

11 years ago by

This is a photo I took last year in my village of Girolata in Corsica.

I’ve never really told you about what it was like to grow up there because it’s so emotional for me that I wouldn’t even know where to start. My childhood in the untamed nature there effected me so much…

In this place with no cars, no roads, with just a few dozen houses (a few more these days), all the kids grew up together. We were like one big family, sleeping over at each other’s houses, and each one of the adults were kind of like our parents.

Marine was a little like my big sister, even if we’re not related. I always thought she was soooo cool, sublime, mysterious and super sensual.

We always heard that we looked like each other and nothing made me happier. She always was and still is the most beautiful girl in the village !

And she still is to this day, for my sister and me (we were just talking about her actually), the most beautiful girl in the world :)


Add yours
  • C’est vraiment belle. Et radieuse comme vous, Garance. :)

  • elle est belle, t’as raison! :)

  • Elle a le regard doux et joyeux des gens sympathiques en tout cas! ;) belle photo!

  • Tu m’as mis les larmes aux yeux!

  • Marine is gorgeous and she looks so real. I cannot find a better way to put it.


  • Your childhood sounds so fun. New York must be such a change of pace from Corsica. I grew up in Toronto in the heart of the city, taking the subway to school starting at age 11. I wish sometimes that I had spent some time in the country to just be able to run free a bit.
    Gorgeous photo of Marine. you two definitely look a like.
    xo Quinn

    Quinn Cooper Style


  • Quelle belle femme! Et quelle belle déclaration!

  • Not related? That’s impossible! She looks like a sister!! And she is indeed very beautiful :)

    The White Studio

  • Elle dégage de la sympathie et beaucoup de sensualité, elle me fait penser à Monica Bellucci!

  • Wow – you really do look alike! The same hairline and dark lashed eyes that move into the same shape when you smile, the same kind of nose and smile shape…you must get mistaken for sisters!


  • C’est vrai qu’il y a un air de ressemblance! Elle a un sourire tellement beau!

    Mafalda ?

  • you could pass for sisters! she radiates joy and beauty from a deep centered place!

  • Je pensais vraiment que c’était ta sœur Garance ! Elle te ressemble vraiment, le regard, le sourire !

  • Garance–it is only August. You still have time to go. People and places you love dearly don’t need to be missed. xx

  • Aw, so sweet, thanks for sharing. She’s beautiful!

  • Effectivement j’ai cru que c’était ta soeur, vous avez la même expression des yeux et du nez qui se plissent quand vous souriez. Aussi belles l’une que l’autre! Un sourire franc et rayonnant.

    Oh oui parle nous de ton enfance parmi les bois et les loups (et la mer surtout) ;) (et j’insiste parle nous aussi des livres que tu as lu à Bali! Toute la France tremble d’impatience. Non mais c’est vrai les billets littéraires manquent un peu par ici…).

    Bises Garance

  • Amazing picture thanks :-)

  • elle donne envie de la connaître, en tout cas!

  • What a sweet tribute! For some reason, lately I hear so many woman being catty and insecure and really petty and mean to each other. Not to sound hippy-dippy, but that kind of attitude can really bum me out! But reading this tribute really warmed my heart. I’ve been lucky enough to have women in my life that I looked up to when I was a kid – my babysitter, my 6th grade teacher, and my grandmother. They were all so confident and cool – nothing ever fazed them – oh, and they always gave me just the right amount of attention. Maybe that’s why I liked them so much :)

  • I loved it!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories;

  • What lovely things to say! She is beautiful.

  • Gorgeous ladies but seriously, not blood related? Then, the question is “What’s in the water in Girolata?”

  • She is beautiful. And so are you…

  • Belle et solaire. Grande ressemblance. Très belle photo.

  • She’s beautiful!! Your village sounds like a very nurturing environment. Garance! I clicked on the tag for sister and realized there are no images or posts of her. I think we would all love to know more about your family and upbringing.

    xx B

  • Love her smile and what a sweet story!

  • She is beautiful. The way you described your childhood in Corsica made me want to live there…sigh.

  • Alice G. August, 2 2013, 12:13 / Reply

    Je suis passée par Girolata cet été lors de mon périple en Corse… Quelle chance tu as eu de grandir là-bas, c’est un de mes endroits préférés sur terre. Il me semble d’ailleurs avoir croisé le magnifique sourire de Marine ;)

  • Your soul is so wonderful, Garance!

  • Stéphanie August, 2 2013, 12:23 / Reply

    en effet, on a envie de lui ressembler, de dégager le même bien-être! simplement magnifique et inspirante!!!

  • The first thing I thought is how much you two look alike! She is beautiful, and having grown up on a tiny island without cars myself, I know exactly how you feel <3

  • Nathalie August, 2 2013, 12:48 / Reply

    You really do look alike! Same smile and eyes that sparkle with joy. Contagious and absolutely beautiful.

  • Natural beauty! Black and white pictures are great to look admire

  • Photo d’une belle femme devant une buvette comme je les aime, accompagnee d’un joli texte.
    En ce moment, il y a un reportage sur la Corse tous les jours au jt de 13heures que je regarde en differe, sur mon lap top en prenant mon p’tit dej’
    Inutile de dire que j’ai du mal a revenir sur terre, c’est a dire dans le sud de la Floride.
    Un reve, j’espere qui deviendra realite………

  • Oui la ressemblance est frappante!

  • I thought you were sisters! I love thinking about the cool girls I looked up to when I was younger, their style, their confidence, all of it, and now thinking more critically about WHY I looked up to those people, what they represented to me. What would our lives have been like without those role models? Her smile radiates joy and compassion, and when I think of you looking up to her it makes all the sense in the world.

  • She is definitely beautiful, and you two definitely look alike! Let’s hear more about this beautiful lady, yeah?

  • Well you do look alike! It’s so cool that you have that one person who’s so important and has had so many influences in your life. Nice!

  • beautiful post….beautiful person…thanks for your blogs…they make my day…every day xoxoxo

  • Christelle August, 2 2013, 2:18 / Reply

    mais comment ont fait ces familles pour vivre là-bas ? comment se déroule la vie quotidienne (les courses, tout ça, y’a pas de routes) ? Girolata c’est un big mystère ce coin, non ? raconte encore Garance !

  • Jess Marie August, 2 2013, 2:34 / Reply

    I love these stories about Corsica :)

  • Man.. I gotta go to Corsica!

  • J’aime la photo îlienne, on sent qu’on est sur une île, c’est très frais, et ça respire les vacances tout ça (avec en plus avec la limonade maison :)

    New post on Taimemode (French blog):

    Béret Rouge (Red Béret)

    Merci Merci :)

  • ! c’est ce que j’admire chez toi, ça, cette photo, tes mots, qui me fait fondre le coeur.
    Des superbes filles tu nous en montre EN PLUS tu nous partage aussi cette sublime femme !
    merci Garence ton immense palette d’expression me ravi et tous les demi-ton bienveillants de ta personne.

  • Bonsoir Garance,

    Bien que je lise ton blog depuis des années, c’est la première fois que je te laisse un commentaire : c’est dire à quel point cette demoiselle Marine est touchante !

    Ton amie est rayonnante, merci pour cette belle photo qui remonte le niveau de bonne humeur de ma journée :)

    Chloé, Lyon.

  • Cécile August, 2 2013, 3:09 / Reply

    C’est vrai qu’elle est magnifique et c’est vrai aussi qu’elle te ressemble. Pendant un bref instant j’ai cru que c’était toi, le même sourire et les tâches de rousseurs

  • Hello,

    Je suis fan :p

    A , Laëti

  • It’s true, you look a lot like her. At first seeing the post, I thought you were going to tell us she was your Maman.

  • She is very beautiful, she has a warm smile and that’s right, you both definitly look very similary.

    Garance, I visited this year my family and hometown in Germany. Actually I am there right nowone day more, I can’t do that every year because sometimes it’s too expensive or family members want to go somewhere else. That’s always a bit dificult, right?

    But if you go next year, it will be even more special, and maybe, you will have he posibility later on to make a short stop after Paris fashion shows? Corsica must be extraordinary beautiful in every time of he year!

    Maybe you can make it happen,
    so, like I am aware of your feelings of beeing a bit homesick I wish you that you will be able to go there soon!
    So strange talking to you like that and you even don’t know me and neither do I (in person)

    But, I wish you the best!
    Besos this time not from Bolivia but (still) from Munich,

  • Cette femme est rayonnante, et je suis d’accord, c’est ça la vraie beauté !!!!!
    bien plus jolie que toutes les Freja, Karli et autres sacs d’os carrément flippantes qu’on nous inflige de partout !!!
    Pourquoi ne voit on pas plus de filles comme ça sur les podiums ?? hein ??!
    peut-etre parce qu’on en oublierait de regarder les vêtements qu’elle porte tellement elle irradie !!!
    cette femme ne rentre probablement pas dans une taille 0 et c’est TANT MIEUX !!!!!!!


  • bellissima! j’ai cru que c’était toi…

  • Antoinette August, 2 2013, 5:15 / Reply

    Garance, you are homesick,, you should go home for a week or two. Xo

  • What a lovely post! I, too, am very close with my siblings and hope to be for the rest of my life :)

  • C’est une TRES belle femme. Elle est radieuse, et sur le coup, je me suis demandé s’il s’agissait de quelqu’un de ta famille, il y a un air.

  • For a moment I did think it was you. She is beautiful. What a sentimental post. You can sense the emotion and longing to go back in your words. Your childhood home is calling to you. You should go.

  • Roxanne August, 2 2013, 7:41 / Reply

    Aw ! C’est trop mignon !!!!!! :’-)

  • Before reading the text, I just thought: she looks like Garance! And there you go, I’ m not the only one thinking this way! :)

  • The first thing I thought when I saw this picture is how much she looks like you, Garance! She is indeed very beautiful and her smile is contagious (so is yours!)

  • “Je te lis” depuis longtemps mais c’est la première fois que je laisse un message. Elle te ressemble. Belle comme la Corse, si j’ose dire!!

  • Elle est très belle, et effectivement, vous vous ressemblez beaucoup ! J’ai cru pendant deux secondes que c’était vous sur la photo, Garance…


  • Un jour par hasard je suis tombée sur un reportage sur un facteur extraordinaire qui faisait des kms a pied tous les jours pr distribuer le courrier aux gens d’un hameau. C’était donc ton facteur!!

  • Elle est vraiment jolie et a un super sourire!

  • mais oui vous vous ressemblez carrement!

  • Elle est vraiment radieuse. Et la Corse, ça fait vraiment envie.

  • Ah oui, sensuelle c’est vraiment le mot que j’utiliserais pour décrire cette femme. Il y a quelque chose de spontané dans son regard, quelque chose de sauvage dans ce bas de jupe négligemment retroussé, quelque chose qui ne s’apprend pas, qui ne peut être qu’inné.

    PS : Et j’aime beaucoup le fond de la photo, le “limonade et citronnade maison 2€”, très local et charmant.

  • It is true she looks a bit like you! Her eyes remind me of yours :)

  • trop belle

  • La petite August, 4 2013, 4:01 / Reply

    Merveilleuse Marine, ,Joëlle gracieuse,laetitia belle et sauvage, toi, délicate courageuse,.scolarisees sur la plage ou au bord d’une calanque, les leçons de français dispensées par Genevieve intelligente généreuse, les math par jean Paul et les cours d’astronomie par LALA a la tour genoise
    avec comme spectacle a couper le soufle la reserve de Scandola classeé comme merveille du monde par l’UNESCO. Cela cree du du lien. Tu savais déjà que le monde t’attendait.. Une fille Girolata.

  • Garance, you are obviously homesick!! I was also raised on a charming little island, it takes quite an effort to go back, but I just need to go regularly, that pilgrimage is everything to me! And I feel like I owe it to the island, it’s like visiting an old friend, if you make the effort, then nothing is more worthwhile.

  • Such a radiant woman. You look so much alike! Love your blog Garance, so genuine and so,so chic at the same time.

  • Garance, I love that you move in the upper echelons of the fashion world and yet for you a woman from your childhood remains the “most beautiful girl in the world.” Because you have the depth and soul to see beauty as more than a collection of perfect features. I think this woman is not only physically stunning (and would be in any circle) but she radiates something that can’t be bought or faked.

  • Garance – I must go to Corsica immediately, if not sooner. Can you suggest anywhere to stay?!! I promise my husband and I are well behaved (ish…)

  • C’est vrai qu’elle est magnifique et radiante ! Et la photo aussi ! (je veux goûter toutes les boissons faites maison au fait) Et comme vous vous ressemblez :D Et ce chignon… ;)

  • venezia30123 August, 5 2013, 1:53 / Reply

    you are totally right!bellissima!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bel hommage et jolie photo !

  • C’est beau comme texte :)
    Et elle est effectivement très belle, je trouve aussi que tu lui ressembles !


  • Lovely picture! You two actually do look quite alike!!!

  • etdire que je serais en corse dans une semaine !

  • Beautiful smile, she looks so happy!!

    Street Lookbook

  • Magnifique sourire !!! et je t’ai déjà dit que j’étais tombé amoureuse de la Corse et des Corses à Girolata ?

  • I envy you for your life. I think that your “big sister” has a scent of calmness and hapiness in her smile. So rare these days….
    Kisses, Garance

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