the new active sportswear fashion ellie trainer garance dore photos

The New Active

9 years ago by

While we slow down and enjoy summer, it seems like the perfect time for embracing the late setting sun and warm early mornings with some much needed exercise.

Recently, while doing the former (the whole doing nothing on a beach enjoyment), I came across a new activewear store called Bandier — filled with brands I’d never seen before, styles I couldn’t believe weren’t already in my growing spandex-sponsored repertoire. I wanted everything, and it actually made me want to exercise more! Or find ways to integrate these pieces into my everyday wardrobe…

the new active sportswear fashion ellie trainer garance dore photos

It had us thinking about all of the girls you see in New York in what would seem to be workout gear, but could just be a cool outfit — like the downtown girl who works in a leather jacket with yoga pants, or the girl who makes you regret discarding the various bike short styles from the nineties… And did you know that jean sales fell 6% last year, while yoga pants climbed 7%?!! (pun intended?)

We’re not quite saying yoga pants are the new jean, but why not have fun when going to and from classes? It feels like a great excuse to step up your sportswear game and jump around in some of the newest looks activewear has to offer.

Do you ever style your activewear with more everyday pieces?

the new active sportswear fashion ellie trainer garance dore photos
the new active sportswear fashion ellie trainer garance dore photos

Look 1/ Sweatshirt, PLAY Comme des Garcons; Polka Dot Sweater, PLAY Comme des Garcons; Shorts, Koral; Sneakers, Axel Arigato. Look 2/ Camo Pant, C3Fit; Grey Sports Bra, Outdoor Voices; White Tank Top, Aday; Leather Jacket, Alexander Wang; Sneakers, Nike; Sunglasses, Smoke Mirrors; Blue Bag, Mark CrossLook 3/ Purple Sports Bra, Koral; White Pant, Koral; Red Slides, Alexander Wang; Backpack, Alexander Wang.



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  • Je trouve ça pas mal, car après tout pourquoi cloisonner ses fringues ? C’est aussi la mode bousculer les codes !
    J’ai un pantalon de jogging en coton que je porte indifféremment pour le sport ou pour “la ville”.


  • Je trouve ça vraiment cool comme style mais perso, je ne l’ai jamais encore fait!!!
    J’aime associer des pièces de styles différents : très chics/casual mais jamais encore combiné de pièces de fitness dans une tenue pour sortir.
    J’aime beaucoup la tenue deux en tout cas!!!

    Le monde des petites

  • i have been doing this look for many years: i find it odd that people need “permission” to do it themselves! :)

  • Love it….but it might be a look for skinny girls only :-)

    Thanks for sharing and love from Germany,!on-almightiness/cmbz/559ae52a0cf28e68712c7f4e


  • Active wear belongs to the active on their way to being active. Period. I cannot get over how many women seem to choose active-wear as their go-to in summer. Such a lazy style choice.

  • oh il y y a plein de belles choses ici!
    allez moi aussi je retourne à rien à faire!

  • I do graphic design for them, and i looove this blog! Nice to see this full circle :)

  • The outfits above are quite nice — it does mean you need to be fit, though.

    I’ve often wondered if style is heading towards the looks in sci-fi movies etc. like Buck Rogers and Battlestar Galactica, where everything is skin tight. The outfits above aren’t far off what they wore in the Buck Rogers tv show back around 1980.

  • I have a friend who styles her Lululemon yoga pants with non active wear and looks amazing. I tried this once for a long flight as it is way more comfortable than jeans and chicer than sweatpants!
    Have you tried any of these anti gravity type classes? I just fell for aerial yoga!

  • Valentine Gandanger July, 7 2015, 10:22 / Reply

    Bien obligé de porter des jogging pour aller en cours de danse, c’est devenu un jeu d’être habillé en sportive décontracté MAIS un brin classe quand même !

    Comme m’a dit je ne sais plus qui un jour, se sentir belle en tenue de sport nous pousse à vraiment nous donner à font dans le sport ! Ne serait-ce pas la clé Garance ? Allier la mode à la Healthylife ?

  • Clotilde July, 7 2015, 10:28 / Reply

    Il me semblait que les yoga pants avaient été frappés d’interdiction sur ce blog il n’y a pas si longtemps….qu’ils faisaient too much et vraiment pas classe, genre cagole new-yorkaise. Les créateurs auraient réussi à le rendre présentable ?

  • Caroline July, 7 2015, 10:32 / Reply

    En bonne française un peu classique, je dis non. On m’a appris enfant et ado à ne jamais porter de jogging en ville. Ca vaut pour la brassière (pas possible à Paris, de toute manière) et le pantalon de yoga (même si ce dernier est terriblement confortable). Un peu de tenue! D’ailleurs, ce serait bien, une marque de fringue chic qui ferait du sportswear un peu vintage/ chic…

  • Flore July, 7 2015, 1:53

    Tout à fait d’accord! Même pour aller chercher mon journal au coin de la rue, je n’ose pas porter un jogging, je me change! Par contre je prends mon pied certains soirs à me prélasser en vieux “survet'” chez moi…
    J’ai toujours trouvé, même chez la plus belle des nanas, qu’un jogging, même associé à des fringues classes, rendait la dite nana un brin vulgos, voire racaille… Peut-être que selon l’environnement, nous changeons nos perceptions? Car j’ai l’impression qu’à New-York, cela ne me paraîtrait pas du tout vulgos… (tiens, cela ferait un bon sujet de blog, à la “et vous qu’en pensez vous?”).

  • j’adore les tenues les photos sont magnifiques ton sac a dos est très beau , ton blog est l’un de mes préférer , je suis aussi une bloggeuse et j’aimerais bien que tu vas voir mon blog et merci :* !!

  • Jennifer July, 7 2015, 12:39 / Reply

    I can work in Black yoga pants and leggings on most occasions they pair so easily with jackets and sweaters. Old Adidas Jackets look cool with distressed jeans. But so many women in my area live in their workout clothes now, that I don’t wear them unless I am actually working out. Maybe I can just restyle them to work them in without looking like everyone else.

    I love the white mesh looking Koral Pants but cannot find them on the website :(

  • ainhoa July, 7 2015, 1:04 / Reply

    d’habitude juste les baskets…mais la semaine dernière j’ai mis une mini-jupe jean et avec la chaleur j’ai eu du mal a marcher à cause de froissement dans las zone des abducteurs quoi… je marchais à petit honte….:))), alors le temps que je fasse un plus de sport pour perdre un peu de cellulite j’ai pensé à mettre en dessous de la mini-jupe un short que je mets quand j’y vais en vélo … mais finalement j’ai demandé à ma mère… elle a cherché dans son placard et j’ai choisi de mettre son shorty Mixa par Lytess, elle me l’a gentiment donnée tellement j’ai adoré :) !

  • In the fall/winter, I like to pair an oversized grey sweatshirt with really chic trousers/skirt/jeans/whatever on the bottom. I hate looking too “put together” but I also like to dress up, so it seems like the best mix of the two!

  • I just found out about this line-very pretty work out gear, but I just can’t wrap my arms around using it as a style statement (I love the French girl look too much!)…I would def use it for skateboarding, hiking, and biking this summer! xo

    adorn la femme

  • Hi Garance! I am a writer for a Mexican airline inflight magazine (Revista Interjet) an article called Fashionista. I am soooo honoured to read this article & find out that we are on the same fashion sensor. My June article spoke exactly about the same idea you are talking about in this piece.
    With you writing this, I´m on the right track!!! wow.

  • You should check out Dion Lee for Target in Aus, those pieces will suit this look perfectly!

  • Time for doing sport ;)


  • I love the idea but haven’t tried it yet. Will do ????

  • Carlotta July, 10 2015, 3:09 / Reply

    Ew, no. I do get the sporty trend and I’m not the biggest denim fan either, but let’s leave the yoga pants for what they are made for: the yoga.

    Yoga pants + leather jacket = abomination.


  • yeah, mix and max to improve our style! Nice!

  • I like wearing activewear in everyday life. I am pretty active, though ;) The first criteria for me when dressing up or buying new clothes is: can I ride my bike in this?
    However, I wouldn’t go to university in leggings or just a sports-top. There needs to be some balance.

  • I’d love to wear yoga pants all day long but I haven’t found ones which would allow me do this.

  • J’addore ce style ! Bravvo j’ai bien aimé surtout le pantalon en Blanc

  • You look so beautiful! Love this look.

  • Martine July, 15 2015, 6:24 / Reply

    I love sports wear. But the same applies as to pants. Leggings that are low hung on the hips are tacky. If you wear them as pants, they should come up to just below the belly button, not three inches below it.

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