In The Know

The Del Val #77

9 years ago by

It’s August 2015 and your first instinct for drinks tonight could very well be this, but in the name of nonconformity, please resist. See, it’s more interesting to not always follow the crowd, isn’t it?

Speaking of nonconforming, this one seems to march to her own beat, and people seem to respond. Doesn’t her last name seem to fit her on-screen personas perfectly?

Does any other food item have more original and effective names to warn against consuming them?

You may be familiar with this man’s brilliance, but let us now praise him regardless for no other reason than because people who think deeply should always be recognized.

It’s been said there are two kinds of people in this world… which are you?

Here is great advice for any aspiring writer, but it also applies to so much more in life. And our own little addition: Society needs more readers and fewer writers.

This is likely going to be very popular this weekend. Make sure you’re prepared.

Your latest time-waster. For when only a real emoji, and not a graphic one, will do.


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