Style Story / Morgan
9 years ago by

Men dress so great in the fall, it felt like it was time we toured a man’s wardrobe for a change. Case and point, Morgan, our very first men’s style story!
Along with two friends , Morgan started Saturdays Surf NYC, a cool lifestyle and clothing shop that also happens to serve coffee, sell their bi-annual magazine and yes ok, some handsome guys might work there too.
He’s generally head to toe Saturdays, which makes for a pretty classic wardrobe all year round.
Here are some photos from our visit !

Aaaaaaa, a man on the blog!!! :) Great post!
I love men in Garance Dore!!
XOX, Gap.
i also salute this rare sighting! :)
ps: i love his all black vans! :)
wow, great style!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Love Morgan’s style and this looks like a fun place to visit next time I’m in town!
xx from LA,
Love this photos!
I love his style! il es trop beau
giveaway on my blog
Love these photos!
Voilà 1-2 ans que je ne me retourne quasiment plus dans la rue que sur les tenues des hommes (juste les tenues :-)
Je trouve leur révolution mode très (très très très) réussie et leur vestiaire bien plus intéressant que celui des femmes
Tchou !
I wish British men would dress like this….over hear they seem to favour novelty socks!!
La dernière photo est sublime ! Canon le môônsieur … continue c’est une super idée !
I love seeing men’s style! I find just as much style inspiration from great men’s looks as I do from women’s. :)
Oh lala J’adore….
Bonne journée
Hahaha I agree with Jessica re Brits’ novelty socks! The worse ones on my opinion- matching color toe from M&S! I’m forever trying to convince my friends that real men don’t wear matching color toe socks but to no avail. They say they are very practical. Fortunately, my husband is French and dresses really well. He’s got this laid back cool about him which I love and half the time steal his clothes!
Major high-five.
Une rubrique homes ? Super, car j’aime bien “piquer” des idees dans leurs vestiaires.
J’adore les looks de la deuxieme et derniere photos.
Je trouve la photo en noir et blanc des chaussures alignees tres touchante.
A great addition to the blog. Would love to see a men’s interview too, where they discuss how they go about developing and expanding their personal style.
Hi Garance,
I love your photos and the style is wonderful! Most impressively, I noticed the composition of your photos (as always). I found it very interesting that horizon line and vertical was not straight up and down or completely horizontal. This made for a very visually interesting set of photos, especially when viewed together.
I guess I would never have thought of doing that since I tend to be so straight up and down in my photos and catalog shots. I always find it fun to pick up tips from looking at your photos on focus, lighting, etc. since I am always learning!
Thank you so much for sharing and being such an inspiration!!
Aaaah, so good! Love seeing some menswear on the blog!
Men’s fashion is so great. I love these shots.
beautiful Garance :)
nice work
I used to work retail in the men’s suiting at Fred Segal during college and it makes the list of one of the best jobs I have had thus far. It was so much fun dressing men in suits for work or for special events. It was great to see these serious business men buying corporate suits and to pair it will some crazy Paul Smith socks, just gave some humor and play! People always say its so limited, but I think the options are endless!
Please keep the men’s style stories coming!!
Such great service at Fred Segal, and the girls always had a good sense of humor and made the experience a ton of fun!!
J’an ai mare de tous ces types pas rasés. Enfin je peux le dire quelque part publiquement =>Raz la frange!
Incredible pictures x
These pics are pure Joy!
Just great!! Thanks 4 everything!! All the best, Daniela
Nice style–especially the top pic.
Yeah, du mâle chez GD ! Et puis ce petit air de Linus Roache et de Jake Gyllenhaal à la fois chez Morgan n’est pas désagréable… ;)
Très très stylé le Morgan en effet ! On dirait un peu Jake Gyllenhaal sur la photo en noir & blanc ! ;-)
Le blog à boire au bureau
Very nice addition to your blog…. And I can only imagine that sharing company with fella’s who are this foxy makes you feel okay with being single again.
Enfin les hommes mis en avant sur cet excellent blog ;)
Super style Morgan, I love it ! Vivement la prochaine série style homme, enfin une bonne inspiration pour changer le dressing de mon chéri :)
J’aime bien son style,d’aileurs les looks des hommes sont toujours très intéressants;parce qu’on se rend compte qu’ils ont quand même un petit souci du détails.
C’est d’ailleurs pour ça que j’ai une petite rubrique à ce sujet dans mon blog,ça permet de découvrir des mecs au style cool et à l’univers intéressant:
Beautiful photos!!
My Fantabulous World
Aaaah finalement!!! J’adore vos posts sur les filles mais c’est bien d’avoir notre place chez vous aussi! ;)
Fantastic style and so handsome!
Certo, os homens também precisam vestir acima,portanto, o desgaste é muito bom,Venha aqui para ver, certamente você gosta, fazer você olhar bem vestindo…
Les hommes doivent aussi se déguiser, pas seulement les femmes. Cette usure est très bon,Venez ici pour voir, certainement vous le souhaitez…
Moi, j’aime la mode masculine. J’emprunte, comme beaucoup de femmes, souvent leurs chemises aux hommes, et je me perds souvent dans les rayons hommes pour acheter ces mêmes chemises en voile de coton blanc, souple, petit col parfait et également leur cachemires (amples, V profond sur moi) pour une sensation cocooning. J’aime également la mode masculine portée par les hommes, mais je regrette de ne pas la voir portée dans la rue. Les “cadres sup ou moyens” restent très, trop classiques. Les costumes de qualité et de coupe moyennes, la banalisation des chaussettes (bleu marine, marron, noir, gris). Au secours ! Je veux voir des hommes trendy – mais pas trop – sexy – juste ce qu’il faut, dans les rue parisiennes ! Hommes français réveillez vous ! et s’il vous plait, faîtes-nous rêver !
Absolutely doesn’t hurt to be stylish, and good looking! What a bonus :)
Great pics and post. Like the idea to have men on the blog. It’s a different style and way of introduce e a new concept.
Love his style !