garance dore acne babouche good in photo illustration

Good in Photo

The other day, it was gorgeous outside—cool and sunny, the perfect weather for walking to the Studio, the perfect weather for finally wearing… My mules for the first time. Well let me...

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8 years ago by

flowers garance dore illustration

Yes You

It turns out it can sometimes be a bit stressful to be engaged. There are lots of things that go on...

8 years ago by

Garance Dore illustration

Something Clicked

A few months after I started my blog several years ago, I found myself feeling completely...

8 years ago by

garance dore illustration how low

How Low

My dear readers, time is running short. The season of bikinis, crop tops and too-short shorts is...

8 years ago by



Just because I don’t talk about being forty very often doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten—far from...

8 years ago by

Celebrity Illustration Garance Dore


It’s so weird being somewhat well known. So weird that it’s even weird to talk about it,...

8 years ago by

LA fit garance dore illustration

NY vs LA : Body Crazy

It’s fitness mania these days. Like, fitness is more fashionable than fashion. To the point where...

8 years ago by

my engagement 4 love hands holding garance dore illustration

My engagement, part 4.

Ok, no more kidding around. Let’s get serious. The ring! The wedding! The dress!

8 years ago by

my engagement 3 garance dore illustration

My engagement, part 3.

Please don’t think I’m going to keep walking you from one magical moment to another...

8 years ago by

my engagement legs garance dore illustrations writing

My engagement, part 2.

…We kissed that same night. I mean, I kissed him. I slowly threw myself at him (there’s an art...

8 years ago by

happy 2016 quote garance dore writing

Happy 2016!

8 years ago by

2016 horoscope astrotwins garance dore writing


Tomorrow, we begin a new year. Here is what the stars have in store for all of us in 2016! 

8 years ago by

strictly for home ugg boots diary post garance dore illustration

Strictly For Home

When I do interviews on style, there’s one question people always ask me: Is there anything...

8 years ago by

paris is life illustration writing garance dore

Paris Is Life

I tried. I tried to read the newspapers. I talked to my family, I talk to my friends. Many of them...

8 years ago by

willpower diary post garance dore illustration


I have no sense of self discipline.   Seriously, none. I’m finally realizing it now: it’s no...

8 years ago by

garance dore textonalities phone communication text illustration


It’s funny to think about how much our personalities come through in modern communication.   Take...

9 years ago by

take that garance dore illustration

Take That!

You should see me during my photo shoots these days. Such a pro. No, I haven’t transformed into...

9 years ago by

everything must go clothing style garance dore illustration

Everything Must Go

As I write to you now, I’m sitting cross legged in the middle of my living room as the adorable...

9 years ago by

From the Archives

This or That
  • This or That
  • Holiday Gifting
  • Happy Holidays!
  • #AtelierDoreDoes
  • How To...
Silja Danielsen Photo

This Or That: Low Knot or Top Knot

atelier dore this or that summer sandals chunky sandals vs. delicate sandals

This or That / Sandal Edition

This or That: American or Française?

This or That: American or Française?

atelier dore this or that lingerie lace or cotton sex month

This or That / Lingerie Edition

This or That / Blush vs. Bronzer

This or That / Blush vs. Bronzer

This or That: The Beanie

This or That: The Beanie

This or That: Nails

This or That: Nails

This or That

This or That

This Or That

This Or That