
february horoscope garance dore astrotwins writing

February 2016 Horoscope

Valentine’s season has arrived, but it’s time we set the record straight: Cupid’s big day is a total astrological scheduling error. Every year until February 18, the Sun is...

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8 years ago by

2016 horoscope astrotwins garance dore writing


Tomorrow, we begin a new year. Here is what the stars have in store for all of us in 2016! 

8 years ago by

december horoscope garance dore

December Horoscope

Raise your glass—it’s Sagittarius season!

8 years ago by

november horoscope astrotwins astrostyle garance dore writing illustration

November Horoscope

Dive into the depths! November is Scorpio season, as the sun weaves through the shadows and light of...

9 years ago by

october horoscope astrostyle garance dore illustration

October Horoscope

October is the month of artistry.  

9 years ago by

september horoscope astro twins garance dore writing

September Horoscope

September is the month of calculated adapting.  

9 years ago by

August Horoscope

August Horoscope

The month of passionate purification.  

9 years ago by

July Horoscope

July Horoscope

Love expands then contracts.  

9 years ago by

june horoscope garance dore astro twins horoscope

June Horoscope

June is the month of sorting the options. This could be the go-to line on everyone’s lips for...

9 years ago by

may horoscope astrotwins astrology garance dore writing illustration

May Horoscope

May is the month of thoughtful exploration.

9 years ago by

march horoscope astrotwins garance dore photos

March Horoscope

March is the month of passionate disruption. What do you stand for…and why? The planets in March...

9 years ago by

astro twins photo garance dore

February Horoscope

Ever since I met Ophi and Tali, I’ve been kind of addicted to their horoscope. It’s a...

9 years ago by

fish photo

Mercury is Rising

And it isn’t your astrological friend.

9 years ago by

astro twins photo garance dore

Career / The AstroTwins

I have to admit, I read my horoscope. Kind of often, actually. It might seem crazy, but it’s...

10 years ago by

Blame Mercury

Blame Mercury

Because it’s in retrograde…

11 years ago by



Hello, what sign are you? Me? As you may have guessed from my drawing*, I’m a Taurus. And no,...

11 years ago by