
10 Years of Lessons

8 years ago by


Erik Melvin

This week, we’re celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the site – can you believe it?! The stories posted will commemorate the different phases of fashion, life, story telling, and everything else that has happened since 2006! We’re so happy to look back and share some of the best moments with you, and hope you’ll enjoy the ride ;)


In 10 years, it’s safe to say we’ve learned a lot. And it hasn’t always been easy! But one thing it’s always been is really rewarding. So in a spirit of wisdom and knowledge, we thought it could be fun to share with you some of the most valuable things we’ve taken away from our time at the Studio. Some of us have been here longer than others, but it’s safe to say that in a fun, creative, hard working environment like this, it’s not too difficult to learn quickly. In fact, it’s kind of a requirement!

Without being too cheesy, and sentimental…ok, a little sentimental… here are a few of the biggest lessons we’ve learned in 10 years of the site. We hope they inspire you in your work, and in your life. And here’s to another 10 years :)

Garance – What I’ve learned… Ahem, EVERYTHING ? I was like Jon Snow when I started 10 years ago. I literally knew nothing. About nothing. So if I have to pick one lesson, what would it be?

Well, I guess, it is to… Learn. You can’t imagine the number of books I read, the number of podcasts I’ve listened to, the number of forums I’ve haunted, the number of advice I’ve asked for. That way I learned to illustrate, to photograph, to photoshop, to write, to behave in society, to run a business, to write a book… The list is endless: I’m self-taught in about everything I do.

Never have I thought I “knew” – the only thing I know is that I don’t know. Sometimes it took me too far and led me to ask for too much outside advice and get lost in it. Sometimes also, I realized that getting advice from one single person or one single book will get you on the wrong path… For you.

So now I do that thing where on any given subject, I gather as much information as I can.

Then I don’t think about it for a few days, then I think about my real true deep life goals (and not the crappy ones like looking good or making more money)(more on that in a future post), and then, I listen to my BFF: my intuition.

Emily – The hardest thing, always, is to do something different. It’s easy to talk about change and evolution, but making it happen is where the real work comes in. We struggle with this every year after our team retreats—we have amazing ideas and then it’s so easy to come back and fall into the same work flow. Just because the idea is there doesn’t mean that it will happen without a real push and dedication to the change you want to see; people are definitely creatures of habit.

Carie – Don’t be afraid to ask questions, or for help in general. You can’t be good at everything and knowing and recognizing your weaknesses helps you then find the people who compliment your skills. The first thing I noticed about starting work at the Studio was how much of a collaboration everything is. Everyone has their own tasks and strengths but we all need each other to turn out a final product or story. I’m terrible with Photoshop, so if I have a photo and it needs to be edited, I have to ask Erik for help. If I can’t figure out the best way to write something, I go to Natalie, our resident editorial queen. Everything we do is a group effort and we all bring something to the table, but you can’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Brie – One of the biggest things we’ve learned at the studio was really how create our voice in the editorial platform. The site has changed so much over the years, and despite fashion always playing a major role – it was a bit of a process to find what worked for us. After all these years, it feels like we’ve really found our footing. Being able to show our readers how to really wear trends in a cool way, mixing brands, high/low, keeping it real with the use of sneakers & jeans etc. Our brand is stronger than ever, and its because we’ve worked to build it together.

Alison -There is no such thing as providing too much information. Whether it’s re-confirming the time and location of a pickup, or creating as detailed of a brief as humanly possible for a job with a brand – information is the key to making things run smoothly – and it makes everyone’s lives (including yours in the long run, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the moment) so much easier.

Erik – #1 – Be kind and gracious with EVERYONE, especially in your industry, no matter what their current position is. Intern this year, creative director tomorrow… Plus there’s no better feeling that being able to walk right into a show / presentation / party (even if it is because you’re with Garance or Brie and they always look interesting) without having an invite. #2 – Also, always befriend the servers at events. They don’t care about fashion-talk (and I don’t really know enough to keep up the conversation, so I just lie, that’s lesson #3) and they have access to all of the best treats fresh from the kitchen.
#4 – FASHION DOES NOT FOLLOW THE SAME CLOCK AS THE REST OF THE WORLD. Being on time is awkward because no one else will be there, so back to lesson #2 …

Natalie – How much time do you have? … In all seriousness, one of the most important things I’ve learned came from something Garance told us in a creative meeting, which was, “we’re not just filling squares” – which meant, we’re not making content just to fill up our editorial calendar and get a story on the site everyday. Pitch and pursue stories that mean something to you, that inspire and excite you. There is no limit to what we can do (also G’s words – though I wish I could take credit for those). If you care about what you’re doing, it will show. Plus, being excited about the final product totally overshadows any nerves, over-caffeination, and stress related pimples you develop about actually having to get it done on time!


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  • J’aime beaucoup de type de post, à la fois drole et plein de sagesse :)

    Bravo pour tous ce que vous avez accompli, accomplissez et accomplirez !

    Amélie – Charles Ray and Coco

  • 10 ans c’est énorme et si peu à la fois, le temps file sans que l’on s’en rende compte! Je me reconnais un peu dans chacun d’entre vous, very wise :)

    Des bisous à tous et bon anniversaire !!


  • This is so interesting, an insight into your inner workings. The blog has evolved in such a great, satisfying way, it’s obvious you took your lessons seriously.

  • Nice. You all make success sound attainable, good, and worthy.

  • Merci pour ce beau bilan ! C’est inspirant :)

  • Congratulations on the 10 years you guys! Garance you are such an inspiration – you’ve been through the ups and downs and always come out stronger, better and so much ahead. Looking forward to the next 10 years of Garance Dore! :)

  • Thanks for sharing what you learned over the past 10 years. I loved Garance and Erik’s way of speaking. And I’m still trying to distinction between Emily and Brie’s voices. I have to listen really hard because your voices are all really new to me. Garance’s is distinct as is Erik’s. And Natalie’s I’ve learned to place too. This is by no means an insult to her but she kind of sounds a little sick all the time! But whatever, she cool.


  • La passion et l’enthousiasme dans tout ce que l’on entreprend ça c’est ce que j’essaie de faire au quotidien, et surtout de ne pas tomber dans une routine. Merci pour ces témoignages.


  • + 1000 points pour Erik ; )

  • Ce que dit Natalie est une claque. Pas que je n’en sois pas consciente mais je bosse dans les médias, web et désormais papier et bordel j’ai envie d’encadrer cette phrase ! On devrait tous l’avoir affiché en gros dans nos bureaux. Ca donne envie de monter son projet pour créer des sites, des mags, des sujets ou des articles qui mettent en place ce propos, qui pensent aux lecteurs, qui réfléchissent et non pas qui suivent. Bravo à vous d’y arriver chaque soir, j’espère un jour pouvoir pousser une équipe dans le même sens.

  • Inspirant…

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