10 Things I Hate About You”:

“You don’t buy black lingerie unless you want someone to see it.”

That really stuck with me. Now, 15 years later, my unmentionables drawer is filled with near exclusively black underwear of every kind. Apparently, I really want to be seen in my knickers…

PS: The bra in the photo is by Cosabella.


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  • Les dessous noirs c’est tellement chic ! Et ce n’est pas forcément pour l’autre, c’est aussi pour soi !

  • i like black because of its simplicity but other colours can serve just as well! think about a hot pink or red! :)


  • This bra is amazing! It reminds me of the Fleur Of England collection, so sexy and romantic!

  • What is the brand of the bra?

  • Hi Julia! The bra is Cosabella :)

  • Je comprends complètement cette folie pour les dessous noirs, mon tiroir en est rempli également, je n’aime que ça et ce n’est pas à cause de ce film, je crois simplement que j’ai un problème avec cette couleur, je l’adore!

  • Haha, wow, as soon as I saw the title of this article, I was going to quote 10 Things I Hate About You!! I’m glad I’m not the only one. ;) I feel the same way about any pretty underwear in general, though.

    Shani x

  • Oh my god, I only wear black underwear too! And for the same reason! Love that quote

  • moi c’est pareil…j’aime d’amour cette couleur mais c’est aussi parce que j’ai l’impression que c’est celle qui met le plus en valeur ma peau! pour une semaine sur le nude ça tombe bien ;)

  • Black is just hot.

  • Yes! I totally agree! I love white underwear for its simplicity and purity. But when I think about actually being seen in my underwear — it’s sexy black all the way.

  • I wear almost only black as well. And the 10 Things quote is spot on! :D But also I just don’t think that nude or light colors look good on my pale skin, and dark colors can be too much, like a super rich dark red, too vampy for me. Black is best.

  • I love black underwear too, it feels more sexy, there’s really something special about it!

  • every time I see something on lovely underwear I am reminded I only focus on the part of my outfit people can see…

  • Jennifer January, 30 2014, 5:49 / Reply

    I love black underwear but it shows through all my t-shirts. How do you all manage to wear black? I end up in beige-sigh…

  • Très joli ce modèle, je trouve les dessous noirs très chics, il m semble que cette couleur met en lumière le corps de la femme.

  • Love it, super sexy…xx

  • Every since I started working in construction – wearing hi-vis shirts, pants, boots and a hard hat – I love wearing beautiful, sexy, lacy lingerie. It’s not for others to see, but makes me feel feminine on the inside when I feel like I look like a dude on the outside. A pair of big earrings and perfume also help!

  • That quote is funny, but it’s not true for me. I used to buy a lot of brightly patterned underwear because, let’s face it, it’s more fun. However, lately I’ve been wanting my wardrobe to be more mature, so I’ve started buying black. Black is good because it can be worn with casual or dressy outfits, and if you own all black, then everything matches. I wear a lot of black clothing, as well, so wearing bright undergarments would be much more noticeable with any clothing slippage than black. Plus, I tend to dress somewhat androgynously, and I think it’s sexy to have a hint of black showing past the design on my band t-shirts or through a grey shirt. Especially when sheer tops were trending, I preferred my casual take. My black underwear is just for me, though, no matter what 10 Things says. ;)

  • Gee, can’t you get dressed in the morning without having to feel “sexy?” It’s too much.

    In the novel “Country Girls” by Edna O’Brien I laughed when I read that the girls, upon moving to the city to live in a bedsit, bought black bras because they wouldn’t show the dirt as fast.

  • Black lace, definitely among my fav lingerie models ;)


  • Rousspétée January, 31 2014, 8:02 / Reply

    Tiens, c’est marrant, j’ai un peu le même syndrome. Là par exemple, il faut absolument que je me rachète des sous-vêtements blancs parce qu’ils sont tous passés au gris clair (éééévidemment) et ça m’em… profondément de devoir acheter des soutifs blancs ! Alors que les noirs m’attirent l’œil automatiquement et que je les trouve beaux, raffinés, sexy. Et le nude me paraît si sensuel. Mais le blanc m’enchose, ma bonne dame ! Vous connaissez une nana qui préfère la lingerie immaculée ? C’est quoi sa recette ?

  • Je l’adore! Et très chic en plus.


  • I also live in exclusively black underwear, for almost the same reason. While I don’t remember the movie (I was maybe 10 when I first saw it), I do wear a lot of sheer shirts, and black underwear is what looks classiest and sexiest.

  • ça s’abime tellement moins le noir!!! et pourtant j’aimerais mettre plus de blanc mais au bout de 3 lavages.. pfff on a l’impression que je me traine le même soutif depuis mes 12 ans….
    alors que le noir, ça bouge pas!!!

  • On achète des dessous noir pour pouvoir lancer une machine à laver sans trop se poser de questions !


  • Les dessous les plus chics sont bien ceux de couleurs noirs… sans commune mesure !

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