
10 years ago by

I stole this belt from my step-dad (who’s the sweetest step-dad in the world – he had an amazing wardrobe AND he always pretended like he didn’t notice when I took his shirts for myself!) The belt’s got to be at least… pffff, I don’t know, I must have been 15?

I used to wear it with my boyfriend jeans, the super low rise ones.

And it’s stuck with me ever since.

These Ralph Lauren belts last forever and they never go out of style. I love them. You can still find them in shops today – which means it’s a true classic, a real one, really really!

Of course, my belt collection has grown since then – I have belts that are more feminine, more stylish, more everything — but this belt is one of the things I’ve taken me with me all over and I’ve had it forever.

I hope I won’t ever lose it.


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  • ahhhh les eternels basics wanted de papa… PAREIL! je me rappelle surtout lui avoir piqué TOUTES ses lunettes de soleil, les vraies vintage Rayban, playboy, Carrera … <3

  • i have rarely used belts in my life: i don’t know why i don’t like them… :)

  • Love this kind of belts. I know a très chic shop in San Sebastian (spain) where you would find the best ones: BOX

  • Classic and perfect on jeans, on sweater..with everything!

    New post on lowbudget-lowcost Fashion Blog

  • I have an old school Levi’s one that I think of in just the same way. The kind of classic, quality, versatile piece that is likely to outlive me.

  • This is strange because I don’t own a belt… I never ever wear one or feel like I need one. I don’t wear anything that needs them, my jeans all fit well and I always thought it breaks up your body, which is a bad thing. Am I missing out?!

  • C’est vraiment drôle, mais cette semaine je me retrouve vraiment dans tes posts (bien que cela soit presque toujours le cas en fait ^^). Mon père m’a donnée une ceinture à lui quand j’avais 14 ans et elle ne m’a jamais quittée. Elle était en cuir marron comme la tienne avec une broderie d’inspiration cowboy comme il l’avait ramenée des Etats-Unis. Je l’aimais tellement sauf que je ne peux plus la porter car elle est trop petite (mon père était vraiment mince pendant sa jeunesse) et c’est vraiment triste car elle était imprégnée d’un souvenir. C’est un accessoire que l’on ne pense pas tout de suite à piquer aux hommes comme la chemise, le manteau, etc alors qu’en fait c’est vraiment classe et comme tu dis increvable.

  • I love the idea of belts and the look of them … on other people, but I have never been able to pull them off. I have a waist and I’m tall, but it somehow never looks right to wear a cinched waist – it just makes my hips look bigger, and wearing it on said hips defeats the purpose and also most of the belts I’ve invested in are too short for that (size 26 – what was I thinking?). And much like wearing control top tights – I just can’t stand feeling restricted around the abdomen. But I admire people who know how to wear them.

  • Pearl I think having a large hip to waist ration is awesome and try to play it up as much a possible when I dress. Hips are (one) an expression of femininity and a beautiful part of being a woman.

  • I wish i could show you my belt. I found it in a box of old men clothes when i was 11 ( i am 40 now ) I still have it ! It’s a tooled leather with a landscape etched in it. It is my favorite thing i own and i want to keep it forever.

    I am lucky that i get to do some really great thrifting and just found a nice Ralph Lauren belt. I am goingto wear it tomorrow !

  • Nini piccola January, 16 2014, 11:09 / Reply

    J’adore ça…

  • Ooooh! I have a similar belt that I’ve had for years and years and I love it!

  • C’est tellement difficile de trouver une bonne ceinture! J’ai un modèle Comptoir des Cotonniers que j’ai acheté en soldes, je ne porte que celle-là et cela jusqu’à sa digne mort!
    En tout cas cette ceinture Ralph Lauren a bien supporté l’épreuve du temps!
    Mafalda ?

  • This a fun read, I remember when I used to steal my dads 70’s ties and use them as head bands. He was not so happy about it ha! Glad to say I am over that phase. xx

  • Great to hear that you too borrow from your male family members too! I spend my life stealing shirts, socks and accessories from my boyfriend….sometimes menswear is the only way to achieve that effortless, laid-back slouchy look.

  • L'épingle January, 17 2014, 6:11 / Reply

    j’ai la ceinture de louveteau de mon père (années quarante). Géniale, super costaud, réglable, juste le bon poids pour bien de poser sur les hanches. Jamais je ne la lâcherai.
    D’autant que c’est une vraie prise de guerre car nous sommes cinq frères et soeurs. Mais je suis la plus rapide, quand il s’agit des garde-robes.
    Sur la boucle, il est écrit : “être prêt”…

  • J’adore cette ceinture, elle a un look masculin; j’aime aussi la couleur naturelle, c un must-have :)

    New on my French blog:

    Black and Gold


  • Your belt is lovely but I hate wearing belts! I know it’s a little stupid but I love love love pants with gold buttons and well… Belts cover them ;)

  • Je suis pareil avec les ceintures Vivienne Westwood, la Alex belt, elle s’adapte a tout, taille haute, basse et un peu meme la nouer ou utiliser les oeillets, je l’ai dans plusieurs couleurs, un vrai classique inmanquable pour moi.


  • I actually love a worn-in men’s belt. My sister stole my grandpa’s old belt and I’m super jealous. It’s very western inspired but looks so chic with her wardrobe. I’m on a mission for my own worn-in belt to add to my collection. And I have to say, brown leather just adds to the perfectly rugged feel.


  • IMO, jeans must be belted if belt loops are showing, otherwise I feel like the look is unfinished. If the top/shirt/sweater is long enough to cover the waistband entirely, then a belt might mot be necessary. I can’t go without a belt if there are belt loops; it would be like finishing a sentence without punctuation.

  • Un beau cuir, une belle finition, elle est indémodable ! Un basique tu as raison, qu’on porte avec nos tenues légèrement masculines.

  • Tiens, moi aussi ma ceinture préférée me vient de mon père…un ceinturon de l’armée, en cuir brun avec une boucle en métal, hyper sobre – indémodable – pour moi la plus belle ceinture du monde !

  • Vraiment une belle ceinture classique que j’aime porter sur un trench. L’effet est tres chic.
    Je fouine souvent dans les departements Hommes des grands magasins. On y trouve des merveilles !

  • The very ageless and priceless breakage of pure leather, that which makes it elite classic apparel to wear and show off.

    The more the leather ages, it picks up more grace indeed. Very beautiful breakage leather belt. Very very genuine indeed.

    If you’re into European Designers – do check out – REVEL Leather – sheer designer originals leather –

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