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Holiday Tales / Amanda

8 years ago by

December, such a magical month! I would turn another year older, we would have two weeks off school, and I got to eat a lot of sugar cookies. Basically, I live for December.

The holidays. The traditions. The dressing up. Everything!!! My favorite memories are actually the events that led up to Christmas day. And now, as an adult, I’m able to hold on to these memories as I begin my own traditions.

In my house, holiday celebrations started the day after Thanksgiving, and it all started with Christmas songs! My mom loved Christmas songs (playlist below!). She would play them in the car, at home, and everywhere in between. On the first Saturday of December, my mom would stay home and decorate our house with christmas decorations. It sounds like such a simple tradition, but I must explain that my mom was (and still is) always on the go! So this particular Saturday morning in December was my favorite.

Christmas songs playing downstairs, my mom would still be wearing pajamas, one hand holding a coffee and an ornament in the other, our house would transform from a regular suburban house to a magical gingerbread house. I would walk downstairs and there would be lights hanging on banisters, wreaths above the fireplace, christmas tree ornaments laid out on the floor in anticipation of being hung, and every cabinet door had its own ornament. I loved it.

I would watch her and just be in awe, taking mental notes on how I should do this one day. She looked so happy and beautiful; my favorite memory of my mom. Now, as I decorate my house with a much smaller Christmas tree, a menorah for my jewish boyfriend, homemade pine cone ornaments, and mini wreaths hanging on doors, I play these same songs while I dance in my pajamas, happy to be starting these new traditions.



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