The Del Val #70
9 years ago by
Want to guarantee people stare at you on the street? Then be seen with one of these on your head.
Obituary of a man whose work we know you’re familiar with #1.
Obituary of a man whose work we know you’re familiar with #2.
Look around, most people wear awful, unflattering sunglasses, don’t they? If you stick with Ray-Bans you will be fine in any situation—classic as classic gets.. And now you can make them your own.
Ah taste, so few have a good sense of it (see again above), so here is how to help hone yours.
Watch out, these 11 historic American locations are on this year’s endangered list. Best to visit soon for who knows how lies their fate.
There are no rules for collecting art, but it sure does help to get some advice from people who have already made the jump into the game.
If you use Gmail and have ever regretted sending an email, your moments of misfire are over.
Your latest time-waster. Keep an eye on the clock once you go into the rabbit hole of your favorite #…