Seeing the Southwest
7 years ago by

Last week when I was on vacation (ahh, vacation…), I did a roadtrip through the Southwest. We drove from Santa Fe to Las Vegas, with lots of stops in between. It’s such an amazing part of the country with a landscape that’s such a contrast to New York. I grew up in Colorado, so have been to this part of the world before. But it’s so interesting re-visiting places at different phases of your life. Certain places I went on this trip I’d been before (like the Grand Canyon- I visited right after I graduated college). Going back, it felt the same, but also very different as I’m in such a different place in my life. What do you think, do you have places you’ve visited over and over but they feel different as you change as a person?
It’s interesting to revisit places and notice how they’ve changed and we’ve changed. When I was a child I’d go from NY to Paris and other parts of France every couple of years to spend part of summer with my Grandparents. It was really special to discover a new culture and I always loved it . When they were no longer alive I rarely went to France and took the time to travel more in the USA. Now in my fifties ,I’m having the best time revisiting Paris and find it even more magical. There are wonderful memories and I still love a lot of the same things I did younger. There are also so many new places to discover and I feel free.