Mr & Mrs Smith

Come Join us in Chile!

Come Join us in Chile!

This past year has been transformative for us as an Atelier, a team, and a community. We wanted our retreat this year to reflect our growth and our continued desire to understand ourselves...

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6 years ago by

The Art of Self Discovery

The Art of Self Discovery

The magic of our retreat in Morocco last November is still resonating with us. The time we spent...

6 years ago by

A Week in Marrakech

A Week in Marrakech

As you can tell from this week of stories, our time in Marrakech was incredibly special for all of...

6 years ago by

l’Hôtel El Fenn

l’Hôtel El Fenn

There are few places I know of that are as gorgeous as the El Fenn hotel. Their network of riads...

7 years ago by

An Atelier Doré Retreat!

An Atelier Doré Retreat!

I’m so excited to finally share with you a project we have been working on for quite some time...

7 years ago by