See Caroline!
9 years ago by

Cancel your Friday plans!
Caroline de Maigret is giving a talk here in New York, timed with fashion week. She’ll be hosting a discussion on what’s necessary in order to attain true Parisienne style (which we agree she is an authority on).
See her this Friday, February 13th at 7pm at the French Institute Alliance Française. All event details here.
I wouldn’t miss it for the world! The queen of Dainty and Chic giving advise!!! Yayay!
Will you provide a streaming of the event??? Please!!!
XOX, Gap.
Lovely woman, wish she was speaking on almost any other topic. I am SO tired of all the “Parisienne Style” harpings everywhere.
I couldn’t agree more.
I’m truly a fan of her!
Très curieuse de l’entendre!;)
I must say I quite not get this whole concept of “la parisienne” … As though the parisian woman was the quintessence of the French woman ? Oddly this dichotomy does not exist in any other country !
I totally adore her. She is a true beauty not only because of her face but her intelligence and integrity, too. I wish she came to London.
Est-ce que l’on pourrait arrêter avec le style de la “vraie parisienne”… Ca devient vraiment ridicule a la fin.
(Et je precise que je suis nee a Paris…)
@ Zohra : Je suis tout à fait d’accord avec toi.
Moi aussi je n’en peux plus du soi disant style de la Parisienne, je pense que c’ est un concept marketing destiné aux étrangers…Je n’ai rien contre Caroline de Maigret, mais pour moi ce type de conférence ne fait que véhiculer des clichés qu’ on retrouve dans tous les magazines de mode ….Pour connaitre le style des parisiennes, il vaut mieux regarder les filles dans le métro , c’ est un meilleur indicateur que Caroline de Maigret qui fait partie d’un cercle de privilégiés qui ne reflètent pas du tout la réalité de Paris!
tout à fait d’accord, je n’aurais pas dit mieux
J’adore son style, son allure.
I enjoyed the book enough. Loved the bit about “Take the Time…” Love the idea of contradiction and living life like a fiction, enjoying drama, enjoying life, quoi! That said, kind of tired of the bangs in face and really long dark hair look. Sometimes I do consider going back to it; is flattering and I suppose that is why it is popular. Caroline de M, Carla Bruni, Lou Doillon, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Jeanne Damas – their hair is all the same! OK, Jeanne’s clothing style is maybe some kind of cool BCBG while Carla is maybe BoBo and the others are rock chick or something, but I think une coupe a la Garance (ou l’autre Parisienne ne plus ultra, Ines) is much more fabulous. The women on the jacket of that book – How to Be Parisian – all look a bit boring to me. Their hair is certainly blown out, never mind lauding the no hairdryer idea. Anyway, why is Caroline de Maigret still smoking?!
But if I were in NY I’d definitely go.