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5 Reasons To Wear Red

9 years ago by

Yesterday I moved to a new apartment (kind of a crazy thing to do in the middle of a snowstorm), and I realized that I only have two red items in my wardrobe right now.

Seriously, it’s one of my favorite colors to wear – and this photo of Martha has me twice as inspired to wear it – so I have no idea how my collection of red dwindled so much.

Some reasons why I love red…

1. It really looks great on everyone. I have dark brown hair with olive skin, my best friend is pale with red hair – and red is one of those colors we can always share (we have shared and swapped so many clothes over the years – do you do that with your best friend too??).

2. Red is a real color. It’s kind of daring like yellow or orange, it really stands out – definitely not a neutral! But it also works so well with almost any color… blue, black, pink…

3. It’s the color of passion. And you know what they say, “be the change you want to see in the world” ;)

4. In a snowstorm, it’s like a light beam. Honestly, I could have done with this red coat yesterday. During a snowstorm, high visibility is key!

5. It never goes out of fashion. Red is always cool, it’s a timeless color that will always be “in”.

Do you wear red? What are some of your favorite red pieces? I think a sweater is next on my list…

Photo: Keith Morrison.


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  • J’adore !
    De très bonnes raisons :-)



  • I love this bright color…like the new Alessandro Michele Gucci collection…amazing red!
    XOX, Gap.

  • J’aime beaucoup cette couleur mais comme toi, j’en ai très peu!
    J’ai un jeans slim et un top, c’est tout!!!!
    C’est vrai que c’est une couleur qui convient à tous les teints!
    Bonne soirée

    Le monde des petites

  • I love this pop of color, and, yes, I wear red but I love all the colors out there :-)

  • Superbe tenue! J’adore le rouge et pourtant j’en portes très peu (voire pas du tout) dans mes tenues!


  • YES!! My favourite sweatshirt is a bright red one that reads “SURF IN PARIS” (&+*?!). I wrote about it just yesterday, here (seems in those snow storm days, we have to get out with our most flashing colors ;-)):
    Maybe something to stock up your wardrobe in red? (even more so if you’re a surfer girl like Garance..)

  • Hi Garance,
    I just checked…I only have ONE, a coat that I have for 7 years now, but still love it!
    Never thought about it, need to add some new pieces.


  • Jennifer March, 2 2015, 3:38 / Reply

    So funny I just had the same thing happen, red is my favorite colour especially to wear and I have a coat and a shirt. What happened to my red? It’s on my wish list to rebuild my red wardrobe!

  • A salesperson at a reputable store once told my fiancé now husband that red colour actually highlights his reddish pigmentation, my husband shuns off this colour whenever possible since then ;p

  • I wear red only on my toes during summer:-)

  • for some reason I have a really hard time with red — but definitely gonna try these ways

  • When I do wear color, which is not often, it is usually red. While I like the sharp lines of black and white and the way they through my white hear and light complexion into relief I love the surprise of a mark of red. That could be a red lip or polish, a red scarf or earring as well as a sweater or a print. I have to calibrate the color red to be “just enough”. But, in agreement it is a very versatile color.

    Accidental Icon

  • I like red, raspberry, and maroons but now that I think about it, I don’t own anything red either. I think a red coat would be fabulous

  • Raison numéro 1 : c’est la couleur détestée de belle-maman (!)

    Plus sérieusement, j’aime le rouge parce qu’il contraste avec mon teint pâle et mes cheveux foncés, ma pièce phare, c’est mon manteau rouge que j’ai depuis quelques années et qui fait toujours autant d’effet ! Il a d’ailleurs conquis l’Homme lors de notre première rencontre (la visibilité c’est important, même sans tempête de neige).


  • I love red, but I don’t wear it nearly enough. I have a red vintage dress I adore.

  • Ouep le rouge c’est dangereux ^^ je connais beaucoup de gens qui en mettent mais c’est des fringues odieuses, mal coupées et tout … enfin bref faut savoir ce qu’on fait. Je suis pas une adepte du rouge pétard, mais je suis accro au bordeaux (rouge foncé hein !). J’ai un pull, un sac piqué à ma mère, un bonnet, des baskets … et un vernis évidemment !

  • I LOVE red….true red. In recent years, I have a short coat that’s red, some sweaters and tops, shoes, and accessories. I have had a hard time finding it in clothing in recent years though and am hoping for cherry red to be a big fashion item in the near future…screw that “marsala”. I love rich, pure colors and I want RED. :)

  • Lesley March, 2 2015, 7:30 / Reply

    The colour red doesn’t work so well in an Aussie (or Kiwi) summer? Red is best in winter, with snow!

  • I never wear red, which is such a shame because whenever I see someone else in it, I think they look amazing. “Be the change you want to see…”

  • Interesting. My friend is red headed & pale as well but she refuses to wear red, claiming it looks terrible on her.

    :] // ? ?

  • carmen, please let your friend (the red-head) know that i am sure she will look fantastic in red!

  • your blog is really fantastic.
    and your outfit is amazing.

  • you are absolutely right! red also (surprisingly) goes with everything.
    the perfect red lip will also do the trick ;-)

  • I arrived home this evening, after work, and one of the first things my husband said to me was, “What are you wearing?” I was/am wearing red cut off cropped jeans, a striped embroidered tunic, and a red, fuzzy, boucle-style oversize cardigan. It was the dose of red, Bright red, in layers, top to bottom. I said, “What? I’m wearing red.” A few minutes passed by, I opened my computer, this website my homepage, and poof. There. In. The. Title. 5 Reasons to Wear Red. “Exactly,” I said to him and our friend, over for dinner, as I held up the computer, showing them this post, “I’ve got my finger on the pulse.” Thanks for having my back.

  • Love that red overcoat. So bold!


  • Ai-Ch'ng March, 3 2015, 1:31 / Reply

    I am never without a bright red on my lips, and – for special occasions – on my nails. It is such a happy colour, and needs no other makeup: so easy!

    I adore red, worn full-length as an intricate, A-line, long-sleeved evening dress. Worn head-to-toe as a red baggy T with slim red skinny jean and flat, black ankle boots, or the same T with a supple, A-line midi skirt, or as a full-length heavy cotton Hmong tunic, red makes for a warm shot of colour in the day. Red is for all seasons, all ages, all skin colours, and all occasions.

    And if all my red clothes are in the wash (because I find they bleed everywhere – so I tend to wear a whole lot of red over one to two weeks, and wash it in one go together), there’s always my bright red leather bag or deep berry leather flat ankle boots.

  • bavarian_blue March, 3 2015, 2:17 / Reply

    I agree 100%.

  • neosand March, 3 2015, 2:24 / Reply

    J’aime aussi le rouge mais j’ai seulement un manteau cuir une vraie folie Burberry et un top. J’oublie un maillot Ères. Je ne sais pas pourquoi j’en ai si peu mais il n’y en a pas tant que cela dans les collections et il faut qu’il soit beau et la matière belle aussi.

  • I love red too! Bought an amazing red coat this Winter, but I need to invest in more red clothes for Spring and Summer now!;)

  • J’ai beaucoup porté du rouge après mes années collègue-lycée-uniforme-bleu-marine… Pour moi, porter du rouge, c’est la couleur du combat. Puis j’en ai moins porté… (et réappris à aimer le bleu marine !) Mais il me reste toujours un cardigan rouge et une robe chic.

  • We have an amazing red skirt in our collection: the Hepburn Red Flame. First I thought mmm, is this colour fashionable enough? Are people wearing such a striking red?? Yes! Meanwhile I am totally in love with this red skirt!

  • Je me suis réconcilier avec le rouge il y a deux ans.
    Maintenant mon armoire compte une petite doudoune, 3 pulls et un nombre d’accessoires …

    Bonne quête du pull rouge ;)

  • J’ai récemment craqué pour une chemise rouge, un pantalon rouge et j’ai ressorti un vieux pull rouge que je ne quitte pas. J’aime les nuances de rouge : le rouge vif, le cerise, le fraise et je trouve qu’on devrait en porter davantage en hiver !

  • Je porte toujours une pièce rouge! J’adore, et ça suffit à me mettre de bonne humeur le matin. Pantalons, vestes, tops, chaussures, chapeau, écharpe, robes, … j’ai de quoi faire!
    C’est hyper facile et toutes les combinaisons sont possibles!

  • It’s quite true! Red always looks good on everyone! I love the picture and the light! Can’t wait to find a nice red cashmere sweater for spring! Great job with this blog I just adore everything you do!!!

    Check out my fashion, beauty, art, design and lifestyle blog! It’s all about elevating the daily life to the extraordinary!

  • Carine March, 3 2015, 5:07 / Reply

    Love the colour of passion! Unfortunately, whenever I go shopping for clothes it is not my first option!

  • Ffaerrah March, 3 2015, 5:37 / Reply

    Bon article au bon moment!
    Je me suis aperçue que j’avais un manteau-caban rouge, et je me demandai si je devais le reporter ou pas…
    Dans tous les cas, ça donne bonne mine je trouve

  • Have always loved red, have been wearing my red Parka, red coat, red Neopren Birkin Bag, red Hobo bag all winter. So love your post and the material here! Sabina | Oceanblue Style

  • I love this trends of little spots of red in your outfit! Very nice.
    If you like, come check out my brand new blog about type design & style.

  • Je suis brune et le rouge me va bien (pas n’importe lequel… pas celui avec des sous tons froids et bleus)
    J’adore le rouge (et le vert également mais cela n’a rien à voir… bon ok, ce sont des couleurs complémentaires)
    Je porte quasi tous les jours un rouge à lèvres rouge orangé (lady danger de MAC)
    J’ai des boots patricia Blanchet rouges
    un bonnet rouge et un snood en laine rouge.
    Evidemment, je ne porte pas tout en même temps.

  • J’ai peu de pièces rouges dans ma garde robe, mais j’en porte souvent sur mes lèvres, un rouge vif et mat qui réveil le teint. Pourtant, il parait que les femmes se sentent plus fortes et ont plus confiance en elles quand elles sont vétues de rouge … Une sixième raison pour en porter ;)

  • Parfaites raisons !! J’ajouterais même : au moins, on est sûr de ne pas se retrouver habillé comme tout le monde (surtout à Paris…) !!

  • Always a good subject to write about. I did it too, some weeks ago and I found ten other reasons to wear red!

  • MarieG March, 3 2015, 4:54 / Reply

    Châtain, quelques cheveux gris, peau claire. J’ignore si cette couleur me va, mais j’aime bien porter du rouge, du vrai rouge, pas du bordeaux. J’en porte à toutes les sauces: bonnet, sweat-shirt, t-shirt, autres pulls, cardigans, blazer, jupes, robes, même un peu habillées, pantalons, chaussures, sac à main, manteau, écharpe, foulard, rien ne m’arrête. J’en porte surtout en hiver, pour conjurer le brouillard et la pluie.

    C’est aussi une couleur à porter pour obtenir une augmentation de salaire, ou une promotion. Inutile de se transformer en Père Noël, une bonne touche de rouge bien visible suffit. Ca marche très bien, aussi quand on en a assez d’être complètement transparente dans un monde professionnel très masculin: ajoutez un peu de rouge à vos tenues et tout d’un coup on vous écoutera. Subtil langage des couleurs.

    Faites de beaux rêves

  • Sophie March, 3 2015, 4:57 / Reply

    Ce serait dommage de ne pas aimer le rouge quand on a un aussi joli prénom, n’est ce pas Garance ?
    Bisous de Paris

  • piara himy March, 4 2015, 4:02 / Reply

    Je adore rouge et noir. il ya pas de vie sans ces deux. couleur rouge illumine ma peau et rouges morceaux que je prefere sont blouse et chaussures plates. Desole pour mon mauvais francais.

  • Elisabeth March, 4 2015, 4:45 / Reply

    I still believe that red looks best on dark-haired people, or on really pale blondes (white hair and white skin). I have never found a red that suited me, as I am dark blond with a pink complexion. Red makes me look both washed out and more pink..

  • i love that little bag! who is it ??

  • Dalmayrac Brigitte November, 3 2015, 2:34 / Reply

    Moi aussi j’ai toujours aimé le rouge: j’ai un manteau rouge sport de la marque TBSet je l’adore.
    J’ai des sandales rouge vernies et strass, très jolies. Sans parler des sacs rouges…

  • I love red. It compliments my yellowy olive skin and is one of the few colors that never washes me out, even without make up. I love wearing my red trench, red sweaters, nail polish, bags, scarves, shoes and accessories (not together). My other favourite is a variation of it, burgundy. I have decided to be daring and buy more everyday items in red or burgundy, instead of black or gray. Also, if I could find a great red dress…

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