An Atelier Doré Retreat!
7 years ago by
I’m so excited to finally share with you a project we have been working on for quite some time now…
It’s a creative retreat in Morocco! I’ve always wanted to share what makes me happy, and for years people have been asking me about my creative secrets.
I’ve also always dreamt about creating a space and a time to really meet with you, to answer your questions and to share everything I know. My friends will tell you, I am a professional advice giver!!!
This is how the idea of a creative retreat was born. My idea is to take everything I know, to bring together some of the most interesting talents who surround and inspire me (more to come on that soon), and to give you the opportunity to dive into a world of creativity.

Practically, it means workshops, moments of discovery, moments of fun (nothing is more important than having fun while learning) and time together. And it’s all happening at a fabulous place – both the city of Marrakech and the hotel where we’ll be staying, El Fenn.
I chose “The Art of Storytelling” for our first creative retreat theme. Storytelling, to me, is what creativity is about, whether we want to build a social media following, a successful company or just allow our art to live beyond the walls of our studios.

This retreat will be super exclusive, not because that’s our spirit (I want to bring the idea to as many people as possible) but because it is our first ever retreat – only 20 spots available. Booking for the retreat is exclusively through Mr & Mrs Smith travel club, who share our passion for creativity, playfulness, and bringing people together.
Find additional details below and go to Mr & Mrs Smith for more information and to book your spot! I can’t wait to meet you!

WHAT: The Art of Storytelling, a creative retreat by Atelier Doré and Mr & Mrs Smith, the travel club for hotel lovers
HOST: Garance Doré and a team of inspiring creatives
WHEN: November 13 – 17, 2017
DESTINATION: Marrakech, Morocco
HOTEL: Hotel El Fenn
This is EXACTLY my cup of tea. I would love to go, I NEED to go. Alas, a spring trip to France and having the house painted take priority. I hope this is the first of many retreats like this. How about a contest to give a freeby to someone?
Beautiful pics.
Wow sounds amazing!
I’m booked and am super excited – but am traveling alone! If there are any other single women
who are planning on attending, but who would rather share a room than book single occupancy, send me a note!
Hey Cait! And all of our readers!
If you’re interested in going on the retreat but would prefer to book a double but need someone to share a room with you can email us at and we will happily connect our readers looking for a retreat buddy!
Can’t wait to see you all there! x Emily
I would love to go but I’m just a student and this is too expensive for me :/ I hope you will organise something similar that will cost less money some day in the future. :)
I have been reading your blog since the beginning and I feel like my own journey and creative business has grown along with yours over the years. It has been good company to read about your successes and challenges and it was a friendly voice in my head to keep doing what I do, which I love!
Even though I am crazy busy here and there is never a good time to get away, I took a deep breath and just booked for your retreat. I can’t believe I did it!! Fluttering with excitement! But I am realizing how important it is to take time to develop and grow myself also in order have a meaningful contribution to my work and to my amazing team who work with me.
Thank you for offering this retreat and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Big hugs!
US$2,750 for three days, wow. I have to say, this site has been feeling more and more corporate lately. One the one hand, good for you Garance, you get yours. On the other hand, Atelier Doré lacks a lot of the warmth and authenticity that kept me reading compulsively for years.
The original site was a fun, accessible and self-deprecating entré to style and design that was sorely missing in the “aspirational” (aka inaccessible) pages of Vogue. Now I just feel like I am constantly being sold things, like swimsuits in Ibiza and prohibitively expensive retreats. I fully understand the need to monetize and support a growing business, and I appreciate that people grow and evolve personally and creatively. As a result I didn’t find Garance Doré Goods and the site’s other corporate partnerships/ collaborations off-putting. But when I think back to projects like the Pardon My French videos, the pop-up studios with their doors wide open to anyone who lined up along the block, and book tours that welcomed as many readers as possible to share a moment with Garance, I see fewer and fewer examples of the openness and community that used to define the site.
Hi JB!
Apologies if the details around the retreat weren’t clear on the site! The trip is 4 nights, 5 days, with 3 intensive workshops and a host of various optional activities throughout Marrakech throughout that time, as well as breakfast and dinners included.
We are introducing a series of local community events that will be kicking off this fall in New York City, but are also happy to be able to offer more time-intensive experiences in exotic locations. For us, it’s always been about a mix of inspirational and accessible, and we will continue to offer experiences, and products, that can fit every price point. This just happens to be the first experience of this kind!
That said, it’s important to us to be able to offer our readers the content on the site for free, and in order to do that, yes we do have to run a business. With that in mind, we work very hard to build the business in a way that can offer more opportunities to our readers for us to connect on-line and off-line, and to offer a service to those who have expressed interest for it in the past through our shopping features.
I’m sorry to hear you think we’re losing our authenticity, but I can assure you it’s something we think about with every decision we make.
I relate to your idea that “Storytelling “is the force energy behind all creative endeavors. I am excited to hear how your retreat goes !
Dress The Part
What an amazing opportunity! I’ll keep saving! ;)
G, you rock
Cette idée de retraite créative au Maroc fait rêver ! Dommage que le prix soit aussi élevé !
I am envious already pif the people that will attend the first retreat, what a wonderful idea. I am sure we will see lots of photos and stories about it, looking forward to it!
Wonderful idea chère Garance! You are the queen of storytelling, for me you write as a premio Nobel! I hope meet you one day, when I’ll be capable to have some money. I read you ed admire very very much your pure literature! Ciao! Ici Bari, Puglia! Vieni qui? Ti abbraccio Mariateresa!
Hi, My comment didn’t go through yesterday…Anyway, I hope in the future there will be a possibility to apply for a scholarship, because for us in some parts of the world this is really expensive. Unfortunately
Youhou c’est hyper tentant, les ateliers seront en français ou en anglais ?
When will the information about the local community events will be available?
Merci x
What an amazing idea to offer a creative retreat! Unfortunately I cannot make it to this one but I will definitely be putting an Atelier Doré retreat on my bucket list.
Ali x
I don’t know why but my last comment was not published. One more try:
I really love to read Atelier Doré. It is inspiring, adressed to self confident women (not girls). I would really love to be part of the retreat but I do agree with JB. I think it ist a bit expensive. I know that you have to run a business. But I find it sad that occasions like the Atelier Doré retreat is adressed to women who obviously do have an above-average salary. And don’t forget the travel expenses which have to be added on top.
I am a PR Manager and journalist and I think my salary is a bit over average. But I am also responsible for my two kids. Very sad!
Hi April,
We appreciate your feedback! This is the first of what we hope to be is many retreats. Some will be more expensive than others, but it’s our goal to be able to host them at a range of various price-points, this just happens to be the first one. A lot of competitive research and adjustments went into pricing this retreat so we could get costs as low as possible for our readers, while keeping in mind that El Fenn is one of the nicest hotels in Marrakech, and we’re bringing in top talent from all over the world to teach these workshops, and it’s important to us that the experience meets a certain standard. Hopefully you’ll find one of our future retreats more accessible!
Still love your site..but, I think you are veering away from us gals to a very elite clientele. Sorry to see you go. Please don’t go down the Goop or Kardashian lane. You, Garance, are actually a talented gal.
A fabulous initiative! Exactly what I would need to relax and have a break. Was looking for years such great plans! Unfortunately, this period of time does not work for me since I will have a very busy and chaotic fall at work. I hope there will be sessions next year. Lucky ladies who can make it: please share your feedback! That will be a way to disconnect between two commitments!
I could be interesting but some essential information is not available yet in the link that you have provided. Emily has written in a reply that “you are bringing in top talent from all over the world to teach these workshops”. That information is very relevant, I mean who are the speakers or conductors of the sessions and the session schedule. It is maybe because I am a scientist but I would not attend to any workshop without that information. It is maybe different in your field.
Update: The retreat is now fully booked! There are a few of you on the wait list and we are working with Mr & Mrs Smith to see if we might be able to add a few more rooms. Thank you so much to everyone for your excitement and enthusiasm. We cannot wait to meet those of you who are coming in November!
This will be the first of many retreats and events— to stay in the loop regarding updates, upcoming events and more be sure to subscribe to our newsletter here. We have something special coming for September!
x Emily & The Atelier Doré Team
Hi Emily! Can you please add me on the wait list? Would you prefer me to send you an email? Thank you in advance.
Hi Lili,
The Mr & Mrs Smith team is managing the wait list and bookings for this, so the best thing to do would be to give them a call and ask them to be added!
The best numbers to reach them are:
+1 800 464 2040 from the US,
+33 0805-088995 from France,
+44 (0)330 100 3180 from the UK
We have a list together so it should be no problem for them to add you there, and they’ll be in touch should anything open up!
Thanks so much!
x Emily
Je suis très déçue car j’ai raté l’opportunité de m’inscrire à l’atelier au Maroc – je n’ai pas lu le message de l’hotel à temps. Je voulais pourtant tellement en faire partie !!
Je voulais donc voir avec vous s’il était possible de s’inscrire sur une liste d’attente, au cas où il y aurait des désistements d’ici novembre.
Si oui, pourriez-vous avoir la gentillesse de me dire comment procéder ?
Merci d’avance et bonne journée
Hi Claire!
The Mr & Mrs Smith team is managing bookings and wait list for this, so the best thing to do would be to give them a call and ask them to be added!
Numbers to reach them:
+1 800 464 2040 from the US,
+33 0805-088995 from France,
+44 (0)330 100 3180 from the UK
It should be no problem for them to add you there, and they’ll be in touch should anything open up!
Thanks so much!
Topping up on the comments of those who raised the costs issues of the (over)price(d) retreat: I cannot help but wonder that I feel that those who would mostly benefit from an intense, unique, immersive inspirational atelier are exactly the ones who, atm, cannot afford to go. Best of luck to those who can. X
Wow! What an amazing retreat. I was so excited to see it being offered but unfortunately even the wait list is not available as I contacted Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Do you have others planned in the future?
I’m excited for all of you that are going to be able to attend this magical experience that Garance and her team have created:)
Hi Cindy!
Yes!! We are planning more retreats, and we’re also going to be launching a series of community events very soon as well! The next retreat will be in the Spring. If you subscribe to our newsletter you’ll be among the first to know all of the details.
x Emily
Je suis français habitant Marrakech, n’y a t-il aucun moyen de participer à votre atelier comme “auditeur libre” ??? . N’y aura-t-il aucune intervention ou rencontre ouverte à un plus large public ??? Je suis sûr que le nouvel auditorium du musée saint laurent serait plein !!!! ;o) Ce serait vraiment formidable … les marrakchis aussi sont curieux et ont des livres à faire dédicacer ;o))
Damien (Les garçons aussi suivent votre travail !…)
Hi Damien,
Thank you for your note!
Unfortunately, due to the intimate nature of the trip and the resources we’ve prepared for our guests, we are keeping the retreat closed to our 20 participants. We will have a few ways of sharing the learnings from the retreat and part of the experience through the site in the coming weeks!
x Emily