
9 years ago by

Ever since I met Ophi and Tali, I’ve been kind of addicted to their horoscope. It’s a little silly maybe, but what I like about the way they do horoscopes is that they make you ask yourself all kinds of questions – about love in particular, this month.

And I also like that they always give lots of interesting suggestions for articles to read.

We were talking about the month of February recently, and I wanted to share it with you, so I asked them to write us a little summary. These are just general tendencies – it’s not based on astrological signs – it’s just about the ambiance this month.

Horoscopes appeal to my kind of hippie side, which I’ve totally reclaimed. You either like them or you don’t. So for those of you who do, let me know what you think! And tell me your sign too!

I’m a Taurus, Virgo rising :)

February 2015 is the month of whole-heartedness.

It may be the shortest month but, this year, it’s long on existential questions. At the top of the list: Are your masculine and feminine energies in balance? Venus, which rules the feminine principle, will travel in close tandem with Mars, which rules the masculine force. With the cosmic lovers entwined, we’re all being called to “right-size” strength and submission, providing and receiving, tough love and boundless empathy.

This month’s dichotomy is between getting swept up in illusions and taking a cool-headed, objective approach. Mars and Venus are in fantasy-loving Pisces until February 20, which can blur boundaries and cast a rose-colored haze over everything. It doesn’t help that mental Mercury is backward, which can cause confusion in our communications. February 18 brings a rational Aquarius new moon. However, it also launches us into the yarn-spinning year of the weepy Sheep. Pass the tissues—even the most “logical” among us can have a few emotional or ungrounded moments.

But first, there’s Valentine’s Day. The moon will be in adventurous Sagittarius for most of the day, making us fall in love with freedom—and perhaps feel like wriggling out of rigid evening plans. But wait! You’ll wish you didn’t give up your table or hock your tickets to that concert. Single? Avoid the oppressive judgment of heavy-handed people who want to weigh in on your choices (the types that vintage Sex and the City called “smug marrieds”). This day, too, shall pass.

Besides, the freedom to define love on your own terms will soon reign supreme. On February 20, Venus and Mars meet in Aries, the zodiac’s fierce and self-sanctioning first sign. This is the first of 2015’s THREE exact conjunctions between Venus and Mars, and the action could be hot! But autonomous Aries governs self-love above all, and individuality will become the greatest aphrodisiac. As Venus and Mars pull us to pair up and become “one,” Aries demarcates our sovereignty, reminding us that love is sweet, but too much familiarity breeds contempt. The key this month is to retain some mystery with your merging. This planetary paradox begs the question: can we have heart-centered love AND animal attraction with a single person, over a sustained period of time?

One of our favorite TED talks is by Esther Perel. In this lecture, she points out that this is the first time in history where we’ve expected ONE person to fulfill all our needs—from best friend to sexual companion to life partner—when often, those needs draw from completely different motivations.

Another inspiring TED talk is ”Your brain in love” by Helen Fisher, whose research team took MRIs of people in love, and people who had just been dumped. Their findings were fascinating. (Apparently, love can be like a “cocaine high” that you never come down from.)

Watch Esther Perel’s TED talk here:

Watch Helen Fisher’s TED talk here:

So clearly, we’re not going to solve the Great Mystery of Love during the month of amour—if ever. Perhaps the best thing one can do is to keep evolving the dialogue around partnership and love—as an institution and a natural human drive. Now, onward into this brief month we go.

Read more from The AstroTwins:


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  • Ah je suis l’inverse de toi, vierge ascendant taureau ! ;)
    Je m’étais passionnée de ça à l’adolescence, j’espérais que c’était un outil qui m’aiderait à me connaître. Je faisais les thèmes astraux de tous mes proches. (il n’y avait pas internet à l’époque, ca prenait un peu plus de temps !)
    A ce moment je ne croyais pas forcément à l’horoscope, et aujourd’hui plus du tout, ni à l’astrologie d’ailleurs. Voilà :)

  • The idea that a person will predict my future is opposite to my way of thinking ..i believe in -your life in in your hands…but i must say that when i read about my sign ..and yes..sometimes i do read:)..i try to take only the positive and forget the negative part…
    Yael Guetta

  • Libra, Scorpio Rising ????

  • Wow, a sunday surprise! Merci! Very interesting horoscope, plus a photo of the beautiful Grand Central ceiling.. very curious what february will bring. Could be a quite decisive month – all in all, troubled years, 2013/15! Hope we’all all struggle out of it on a path that leads us places. Have a good nice february sunday, xxSol

  • wow! Interesting video!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • Perso je déteste ce chariabia à base de planètes. Mébon ^^

  • L’horoscope m’intéresse moyennement car trop général et souvent délirant, mais je trouve comme toi plus intéressant de lire les tendances astrales du mois et les questions qu’elles peuvent susciter… En revanche, j’adore l’astrologie. Vous êtes un double signe de terre ! Génial, on bâtit du solide avec vous. Je suis terre-eau : capricorne ascendant scorpion.

  • I’m into it – I was born in California, so that’s my excuse.
    And I’m a Capricorn, with Taurus Moon.

  • J’aurais tendance à ne pas y croire mais a me jeter sur les pages horoscopes du ELLE quand il arrive:-)
    Surtout, une amie nous a fait le thème Astral de mon fils quand il né, et je suis très surprise de le ressortir de temps en temps et de voir a quel point les traits lui correspondent!

  • bavarian_blue February, 8 2015, 12:53 / Reply

    I’m born on 20th in January. So half of my lifetime I heard “Yeah, you are a characteristic capricorn!” Then a profi did my horoscope with eexact birthtime and -place. And suprise, suprise: I’m an aquarius. So I’m a litte clueless about horoscopes. But reading them gets reflecting personal life going and that’s reason enough for me to do so; thanks for this post!

  • Je suis déçue. Ce post est inepte.

  • Je ne lis que très rarement mon horoscope, je crains que=’il ne m’influence et je vois des signes partout!

    Belle soirée

    Marion de

  • Depuis que tu nous as fait découvrir les astro twins, je me suis abonnée au weekly horoscope et j’ai acheté le planner 2015!!! je suis accro :-)

    A un moment, j’évitais de lire mon horoscope pcq je trouvais que ça limitait ma liberté d’expérimenter chaque journée comme une page blanche. Mais ça, ça vaut pour les horoscopes de trois lignes dans le journal gratuit du métro. Les astrotwins c’est bcp plus inspirant. .. ça donne des tendances et des exemples de comment ces tendances peuvent se concrétiser (ou pas). Ce n’est jamais ” You will meet a tall dark stranger” mais plutôt ” vous êtes dans un état de receptivité à une nvl rencontre” ( mais peut-être que vous ne rencontrerez personne de spécial ce jour là, c’est juste une possibilité plus forte que d’habitude).

    Un horoscope bien équilibré donc, qui ne prétend pas prédire votre avenir mais qui vous donne des indications très utiles avec beaucoup d’humour! Merci pour cette découverte.

  • Interesting video, have a nice Sunday! :)

  • Reading the horoscope is like reading lonely hearts ads – its for fun, not for finding true love. So of course I’m always reading mine, especially as I’m born on the 8th August 88. So yes, astrologically I’m born under a lucky star. Well, I haven’t found my true love (yet), never won the lottery or anything else magical happened to me.

    A special reading tip: Eva Illouz: Why Love Hurts: A Sociological Explanation (2012). She also points out, that the expectations about marriage and partnerships in general where completely different during Jane Austen’s century. The best: it’s science, not one of those stupid self-help books.

  • Miss Smith February, 8 2015, 7:05 / Reply

    Taurus with Virgo rising – the same as me. No wonder I think you’re fabulous. ;-)

  • Cassandrasaid February, 8 2015, 7:06 / Reply

    Taurus with Virgo rising – the same as me. No wonder I think you’re fabulous. ;-)

  • Interesting Hellen Fisher’s TED about love research.
    Hugs from Barcelona!

  • Totally on a TED talks marathon now, thanks to these, thank you! I think horoscopes (and tarot, and such) are so interesting for being intricate symbolic systems, and, while I don’t explicitly ‘BELIEVE’ in them, I think they are often useful to help pose good questions, and get me thinking about my life in a new way (asking myself, is that so? Am I like that? Should I be like that?). Also, mine (I’m a Leo), even or especially the really detailed horoscopes that break down many elements of the sign, is often SPOT ON…in a way that is pretty compelling. Or just neat.

  • I’m addicted to the AstroTwins horoscope, too. I ended a relationship a couple of months ago and found myself reading my AstroTwins horoscope on the day I asked my beloved to leave. My horoscope that day reaffirmed that I was doing the right thing to end an unhealthy relationship in order to take care of myself. I’ve read my AT horoscope every day since. It’s how I start my day.

    I’m an Aries, also born in 1975. :)

  • Inconsciemment, je crois que la constellation, mais je ne vais pas le laisser dominer mes pensées.

  • Francesca February, 9 2015, 2:49 / Reply

    I never read my horoscope but I sometimes ask the ones I come in contact with about their astrological sign…

  • Garance j’adore l’idée de ce post! Comme toi je suis addict aux horoscopes – même si je ne me laisse pas dicter ma vie pour autant… Bref je trouverai interessant que les Astrotwins face une rubrique mensuelle régulière et si après elles peuvent donner quelques éléments plus précis sur la vierge ascendant cancer que je suis, ma fois je ne leur en voudrai pas ;)

  • Interesting post, I am studying French so this helps me a lot – this one was particularly challenging !

    With love from London,
    Hayley x

  • Ma tante est complètement accro, du coup j’ai droit à un topo chaque fois que je la vois… Mais ce que je retiens c’est que je suis poisson ascendant lion et que mon ascendant prend le dessus depuis quelques temps et ça elle me l’avais dit… serais-je influençable??? non. ;)

  • I really don’t know what I am. I was born on August 23rd, some horoscopes say I am a Leo, so I am a Virgo, Acuarius rising. Anyway, I always read both columns of the horoscope and get the best of each, so I always feel like I am going to have a good day. :)

  • Ana @Champagnegirlsabouttown February, 9 2015, 7:24 / Reply

    Thank you for sharing the videos! Eshter is so right. I’m crazy for my man but it’s when I see him behind the controls of that four seater plane, his sleeves rolled up and sunglasses on that I want him the most! :)

  • florence February, 9 2015, 9:26 / Reply

    Ah mais j’adore! Je suis bélier ascendant cancer et ce mois-ci – horoscope ou pas – va être complètement bouleversant…car j’accouche de mon premier petit bout!

  • OK, someone needs to say it. Smug marrieds is from the Bridget Jones book, not Sex and the City.

  • Bonjour,
    Bravo pour ce post, mine de rien toute une façon de voir la vie…
    Bravo pour cette utilisation de l IrMm
    En tant que professionnelle de santé je confirme: ça se tient complètement:-)

  • Hi Garance! I’ve watched the TED lecture, and loved it, Esther Perel is amazing, I’ve watched other lectures she gave, and OMG! I’m suddenly so interest my this theme now. I wish you could make a post about infidelity, telling us how in your opinion France, and Europe in general differ from the States when it come to it. XOXO

  • I am a Taurus, too! I love reading horoscopes, I use them more as a tool to guide me through both positive and negative.
    Please post more of these!

  • I love horoscopes. I’m a Virgo with Capricorn rising. My favorite astrologer is Risa ( I’ve been reading her weekly horoscopes for 18 years and she is always blowing me away. I can’t wait to check out Ophi and Tali.

    I loved that TED radio hour.

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