Aah Italian women! Always timelessly stylish, with a touch of eccentricity. The print is absolutely fabulous, purple, red and brown shouldn’t work together but they really do in this case.
Gorgeous pictures. And these are stripes I can definitely get behind.
By the way I went back to your old post on how you keep fit, and read about how you go to online yoga websites, so I checked a few out this weekend, and did a couple of yoga sessions. Thanks so much for the tip!!!
J’adore la robe et la façon dont elle se tient, super relax, mais très élégant. Belle photo garance. Et ça rassure de voir que tout le monde n’a pas des portables hyper hightech :)
ps: est-ce la luisa de “tine et luisa” qui font de magnifiques sacs ?
J’aime (mais ne serait-ce pas une photo de … l’année dernière?)
En tous cas, la magnifique Luisa est toujours pile dans la tendance en matière de lunettes et d’imprimé/couleurs
Venice and stripes go hand in hand from the guard’s costumes in renaissance times to today. Venice is a special place for me. It is where I got my Professoressa nickname, which I did include in my site, althought I continue to struggle with renovating the site design and finding time to edit/upload new street fashion content.
Fabulous! The first time I saw red and purple together it was an Irene Sharaf design worn by Elizabeth Taylor in “Cleopatra”. Oddly enough I am wearing red and purple today! Red tee with purple dress shrit open and tails out! LOL.
Comme toujours, les couleurs de cette photos sont superbes. Ça donne hyper envie d’aller se prélasser sur un bateau…si seulement je n’avais pas le mal de mer…:-/.
J’adore! J’adore! J’adore!
Je m’appelle Luisa, aussi. Je suis americaine, mais je parle du Francais et j’ai 14 ans. Votre blog est tellement inspirant et j’aime les illustrations. Go Garance!
Dearest Garance, your picture is beautiful! RED and PURPLE super retro -chic! I just hope you didn’t experience any of the earthquakes in the region that we had today!
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
She seems so fragile, and all those lines and crossed legs making this feeling even stronger!
Magnifique !
Ca donne envie de vacances et d’escapades en bateau !
Aah Italian women! Always timelessly stylish, with a touch of eccentricity. The print is absolutely fabulous, purple, red and brown shouldn’t work together but they really do in this case.
Elisa Eymery
Wandering Minds clothing
Jolie robe !
Magnifique, ambiance colorée et bois vernis, cela sent le vieux Venise, prendre son temps…
Merci !
Lovely from her hair to her nicelegs, and the blue seat cushions set frame her so nicely!
I like…all I see is print
Gorgeous pictures. And these are stripes I can definitely get behind.
By the way I went back to your old post on how you keep fit, and read about how you go to online yoga websites, so I checked a few out this weekend, and did a couple of yoga sessions. Thanks so much for the tip!!!
~Natasha Fatah~
~Natasha Fatah~
Such an amazing colors and lovely sunnies!
So colorful!
Great style!
great shot…I love the mix of colors!
J’adore la robe et la façon dont elle se tient, super relax, mais très élégant. Belle photo garance. Et ça rassure de voir que tout le monde n’a pas des portables hyper hightech :)
ps: est-ce la luisa de “tine et luisa” qui font de magnifiques sacs ?
I just love her dress, and what a great shot!
Great dress! I love it! Love the colors!
J’aime (mais ne serait-ce pas une photo de … l’année dernière?)
En tous cas, la magnifique Luisa est toujours pile dans la tendance en matière de lunettes et d’imprimé/couleurs
Quelles magnifiques couleurs!!!
Love the picture, and wait.. she has no iPhone!!
She looks so fragile with her crossed legs and all those stripes… wonderful
after test, i realise 180 :)
Trës joli, j’aime tout sur cette photo, … Envie de partir en vacances!!!!!! La dépression me guette :p
So stylish! Love the sunnies!!
Love the colour combination – very vibrant!
J’aime particulierement les lunettes de Luisa. (Comment faisait-on avant le portable ?)
Belle photo qui donne envie d’aller en Italie….Toudsouit !
Salut Garance, ton jet lag t’a renvoyé en 2011 ?
Venice and stripes go hand in hand from the guard’s costumes in renaissance times to today. Venice is a special place for me. It is where I got my Professoressa nickname, which I did include in my site, althought I continue to struggle with renovating the site design and finding time to edit/upload new street fashion content.
Very very very chic and lovely colours! Kisses,Paolo
Lovely outfit, great shot! :-)
Fabulous! The first time I saw red and purple together it was an Irene Sharaf design worn by Elizabeth Taylor in “Cleopatra”. Oddly enough I am wearing red and purple today! Red tee with purple dress shrit open and tails out! LOL.
I want to go to Venice!
Take a look at my fashion illustrations and art:
Great dress. Love the stripes and the colours. Luisa looks like a supercool girl (well, like all the girls in your blog anyway….). Beijos xx
Enfin un peu de soleil nous allons enfin pouvoir sortir nos jolies robes ! Comme toujours une photo qui donne des envies … de vacances par example !?
magnifique :O
I loved the picture!!!
I’m posting looks from Los Angeles, windows of Beverly Hills and the Hollywood farmers market… take a look:
Oh, I’m jelous! I love Venice taxis!
j’adore ses lunettes !:)
Her dress match so well wth the blue seat!
Another chicaness overload…
Love her dress…!
Wish I was on holiday… Oh wait..I am ;-)
? The adventures of a fashion designer…
Congratulations for the interview.
the glasses do it for me
Just moved to NY – already spotted so many fashionable people around. Maye I’ll run into you or Scott…
x Peter @ http://low–couture.blogspot.com
J’aime beaucoup les couleurs de cette robe, elle est très jolie !
Comme toujours, les couleurs de cette photos sont superbes. Ça donne hyper envie d’aller se prélasser sur un bateau…si seulement je n’avais pas le mal de mer…:-/.
Great photo, so effortless!
Love it !!
Love the Colours!
j’aime bien cette robe. elle est très jolie aussi. je veux être à Venice. C’est la parfaite ville.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
J’adore! J’adore! J’adore!
Je m’appelle Luisa, aussi. Je suis americaine, mais je parle du Francais et j’ai 14 ans. Votre blog est tellement inspirant et j’aime les illustrations. Go Garance!
Dolce vita !
Beautiful stripes! And deep blue background – amazing!
see my own story on:
So secy and gorgeous! :)
Want fashionable pearls? Click here for more info.
love her sunglasses!!
C’est le cliché de rêves: insouciance, détente, glamour…
Oh que ça me ferait du bien aussi!
Love the way the colours dance!
Quelle jolie lumière !! J’aime beaucoup cette combi très coloré ! Parfaite pour l’été !
The colours, width of the stripes and cut of the dress- niiice.
Manon- I also noticed the phone- how refreshing, haha ;)
Ah, what a nice colors on this photo! :)
i love the way she has crossed her leg… do it so often too:)
Amazing dress! Where can I buy?
i just love Venice……the first time i left i cried…she looks tense…
So very elegant! How wonderful to be in Venice on a sunny summer day!
Even with choppy hair she looks great. You took a very spontaneous pic
Dearest Garance, your picture is beautiful! RED and PURPLE super retro -chic! I just hope you didn’t experience any of the earthquakes in the region that we had today!
Such a nice dress and sunglasses! I really like the perspective of this photo, too
Love Louisa’s effortless pose !!! So elegant and natural!
Hey, that’s one of the boats that take you to the isle of Venice; we were there in April!. Love the stripes.
I’m sure last summer you posted two girls wearing espadrilles, and one of them had the same dress on… I have to look for that photo!
Cool sunnies
new outfit post
With such slim legs is short mini-dress simply must!
From http://www.xeanafashion.com
I love it!
Precioso vestido!!
Robe extra :)