Overnight Sensation
9 years ago by

Now that we’re transitioning a little into hibernation mode as fall sets in, we’ve been thinking – and talking – a little more about sleep rituals…
It’s also that time when skin really dries out, and I always find it a little difficult to find something that’s moisturizing but won’t be too much for my combination / oily skin type. But I’ve been trying this new overnight hydrating gel (it’s clear, so I’m putting it in that category!) from Skin Inc, and I really love it. Mainly because it does about a million a few things in one.
It’s an intense moisturizing that isn’t too thick and gluggy, so it’s great at dealing with the dry patches (gross, I know, but a reality!!), and you can leave it on overnight kind of like a mask in a thicker form when needed, then it’s also acts as an under eye cream… And it’s also a great size for travel…
I’ve also been trying some other products, including the most amazing multipurpose Divine Oil by Caudalie… And I think it might finally be time to invest in a hairdryer (it’s getting just a little too cold for air dry!)
How does your beauty routine change as the weather changes?
Pure Deepsea Hydrating Mask, Skin Inc.
As an ezcema sufferer I have to watch my skin and react as it does to the elements and anything else. For body and especially hands where my ezcema can be at its worst, I have to up cream and lotions. Thicker but not greasy. Holding moisture. I like Moroccan oil for body or This Works Dry Leg Oil it’s great everywhere and also great in the Summer too. Otherwise VaniCream in the big old tub is a lifesaver.
Thankfully my face has not had ezcema issues so I switch up my Carita and Decleor gel cream, serum, cream etc for the needs of my skin. I try to get regular facials and that helps. But really just listening to the skin and using what works.
I’ll try this hydrating mask, thanks Neada! In winter I just use more Nivea cream and chapstick.
gonna try this mask
I have dry skin, so i will have to give this a try!
One must not forget the legendary Midnight Recovery Concentrate Oil by Kiehl’s. They recently got a daytime concentrate and I’ve tried the sample and it’s aaaamazing!
La peau sèche et la peau déshydratée, ça n’a rien à voir…
I have been thinking the same about my “hibernation” beauty routine. It’s the best time to maximize results and relax ourselves and skin! Thanks for the post. xx, Corinne
I’ve just been switching my routine over from summer to winter! I am currently OBSESSED (like force all my friends to buy it obsessed) with Tatcha’s Camellia cleanser — you put it on dry and it takes off all your make up and dry skin just comes off, which sounds gross (and maybe it’s a little gross) but then you rinse it and it turns into a milky cleanser — I normally follow up with the rice enzyme powder and/or la roche posay effaclear at night– and you are left with the softest, glowiest skin.
Le plus facile à mon sens est de se faire un beau masque 100% beurre de karité deux fois par semaine et d’éviter au max le contact avec l’eau, surtout si elle sent le chlore et/ou est calcaire…
The new agreement was announced in depth by city attorney Erin Smith.
We could make them as carefully and consistently as you can.
Quand le temps rafraichit, j’ai la peau qui tire et qui gratte et les cheveux qui se dessèchent. Mon truc miracle, c’est le lait Eucerin atopic control 12 % oméga. J’en mets sur le corps, sur les mains avant de sortir, sur le visage et même en avant champoing. C’est un des indispensables que je rachète tout le temps.