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The Best Dressed!

8 years ago by

The Best Dressed!

The Golden Globes were last night, did you watch the show!? Or, like me, did you just search for red-carpet photos and scan for award results??

Either way, it’s a studio tradition to pick our favorite looks from the awards shows!

This proved to be a seemingly gentle red-carpet – nothing too crazy but nothing too extraordinary either. Though there was lots of color, and florals even – oh, and sequins (of course)! Mixed in with the classic tuxedo sported by just about every male attendee…

Who ranked number one on your list? Okay, annnnddd what about the worst??

Emily : Alicia Vikander


Garance : Saoirse Ronan, Cate Blanchett & Alicia Vikander


Erik : Melissa McCarthy


Amanda : Rooney Mara


Elle : Helen Mirren (& Alicia Vikander )


Brie : David Oyelowo & Jessica Oyelowo  (shout out to Vikander)


Neada : Eddie Redmayne (that tux! and polka dots?!)(but also secretly Vikander)


PS. Three of us chose Alicia Vikander, (although how boring would that be to show dress her three times? ) … but, I guess she won??


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  • My best-dressed list:
    Kirsten Dunst
    Alicia Vikander
    Taraji P Henson
    Jane Fonda
    Edie Redmayne

  • Alicia Vikander was also my best dressed pick! Her whole look, the dress, the hair, make-up and jewelry worked so seamlessly. I also really liked Jaimie Alexander’s dress with her beautiful emerald jewels.

  • Unfortunately I wasn’t able to watch the show as I am located in Europe. I did check out the red carpet looks and Kirsten Dunst was my favourite by far. Saoirse Ronan comes second for me, she looked beautiful in that white dress.


  • Une lectrice interloquée January, 11 2016, 4:38 / Reply

    Et Julianne Moore, alors ?!

  • Jane with the noisy terrier January, 11 2016, 5:29 / Reply

    Jennifer Lawrence. I thought she was perfection. I love how she can look sexy but never over-the-top. Nothing too low cut, too sheer, too revealing. Didn’t like Cate Blanchett’s dress at all. And I saw a photoshopped version of Kate Hudson wearing her dress backwards and it looked so much better and more flattering.

  • Raphaele January, 11 2016, 5:39 / Reply

    Votre photo est vraiment trop rigolote
    Pauvre Amy S, vraiment zero classe

    Ah bon vikander??? Moi j ai trouve moyen, en photos, ptet en vrai c etait bien. Grosses Bretelles croises facon robe de plage pour le soir moi je suis contre
    Pareil pour Cate Blanchette quee j adore d habitude la ca fait vraiment un truc que mam mamie aurait adore porter

    Kristen dunst oui, jane fonda oui oui, eddie youpy

  • Alicia Vikander was my favourite, but Jennifer Lawrence gets honourable mention for her great look overall and totally glowing skin/make up. My husband loved Eddie Redmayne’s tux. And I just love Oscar Isaac in anything – or nothing!

  • Jaime alexander: elegant, timeless and rock at the same time!

  • Eh bien pour moi c’était de loin Lady Gaga… Et je regarde même pas les Golden Globes ! Sa robe est parfaite, avec la silhouette et la coupe, c’est ma robe de soirée idéale, celle que je m’étais toujours imaginée et que je me confectionnerais si j’avais des talents de couturière !
    Les autres… Bof.
    Bises et hâte de lire la suite de l’Engagement Story de Garance!
    French Girl In DC | http://www.sonushka.com

  • mouais ils sont tous bof… à part Jennifer Lawrence

  • Helen Mirren was the best dressed by far. A knockout black dress and $1m worth of diamonds.

  • Somehow I can never just look at the dress. I always think about the person, too.
    I like Julianne Moore as an actress and I liked her in that dress.


  • Yes my fave too Alicia Vikander.
    Here is my list of winners:

  • Caroline January, 12 2016, 6:14 / Reply

    Pas tout vu, mais je suis Erik sur Melissa Mc Carthy, rayonnante, Elle sur Helen Mirren et Brie sur David Oyelowo & Jessica Oyelowo (qui sont-ils???).
    Bof pour les autres, je trouve que ça fait vraiment exercice de style froufroutant.

  • J’ai fait mon petit récap aussi sur mon blog, j’adore faire ça :-)
    Ma préférée c’était JLo même s’il y avait trop d’accessoires, la robe était magnifique.
    La pire c’était Cate Blanchett pour moi, je trouve la robe vraiment pas jolie.

  • This time we’ll have to agree to disagree. In Spain, during the 20’s and 30’s lots of girls from the countryside came to Madrid and worked ironing the clothes of rich people. Well, if you look for images of those girls you will see that their aprons were exactly like Alicia Vikander’s dress! The same pleats, the little ruffles, the back, the color…
    I really liked Olivia Palermo because… Del Pozo!

  • Viklander; part of it is her happiness. Worst: Rooney Mara; she looks like a waxwork.

  • I love this selection, and Vikander killed it for sure !
    This is my selection :

  • My best dressed man: Leonardo DiCaprio, but I’m biased when it comes about him. I think E. Redmayne was well dressed as always but his jacket didn’t match well the pants so not a memorable look from him.
    My best dressed women: Saoirse Ronan (you can’t go wrong with Saint Laurent!), Kate Bosworth, Julianne Moore, Rooney Mara, Natalie Dormer, Lily James, Olivia Wilde. I liked a lot of dresses!

  • Jennifer Lawrence, and Alicia Vikander loked nice.

  • Saorise and Alicia of course. I loved Sophia Bush black look (simple, sexy, efficient).

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