Read This!
9 years ago by

So I’ve always dreamt of doing readings of my book (yes, yes, like in Sex and the City, am I that predictable?). And I will probably do some on my book tour actually… But, for now, I thought it could be fun to film one, so here it is!
It’s a extract from a text I wrote for the Elegance section of the book. Hope you like it!!!
And don’t forget – it’s my first stop on my book tour tonight!! All dates here, but come join me at Club Monaco at 6pm today if you’re in NY – sign in right here!!!
Chouette idée :)! Mais on ne peut pas voir la vidéo, elle est privée
Pouvez vous arranger ça ?
Merci et félicitations pour un si bel aboutissement
Garance, a huge congratulations!! I’m very excited to see you in LA!
bon courage dans ton parcours :)
Thank you, I enjoyed it very very much!
I love the video bits you are doing, so much fun to watch. Please keep them coming :)
I was so happy to receive the shipping notification from Amazon yesterday!
Can’t wait to read the book
Loved it!! You’re so funny!!
I want this book!
Kiss kiss.*Jo
loved the video!
Merci belle Garance !
You are adorable and I loved your reading! Just made my children watch you:-D
So true about that hello! Like it, and congratulations for the book!
Garance, I’ve been following your blog for years. Although I have very little to do with fashion, I love style, and I love the way yours has evolved and the way you write. I’ve relly enjoyed the book, it’s beautiful. Congratulations x
bravo et….bravo et aussi……merci ….j’ai coupé mon jean noir et……c’est impeccable…merci encore
I work in a really nice (small) boutique and you would be surprised how many people don’t say hello (or goodbye) when they come in. It can be a bit disheartening, especially on a shitty day. I always make sure to make eyecontact and say hello/goodbye, whether I’m working or visiting another store. Common courtesy, people (you’d think!).
Love this! Funny, informative, and as always, entertaining :)
Gé-nial! Firt, you’re a great actress, and deuzio, on lear son english en vous écoutant!
Garance, votre accent est charmant. J’aime beaucoup votre fraicheur et votre joie de vivre. C’est contagieux !
Un point de vue très juste sur ce mot si simple. Dans mon boulot ( je suis prof ) , les plus mal élevés ne sont pas ceux que l’on croit: certains collègues ne vous disent plus bonjour après un différent professionnel …pour ma part je prends toujours soin de saluer les gens même si ce ne sont pas mes amis . C’est un peu rude quand la personne ne répond pas … Super Asshole!
Marrant et tellement vrai…grrrr !!!
Sympa cette lecture et je trouve la couverture du livre très chouette !
Le livre sort où en France ? j’espère que nous l’aurons aussi en anglais