Let's Talk About

1 Year!

8 years ago by

1 Year!

Incredible, INCREDIBLE!!! My book Love Style Life came out exactly one year ago today.


1) Time is going by incredibly fast.
2) That was an incredible time in my life.
3) The success of my book, which is now a Best Seller translated into 14 languages is incredibly amazing to me.

Now, I’m going to give myself a compliment or two. No, just one, but it’s an important one: I’m really proud of this book and its journey. I love that it’s traveled all over the world, I love that it’s touched you on so many different levels. I love that it’s been like a friend to some of you. I love that a lot of you hold it close to your heart when you come up to me, and that I see my book with the pages marked, like a companion.

And now, I want to tell you something in confidence. I always dreamed that when I grew up, I’d be a kind of guide. I imagined myself as a psychologist, or writing books, sharing things I had learned. Giving out light, love, perspective. I knew I had to live to be able to do that. I didn’t see myself as being a very young guide. I saw it as a privilege that comes with the years. I don’t know where I got those ideas, exactly.

But to me, Love Style Life was a first step in that direction. A little bit subconscious, but still. So the fact that it’s found a home in so many lives touches me even more deeply. A real dream of mine has come true, and I can’t wait to take it even further.

In the meantime, thank you for your incredible confidence in me, and your support. Thank you for helping me make my dreams a reality. I hope that in my own way, I’m able to help you make yours come true too.

Images from @alenaganzhela, @karrie.zhu, @catcooee, @30wtrampkach, @marte_marie_forsberg, @sosoftsunday


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  • Jennifer October, 27 2016, 7:01 / Reply

    Garance, I adore this book! I love all its pages and read it over and over again. You are so right, it is like a guide and a companion. It brightens my day and has helped me clean out my wardrobe. Now I want to buy it in French!
    Merci xo

  • I just read your book two days ago! I enjoyed reading about your former relationships. It was very moving to learn that breaking up with your boyfriend as you were nearing 40 was the most courageous thing you’ve done in your life. For me finding the love of my life was the hardest/most courageous thing I’ve ever done. I’m amazed that I somehow found someone who surpassed all of my dreams and expectations. xoxo

  • Congratulations! I love your book and plan on gifting it to some favorite friends this Xmas!


  • Please write another one

  • Isabelle October, 28 2016, 1:52 / Reply

    Joyeux Anniversaire à votre ouvrage, Garance ! C’est un très bel écho à votre site, plein de vie, de générosité et de simplicité. Personnellement, sa lecture m’a fait rire, m’a émue et m’a fait réfléchir. Donc oui, vous êtes un guide et une amie pour nous, et vous pouvez être fière. Et personnellement, je suis ravie d’avoir mon exemplaire dédicacé ;)

  • Beautiful words, I’m so happy for you! And that book is one of my favorites – actually I just included it in my “monthly” favorites (hate that term). But Garance, I need a second part! Because that would be more than uh-mazing.

  • I just teared up! Garance, you are magnificent.

  • J’en lisais des passages aujourd’hui même…

  • I actually came across your book today. I saw it in a bookshop and I loved it so much I could not leave the shop without buying it. It’s beautiful, light and inspiring! Happy anniversary!

  • After all this time I finally ordered your book. I don’t know what kept me from doing so before other than possibly thinking G might find her way to Vancouver and then in person I would take it for her to sign (not that having a book autographed is my thing). It’s just that I’ve been following this blog for years, before the team began and then grew to where it is now. I think it is the only fair thing to do for long time followers – order the book. Happy Holidays to the whole team. Wishing all the best (as if it can get any better?) for 2017!

  • What is that Polish text? So surprised to see it here <3

    Congrats ;)

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