8 years ago by

Do you bodega?
The first time I heard the word ‘bodega’ was actually in LA. A friend insisted on calling the junk food filled mini shops near our house in Echo Park a bodega… I really didn’t get it. Only once I moved to New York did the term really resonate. I for one, don’t know what I would do without them…
Who else is there for you at 3am when you neeeeeeeed that grilled cheese with pickles. Or there when you really want to hang that photo at 8:15pm and of course the hardware store is closed, or when you forgot to get the special dog food for Rover, so instead buy whatever weird brand is available. Life without the bodega in New York would be miserable, and I’m happy to show my love with a sweatshirt.
Sweatshirt, Harvey Faircloth.
I love my Bodega and hope the feeling is mutual.
As in “grocery store”, la bodega…
Ha, bodega is a word in Spanish that means, among other things, grocery store. In several Spanish speaking countries, you have one around the corner, they sell everything!!!
Et les bodega cats de NY, on en parle ? Mon gros coup de coeur à Brooklyn que ces chats nonchalamment posés sur les cageots de fruits ou au détour d’un rayon !
Petit florilège ici :
The only place I’ve ever heard this term used for stores was in NY, nowhere else.
J’adore !!
We call it mama shop in Singapore ;)