
8 years ago by

It’s so weird being somewhat well known.
So weird that it’s even weird to talk about it, actually. But it’s funny interesting enough that I’m going to try to broach the subject with you today.

Okay so first of all, let me put things into perspective right away – I’m not Rihanna. The two or three times I’ve been paparazzied, I almost went over to talk to the poor misled photographer (THE photographer. It’s not like there were hordes of them after me, let’s be clear) to explain to him that he was kind of wasting his time – but I didn’t have the heart to say that, so I put my Saint Laurent pouch in front of my face with a look that was both contrite and offended but without wrinkling my brow, of course, because it makes you look 10 years older in photos I waved and said hello instead.
He answered, and then we stood there looking at each other, all surprised at so much civility.

So I’m not Beyoncé, but even so, the more time goes by, the more people recognize me. In the street. In stores. At Whole Foods. At the gym. At the gynecologist. And it’s often the coolest thing in the world. First of all because:

1/ The people who recognize me are often people I’d already noticed for their coolness (in other words, my readers are so cool!!!)
2/ They’re always unbelievably adorable and sweet.
3/ And they say things that touch me deeply. They often say they feel like they know me and that’s when I tell them NO. You don’t just feel like you know me, you know me. I even have a violin app on my iPhone for these moments. Okay, okay – Oprah get out of here! But seriously, if you read my blog, I’m not kidding. You really know me.

Since they basically know me, and I, on the other hand, don’t know them, I ask them questions. Because to me, all my readers are my friends. That’s the way it is. But I’ll come back to this topic later on so we can put a nice, emotional, weepy finishing touch on this post, American style.

In the meantime, let’s talk about the real weird moments.
And first of all, I have to say: all of these things happened exactly as I’m telling them, otherwise it wouldn’t be funny, right?

– That moment when you feel like someone recognizes you, so you flash your biggest smile to say hello and show that you’re super approachable, authentic, and friendly, then suddenly you realize that nope, it’s actually your neighbor from the third floor staring you down. And you’re being a total snob.

– That moment in the supermarket when you hear someone behind you whisper: “That’s Garance Doré!” and suddenly you stand up a little straighter and turn around with a big smile to say hello.

– That moment when you’re in the supermarket and you hear someone behind you whisper “That’s Garance Doré!” and suddenly you stand up a little straighter and turn around with a big smile to say hello and you realize the person is saying “Let’s get some creme brulée!!!” to their friend (yes, yes, I promise, if someone says it fast enough and if you have an ego as big as a house you might think you heard “That’s Garance Doré”)

– That moment when you become completely paranoid because you’re sneaking down the street in walk of shame mode trying to stay as close to the wall as possible (Okay so I’m pretty settled, so I don’t really do walks of shame anymore. And yeah, okay, I never really did them anyway, have to admit it. My walks of shame are when I go grab breakfast at Starbucks wearing Uggs and old worn out sweats with my what I call explosion hair) as if the FBI were after you. It’s ridiculous. Get dressed to go out. Or relax and own the fact that you’re a daily loser ;)

– That moment when you sit down at a cafe and someone from the cafe recognizes you, and without saying anything, they start sending out slices of apple pie, chocolate eclairs, and extra coffees, and shooting you knowing looks the whole time. You’re not sure how to thank them, but you can’t help but stuff yourself with all the treats.

– That moment when you’re at the airport with puffy eyes, in “woman having a breakdown” mode (hey, it happens to the best of us, even Britney Spears, haha!) waiting in the security line when suddenly you hear: “I’m one of your readers, I adore you, thank you for your book, it did me so much good…” And you turn around with cocker spaniel eyes and say with a hiccup “Oh thank you so much, you have no idea how much that means to me, sniff, because you know, sniff, my life is super complicated right now, and…” ten minutes later after a nice therapy session, the stranger gives you a big hug and offers you chocolate and suddenly everything is looking much, much better.
Operation ruining my image: successful.
(Not even true: since my readers are total angels, she left telling me I was even more real and authentic than she thought)(YOU BET)(Sniff!)

– That moment when someone says to you: “I’m sure I know you from somewhere, sure sure sure, I’m certain of it!!!” and you say you’re not sure where, you really have no idea. And then finally after five minutes: “I don’t know, maybe you’ve heard of my book…” and then the person realizes you were in college together. Classy.

– That moment when you’re on the red carpet smiling at photographers, striking pose No. 32 “Celebrity who knows her best profile in action” and you wonder how you were ever thrown into this parallel universe where people find it perfectly normal to take 23 minutes to walk six feet forward.

– That moment when you’re on the red carpet smiling at photographers, striking pose No. 32 “Celebrity who knows her best profile in action” and you decide to take it up a notch to “Celebrity bursting out laughing for no reason” and suddenly you hear one photographer say to another: “Who is that one, again?”

– That moment when you’re with celebrities, real ones, not like you. Like, movie stars. You chat and try to muster up as much naturalness and ease as you possibly can (I did have a moment like that with Jon Hamm, I HAVE TO SAY IT WASN’T EASY) and a photographer comes up and asks you to move to the side a bit…so you won’t be in the photo. A little further to the side, please? My foot is still in the frame? Hahahaha (high pitched laugh) okay! Very healthy reality check.

– That moment when someone recognizes you and comes up to talk to you, but it’s raining cats and dogs, you’re on PMS, you’ve got fifty pounds of groceries in your arms and your Uber has gotten lost for the third time and you’re yelling at the driver, crying, and throwing your phone violently on the ground trying to explain, with your characteristic patience and kindness, the best way to get to you. Get it together, lady, get it together. Hi, so nice to meet you!!!

– That moment when you see a mother and daughter looking at you in the street and just because, you give them a big smile. And suddenly the mother comes up to you with big, grateful eyes and says:

“My daughter never would have dared come say hello, so I decided to muster up some courage and do it myself. I just got out of a long hospital stay and my daughter was with me every single day. When it got too difficult, she would get out your book, and it helped her so much…so from the bottom of my heart, we wanted to say thank you.”

Yeah, sure, I wrote this post to make fun of my own ego.

But most of all, to say thank you to this mother and her daughter, and also to everyone who’s sent me emails or Instagrams or Facebook messages, and to everyone who’s come to my book signings, whether they threw themselves into my arms or shyly shook my hand — those moments touch me deeply and that’s what anchors me and reminds me why I really write.

Not to be on the red carpet, not so people recognize me at Starbucks. But to connect with profound, funny, fabulous people, who make my life more and more beautiful every day.

So please don’t hesitate to come say hello!
Even if you’re my neighbor from the third floor!

Translated by Andrea Perdue


Add yours
  • Bonjour ! Bisous aussi

  • if i ever run into you, i’ll say bonjour! :)


  • Violaine March, 22 2016, 9:24 / Reply

    Merci pour tout ce que tu partages avec nous ! <3
    Bisous !!!

  • Bonjour Garance , tout simplement bravo et merci d ‘exister ! Bises Sonia

  • Thank you for this. Saying hello to you while on one of my rare visits to NYC is a fantasy of mine. Now I know I don’t have to be shy about it. Hope this post doesn’t backfire on you!

  • you really made me laugh out loud with this story! you’re a true angel <3

  • I would really want to say “hello” to you in person.

    It’s funny, right. Why do we desperately want to meet the people that we only know from internet, TV, etc.

    I think the answer is that it’s because we’re human. We long for personal contact after all. And I think it’s the beauty of being a human being – the possibility to meet other wonderful human beings, to touch each other’s lives and move on with ours. These are the things that matter. Little simple things.


  • Roxanne Cadoret March, 22 2016, 10:04 / Reply

    Absolument adorable !!!!! N’arrête pas d’écrire Garance ! On t’aime trop !!!! <3

  • Hey!
    C’est sympa cet article. Ça montre l’envers du décor avec humour : les moments un peu gênants, ceux que certaines blogueuses plutôt populaires préfèrent cacher!
    Parce qu’il faut toujours être parfaite pour certaines, ayant le petit-ami parfait, des enfants parfaits, un make-up parfait, des cheveux parfaits, les derniers vêtements à la mode…
    J’ai tellement l’impression d’être une BVNI (Blogueuse Volante Non Identifiée), avec mon no make-up (mis à part mettre du rouge à lèvres, je ne sais rien faire d’autre!) , mes cernes assumés, et mon rejet de la dernière mode… Bah, ça me plait comme ça, c’est le principal!
    Bravo pour ta réussite en tout cas. ;)

  • The way you writte makes people feel they know you ..i do hope you have your secret garden …but you share with us so many important moments of your life ..that naturally we feel part of your big family …
    with Love
    Yael Guetta


  • asianfreak March, 22 2016, 10:13 / Reply

    Tout en auto-dérision!
    C’est la qualité que je préfère chez toi.

    Bises et continue de nous faire rire par écran/livre interposé.

    Ton post m’encourage à venir te saluer si on se croise un jour ;-)

  • Laurence March, 22 2016, 10:19 / Reply

    awww mais merci pour ce post tellement… tellement… ahhhh (soupir de bien être :)
    je suis sûre que je viendrai te voir si on se croisait dans la rue par hasard… enfin presque, enfin je crois, si j’ose et si j’arrive à faire taire la petite voix qui dit “non mais arrête! tu ne vas pas aller l’embêter maintenant, vas-y reste cool, les gens connus ont aussi droit d’avoir une vie!” même si bon après avoir lu ce post, je pense que j’aurais moins d’hésitations ;) en même temps, c’est pas demain la veille qu’on va se croiser dans la rue, vu que j’habite plutôt trèèèès loin de New York… :)
    bisou Garance!!

  • DaveysHouse March, 22 2016, 10:27 / Reply

    Damn, this is funny, and wonderful. Thank you for everything, Garance :-)!!

  • haaa Garance, tu resteras tellement notre modèle de vie !
    Au studio, on t’aime tellement ! Ce n’est pas rare qu’en cas de petite déprime, on retourne lire un de tes articles, et cela nous aide à remettre les idées au clair ! Mon associé a eu la chance de faire dédicacer son livre à Paris, et tu lui as semblé adorable ! La prochaine fois, c’est sur, je viens à ta rencontre !
    Cela fait plus de cinq ans que je te lis quotidiennement, fidèlement ! alors…Merci !

  • Bravo Garance Merci pour le partage !
    J’ai fini ton livre en 2 jours. Il se lit vraiment super bien et c’est que du bonheur de lire et de plonger dans ton univers.
    Merci d’être TOI !!

  • Tu es géniale :) tes copines de la vraie vie ont de la chance :) ne change pas

  • Aaaah ça me rassure! Car hier dans la salle d’attente du médecin j’ai lu un article sur toi dans Grazia pas sympa. Plutôt aux antipodes de la Garance Doré que l’on croit connaitre.

  • Your posts are my favourite Garance. I got a little choked up at the end. And of course, the rest was hilarious. Self-deprecating humour is my favourite.


  • Petite larme à la fin., avec cette maman si touchante.. c’est cool de te lire! plein de bises !

  • I was a student at NYU until last year when I moved back to London, and I used to see you quite frequently in the village. But I was always too shy to come up and talk to you. Many times I wanted to tell you how much I admired and respected you. Really wish I had.
    Xo :)

  • Ahh Garance I just love that you do you. I really hope to meet you someday, You are such an inspiration!

  • Merci encore garance pour ce post si gai. J’ ai bien ri. Cette journee m a beaucoup bouleverse (les attentats en belgique…) et ce message, un peu decale, m a fait du bien, bise.

  • Moi aussi je voudrais tomber sur toi par hasard à l’aéroport ou au supermarché (que je viens d’écrire superché, heum) ! ça serait trop fun ?
    À la place, ça m’est arrivé de tomber sur une de mes camarades de l’école primaire, et c’était elle la caissière ! très étrange, j’ai rien osé lui dire de peur de me prendre un bon “T’es qui ?” en pleine face…ahhh…

    Bisous Garance!


  • loved reading this, great post!


  • Nice post ;)


  • Chere Garance, il n’y a aucune chance de vous croiser par hasard dans la rue mais je suis sure que vous etes charmante, c’est votre caractere. Vous etes d’un naturel desarmant et joyeux !

  • Lisa Walker March, 22 2016, 1:20 / Reply


  • mosaic_world March, 22 2016, 1:22 / Reply

    thanks for a funny and humanistic post.

    I don’t think I would be able to ever become famous as I am very private. however, I must admit the anecdote about the admirer sending you pastries in the cafe would be quite a tempting perk! ???? ???? ??

  • Sandrine Vaillancourt March, 22 2016, 1:39 / Reply

    I was so happy when I met you in Montreal at your book signing! You are lovely and so attachante!


  • C’est vraiment drôle de lire ce post après t’avoir rencontrer dimanche! :)
    Maintenant je regrette de m’être dis: “laisses la faire ces courses tranquille!” et de ne pas avoir discuté un peu plus avec toi! En tout cas c’était un plaisir de te croiser!

  • I saw you speak at the Apple store in Paris in March of 2012 — the two-story store was overflowing with people, but it was still thrilling to see you in person! You’re a true gem!

  • Such a cute story. Would love to meet you and say hello! x


  • your blog is such an inspiration!


  • Barbara March, 22 2016, 3:09 / Reply

    Je vis la même chose que toi au supermarche “maman ya ma maicresse”

  • jen kornblum March, 22 2016, 3:34 / Reply

    So nice to read this. The problem is that there is at times disparity between the ‘online’ image and an ‘in person’ one. Last year you hosted an event /pop up Cointreau café (I believe). You posted the times, etc and then when I came, something was closed, you were doing some photo shoots and it was pretty clear that your ‘regular’ readers were not invited. I was kind of asked to leave. It was really a shame. But really happy for all that is happening with the blog and the book and most of all in personal life as that is what counts!

  • I used to be on TV regularly. It was a little obscure all the same, and the only person who was impressed was my accountant.
    I think the worst part would be the pressure to be “on.” Like being a newcomer in a small town, where everybody knows who you are but you don’t know them and they are all judging you, curious about you.
    Still, it’s true there are lots of fans out there who feel like they’re almost friends with you, and probably would be IRL. And a bonjour from them can’t be bad.

  • I picture myself running into you on the bike path in Venice. My hubby and I are riding past you and Chris in the opposite direction. I wave enthusiastically, you smile and say hi. After you guys pass, hubby asks, who’s that? Irritated that I have to tell him again, I say that’s my friend Garance, she’s the best blogger in the whole, wide world.

  • Garance,
    Je vais a New York au mois de mai et si je te croise promis je viens te saluer! Et si tu as dix minutes, j’adorerais te faire dedicater mon livre. Je peux t’apporter des Chocolats belges???????????? Merci

  • Ahhhhh! Garance! j’adore ! J’adore ! J’adore ! C’est toujours du pur plaisir de te lire et de lire les post du studio , de l’inspiration à l’état pure … De la création! Et tu sais quoi ce blog, et toute la beauté qui en sort, Ca donne juste profondément envie de s’écouter soi meme … A l’intérieur …et de créer … Alors merci ????

  • joli dessin! Bisous Corsica ! on se verra peut-être un jour en chair et en bosses ;-)))

  • I so want to run into you one day and say hello!


  • Dear Garance
    Sooo tell me
    which Ugg boot did you go for?!!!
    Its funny what you say about Uggs ~ I love heels & chic footwear, but I live in a rural & surfy part of the UK called Cornwall…
    I once owned some Uggs, ten years ago ! I was thinking of buying some more because if your feet are super warm its possible to go bare legged!! & you post this about wearing uggs in NY!
    I think they can be sexy …
    Im so intriuged to know what colur & length of boot you went for…
    Enjoy those Uggs they are heavenly on the feet & feeling free & warm is good energy …!!!
    Big cosmic floaty Love
    Nicole X

  • P. S. I love this illustration — perhaps it should be one that you print up for your shop?

  • First time writing a comment……

    Your writing is so great to read because of your sense of humour and it does seem like you are just talking out load. Always fun, always real and I always think I would love to have a cocktail with this cool girl!

  • Oh my, I burst into tears myself at the last story, of the mother and daughter. I can’t even imagine how that must have felt to you at that moment. La vie est belle.

  • Maryanne March, 22 2016, 5:07 / Reply

    Been following you for years so thankyou as I get much enjoyment from you writing!!!!

  • Years ago I gathered up all of my courage and said “Bonjour” to you during NYFW and you could not have been lovelier. I was so surprised by that but then realized that I should not have been after reading your blog for so long. You are the real deal, Garance. Thank you for staying true to you…

  • Oh Garance, this is a wonderful post and makes feel a little better (like you always do xoxo) because I met you at your Toronto book signing and instead of saying “I’ve been reading you, admiring you and laughing, crying and dancing along with you for simply EVER! Seriously, since the very beginning, so thank you” I completely froze and said the most Canadian thing ever by mentioning the horrible weather. My sister laughed at me all night because I was so mortified. Ugh. It is a very strange moment in time to meet a stranger whom you somehow know, so thank you for acknowledging the weirdness and I promise if we ever meet again I will….maybe….be myself!

  • So if I am ever in New York and spot you across the street, I hope it won’t be weird if I yell hello! One of my dreams is have a random conversation with you. Reading your blog has always cheered me up, so thank you for your words and your smile and your style. xx

  • So nice and sweet :) Your blog has been inspiring and fresh since all these years, you always have something nice to relate us!

  • Hi Garance, Simply adorable this post!
    Are you planning a book signing in Lisbon, Portugal ?

  • Merci d’être là, d’être toi-même, si vraie, si inspirante et si drôle. Tu m’as changé les idées plus d’une fois lors d’un long séjour à l’hôpital pour cause d’accident grave, et ton blog était ma “bouffée d’oxygène”, une sorte de retour à la vie normale, à la futilité, aux émotions, à la mode.
    Et maintenant que tout va bien, je te suis toujours, avec d’autant plus de plaisir.
    Merci d’exister.

  • I have this vaguely autistic habit of not using names in conversation and am pretty lax about learning them, even at places I go regularly. Before I knew what the owner of my butcher shop’s name was, I was in there at the cash and a guy came in behind me and said “T.J.” very slowly and creepily and it sounds an awful lot like “Gene Day” and I was super weirded out. Then realized I was being a narcissistic nutter and now I know my butcher’s name!

  • Love the illustration! When I came to your signing in SF my teenage daughters were watching me (I thought they were shopping) and they were absolutely delighted by the delight they saw on my face at getting to meet and talk with you. Thanks for being so wonderfully approachable!

  • This post is perfectly shows why we read this blog in droves! Thoughtful, humble, glamorous but tongue in cheek about it. All shared with humor and ease that makes people want to come say hello when they see you.

    So few famous people who are recognized these days do anything worth being recognized for, but what you offer is friendship & support (& even a lifeline in the case of the mother&daughter). Even though you don’t know us. That’s kinda unique. And wonderful.

  • Bonjour ! Ok j’avoue j’étais toute excitée que tu viennes à Montréal mais je n’ai pas osé venir te voir!

  • Garance!! I <3 you so much! I have told my husband numerous times that we would TOTALLY be friends… Hahaha. You are my "celebrity to have dinner with" choice. Even though if I mention you, sometimes people say "who is that?" I am cracking up. I love this post. Thank you. I wish I lived in NYC so I could accidentally bump into when I was in my sweats and Uggs. I have been reading your blog for 7 years now! #WeLoveYouGarance

  • kimberly March, 22 2016, 11:21 / Reply

    Just love you…..!

  • <3 <3 <3 !!!!! Your honesty is so refreshing. Loving the podcast and always the blog : D

  • In September 2015 I moved to NYC, and one day, in the middle of apartment-looking hysteria, I decided to hang around the shows. Most people who waited outside before or after the show had professional cameras and I only had my iPhone. I tried to take as many pictures as possible – it was a very surreal experience. I mean, all the blog posts and magazine pages came alive in front of me. Some people cast weirdly curious looks my way, some looked down upon my choice of “photo equipment”. I saw ADL and many other IT-gils strutting at the arm’s length. But only when I spotted you, Garance, it gave me chills. I’ve been reading your blog since the very beginning. It’s such a strange feeling when you think you know everything about a person you’ve never met, you almost feel like sisters, and then you have that one split second to overcome all the fear of being disappointed … Well, I’m so happy I overcame that fear and asked for a picture with you. The sweetest thing that happened right after that was how (pleasantly) surprised you were and how absolutely nice and charming, even though I could tell you were in a hurry. I thank you for being so genuine! You can see all the pictures I took that day on my instagram @y_._z

  • C’est comme ça que je t’imagine, alors si nos chemins se croisent, je n’hésiterai pas à venir te parler ;)

  • Il y a des gens qui sont célèbres mais qui ne le méritent pas… Et puis il y a Garance Doré :) Je t’embrasse et t’envoie l’odeur du maquis corse !! Basgi…

  • Adorable Garance :) (d’une personne qui ne saurait probablement pas trop quoi te dire mais qui serait heureuse de te serrer la main avec timidité!) bisous

  • Aaaah, now I got all teary. Love your way of writing, and love your book! xxx

  • Savine Leclercq March, 23 2016, 5:35 / Reply

    Merci pour ta simplicité et ton authenticité!!
    Belle journée,

  • J’ai une question pour la personne à la fois très connue et ne vivant plus en France. Quand je t’ai vue à la télé récemment, ce qui m’a frappé est que tu avais gardé un français très fluide, sans accent, même léger, et sans “américanismes”. Alors, puisque tu vis, travailles et aimes “américain” la très grande partie du temps, comment arrives-tu à rester aussi française? Skype avec tes amis et fa famille?
    J’ai connu des personnes qui, vivant aux Etats-Unis depuis quelques années, avaient pris un léger accent et/ou ne retrouvaient plus leurs mots en français.

  • Hallo Garance!!!!
    WHEN (????) will we meet you in Bad Homburg???

  • Je crois que c’est vrai qu’on te connait un peu! Tu es peut-être une personne qu’on vire pour photographier Don Drapeeeeeeeeeeeer, mais l’annonce de ton mariage, ça m’a envoyé des papillons dans le coeur comme le mariage de Jennifer Aniston et Justiiiiiiiiiiiin Theroux! Oui, ça s’explique pas, vous êtes deux stars qui donnent envie de vous voir heureuses!

  • Such a cool post Garance! :)

  • Garance tu es à 2 doigts de me faire chialer, tu es trop mignonne et fabuleuse !
    Tu pourras même rajouter “il y a la fois où des lectrices rêvent de moi et dans le rêve on est vraiment super copines, c’est trop cool! ” Ha ha ! #lasciencedesrêves
    Bisou à toi !
    ps: il est passé l’article ou Chris raconte le premier date ? Je m’en vais fureter…

  • Stella from the Pyrenèes March, 23 2016, 7:25 / Reply

    If you ever get to Barcelona, let’s say for book signin, let me know!
    I would like to smile at you and give you a big hug, just as I do with my best friends!

  • Merci Garance pour ce post. Cela respire l’amour, l’amour pour tes lectrices, l’amour pour son prochain, dont on a tellement besoin aujourd’hui et demain. In need of so much love in these dark times.
    Bisous & Hugs from Belgium.

  • Merci pour vos ondes positives, merci, merci, merci !

  • Je suis à NY dans 10 jours et je veux bien passer te faire un bisou!

  • Jane with the noisy terrier March, 23 2016, 9:11 / Reply

    Great post. You perfectly summed up why all of your readers feel such a strong connection with you. One of my few regrets in moving to South Carolina from NYC is that I won’t run into you anymore. Well, you do have a SC connection now so perhaps it’s time to come visit Hilton Head Island! Bisous!

  • Les “tranches de pain au lait” m’ont renversé! Garance, ton humour est vraiment décapant!

  • Such a great post and a great timing, as I just met you a couple of weeks ago at your book signing in Berlin. I still kick myself for not being a better conversationalist (and starting our conversation with “I am not so good at small talk…”) and telling you how much of an inspiration you are to me. At the time I thought it would be “so American” to compliment you and perhaps sound fake (after so many people probably saying the same thing)… but now I regret it. Alas, the moment has passed, but perhaps we’ll have the opportunity to meet again one day.

    But after (at least) 8 years of reading your posts the best thing about meeting you was seeing that you are just as kind and genuine (and beautiful!!!) in person as you come across online. (Just wish I had told you that in person ;)

  • J.VERMEULEN March, 23 2016, 1:16 / Reply

    Bonjour Garance,
    J’ai trouvé ton post trés amusant, moi qui t’ai vu le 8 mars dernier à Bastille, rue du faubourg St Antoine et qui ai hésité à t’aborder ” ouh là là elle est seule je ne vais pas la deranger ” A la table d’un café avec une amie ( d’Ota ;) ) ; j ai tant hesité que tu as disparu alors que mon amie disait ” vas y c est le moment de lui parler de toi ”
    Je voulais te proposer une visite de mon atelier, je suis artiste plumassier et j’aurai voulu te faire découvrir mon univers. J’aimerais vraiment te montrer mon travail durant la prochaine fashion week. Qu’en penses-tu ?
    Bises de Paris,


  • Voilà pourquoi on t’aime! Bisous

  • Une petite merveille cet article !
    Tu me donnes l’impression que tout est possible, qu’on peut réussir sans changer d’un pouce!
    Merci d’être toi!



  • Céline March, 23 2016, 5:32 / Reply

    Promis la prochaine fois que je te croise je viendrai, la dernière fois c’était en septembre, à la sortie du défilé Isabel Marant .. je n’ai pas osé venir te saluer .. résultat j’ai fait des trous dans la tête de tout le monde pendant une semaine, en chouinant “j’aurais du aller dire bonjour à Garance/ Garance est géniale/je suis trop nulle d’avoir eu peur/Garance est géniale”

    du coup je te l’écris: Garance! tu es géniale

  • Best post ever !!! J’ai adoré l’humour, les histoires, tout !


  • Coucou Garance! j’ai eu l’immense plaisir de te rencontrer à Paris lors de la dédicace ton livre — et tu étais tout aussi géniale, éblouissante, et authentique que je ne me l’imaginais… j’étais sur un petit nuage de bonheur pendant toute la semaine ^^
    ps: il faudra absolument que tu ailles à Tahiti et ses îles un de ces jours!! :)

  • I love you and your book was amazing.

  • Your book has help me get through my divorce. And your blog has been a highlight in my day since I started reading it. Never doubt the reach of sharing yourself so authentically with the world. You are one special lady.

  • Ouiii moi aussi j’ai envie de te voir en vrai !! :D
    (viens en Suisse alleeezz)
    Sinon j’adore ton illustration, et j’ai l’impression de voir ta soeur.

  • Katalina March, 24 2016, 3:54

    Ouii, ce serait super si tu venais en Suisse, je suis d’accord!! :) Bisous, j’ai vraiment adoré ton livre!

  • Manuela March, 24 2016, 4:53 / Reply

    Quand tu viendras a Rome?
    Merci! Bisous

  • La véritable question est là: était-ce un paquet de tranches de pain au lait, ou de la crème brûlée? ;)

  • Saw you at Fashion Week, Dior show last September. You and Scott were talking but the conversation looked uncomfortable. I didn’t think it was the right moment to say “hi”, but took a few photos of the encounter because it was the inimitable “Garance”. Enjoyed this piece.

    Janine Claire

  • Chouette post…
    je reste obnubilée par le small talk que tu as dû faire à Jon Hamm. Ça mérite un article, raconte!

  • Mathilde ROUSSELOT March, 26 2016, 3:56 / Reply

    Dix milles bisous qui pètent.

  • Margaret March, 28 2016, 2:59 / Reply

    Great post! Love the way you are -exceptional and the same time just like us – true woman, not a bombastic star from other dimension of the galaxy.
    Hello from Poland : )

  • Pimastreet March, 28 2016, 3:23 / Reply

    Que dire de plus : tu es une personne magnifique :-*

  • I as always love your writing and your wry sense of humor about yourself. I really identified with this article because although no where near the stature of you I have garnered a bit of a following, especially on Instagram and now at least every other day someone on the subway or the street will ask me if I am the Accidental Icon. I find it beyond comprehension and am so moved when they ask to take a photo with me. Like you, I am unbelievably touched and humbled by the things people say. You once told me when I first started blogging to be authentic and I never forget to be. Your advice made all the difference in the world. Thank you!

    Accidental Icon

  • Could I love this woman any more? Was lucky to chat with her at a stop on the book tour and she was just as delightful in person as on the page :)

  • Ok, so I’m saying HEEEELOOO!!! :)

    “Let’s get some creme brule!” hahaha You made my day – thank you so much!

    Bisous :*

  • T’es cool Garance!
    Keep going…
    Et Bonjour et bisous


  • CecileMaki March, 30 2016, 12:10 / Reply

    J’adorerais pouvoir te dire de vive voix que tout ce que tu écris m’inspire, et me fait sourire!
    En attendant, je continuerai à laisser des petits messages de temps à autre pour dire comme j’apprécie ton travail et celui de ton équipe ;)

  • Barbara March, 31 2016, 7:24 / Reply

    Bonjour Garance !

    Je tenais à te laisser un message particulier aujourd’hui… Je suis venue à ta dédicace au Bon Marché en décembre. C’était vers la fin (je t’ai même demandé de signer un second livre pour une amie qui n’avait pas été autorisée à faire la queue, faute d’être arrivée à l’heure).
    J’étais très impressionnée d’être à côté de toi. Je n’ai pas osé parler (alors que j’avais des tas de questions en tête). Tu m’as demandé ce que je faisais. Je t’ai dit que je venais d’obtenir le barreau et que j’étais sur le point de partir vivre un an à NY. Tu m’as rétorqué que les américains étaient hyper sérieux concernant le droit, que c’était un truc très important (ou quelque chose comme ça).
    Depuis décembre, j’en sais un peu plus sur mon année aux USA. Je vais passer un an à Columbia pour étudier.
    Même si je dois mon admission à mon parcours universitaire, je ne peux pas nier que des personnes totalement extérieures à mes études ont réellement motivé cette envie de partir un an à NY. Plus précisément, il y a deux personnes. Tu es l’une d’elles (la seconde personne est Casey Neistat).

    Je te lis depuis des années. J’ai commencé à te lire à la fin du lycée je pense (et le lycée est terminé depuis presque 8 ans maintenant). Ce n’est pas rien de lire quotidiennement une personne entre 16/17 ans et 24 ans. Ca marque et ça inspire. J’ai suivi le début du blog, ton départ à NY. La vie que tu nous racontes là bas, les changements que tu vis, les aventures qui t’arrivent m’ont inspirés. Des tas de fois je me suis dit “moi aussi j’ai envie de faire ce changement” même pour une courte période.
    C’est un peu bête mais on trouve la motivation là où elle est. Surtout pour des grands projets. Je ne suis pas quelqu’un qui arrive à prendre des décisions importantes toute seule. J’ai besoin qu’on me pousse un peu. Indirectement ton blog m’a poussé.

    Ton livre a confirmé cet envie. Quand j’ai lu ce livre, j’ai eu l’impression de lire une gourou du bien être, qui me disait de poursuivre mes envies.
    Une amie très proche vivait un moment assez dur à ce moment là. Je lui ai passé ton livre très rapidement en lui disant que ça allait l’inspirer et l’aider à prendre du recul.

    Voilà. C’est pas très ordonné ce message. Tu nous dis souvent “merci” : merci d’être là, de te lire, de t’écouter, te soutenir, te suivre… Mais merci aussi à toi. Tu as eu un impact très concret et très important dans ma vie. Dans une certaine mesure, tu as contribué à réaliser un de mes rêves.

    J’espère te croiser dans les rues de NY. Je n’hésiterai pas à te dire bonjour !

  • OK, le “C’est qui celle-là ?” m’a tuée… Merci d’être aussi drôle !
    Caro de Pensées de ronde et toi, vous êtes les deux plus marrantes, au fond !

  • Alors je n’hésiterai pas, si un jour on se croise …. :)

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