From The Beauty Closet

Make It Shine

9 years ago by

Make It Shine

Like a good homemade meal, sometimes the best hair masks are a DIY job.
Our intern Jean is a bonafide beauty-lover and has a seriously thick and healthy (read: amazing) head of hair, so when she told us her secret homespun recipe for getting it super shiny and smooth, we had to share! Get out your mixing bowls and wooden spoons…

Half an avocado
A squeeze of half a lemon
1 whole egg (yep, seriously — it’s going on your hair.)
1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon of honey

Mix all of the ingredients into a nice, consistent paste. Apply to damp hair after shampooing and leave in for 20 minutes, rinsing out with warm water (and yeah, make sure you get that egg out). Should ensure smooth, lasting shine — and you probably have all of the ingredients in your kitchen right now!

Do you ever DIY mask your hair? What do you use?


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  • Definitely trying that on my nearly dying dyed hair!

  • This is literally the worst thing I’ve ever decided to do with my hair. First of all, if you don’t own a blender, don’t even think about getting a smooth paste from avocado (or banana). You’ll end up with chunks of those in your hair, especially if they’re curly, of high porosity or just damaged. Second, it’s really easy to turn that egg into omelette by using water just a touch warmer than it should be (I had to stand under a lukewarm shower for the whole 5 minutes trying to get that stuff out of my past shoulder length hair). Worst of it all, it barely made any difference to the quality of my hair. Mine are slightly wavy, prone to frizz plus chemically dyed. That kind of mask made them slightly shiny, fluffy and prone to knots. A bird’s nest, so to say. I know, you probably have to do this twice a week for a couple of months to see the result, but I’m nowhere near ready to repeat this experiment.

  • Okay, I will be trying this!

    – Kaitlyn |

  • I’ve done something similar and it made my thick, curly hair super greasy — even after rinsing FOREVER. Maybe worth another try tho…

  • I’m going home and doing this

  • Love this! Avocado made my hair so soft

  • I do something similar but I add three eggs and even some tofu. This makes wavy hair more manageable.

  • No way I would put all these things on my hair! Olive oil is enough for me.

  • Coconut oil! Scoop it into a bowl and warm it gently until melted. You can put it in a bowl and then put that bowl in a bowl of warm water. Apply to damp hair and wrap in a towel or shower cap for deep conditioning . Leave it in for awhile…the longer the better. Then wash out. Or just apply melted coconut oil to your ends and don’t wash out. Beauty will ensue. :)

  • Ca c’est un masque que je vais tester! J’ai une recette de ce type sur mon blog pour cheveux secs aussi donc le sujet m’interpelle!
    Merci du partage en tout cas..


  • I used the mustard hair mask to have my hair grow back faster after chemo…
    Here are the ingredients:
    1 Tablespoon of mustard powder
    2-3 Tablespoons of slightly warm water
    3 Tablespoons of olive oil
    1 Egg
    First mix mustard powder with water and then add the rest. After you’ve applied this mask evenly all over the roots of your hair, you can also put on a shower cup and then, towel. This mask has a strong heating effect because of mustard, it stimulates blood circulation in your scalp, thus accelerating hair growth; it also helps to improve thickness and shine of your hair. Keep it on as long as you can but not more than an hour.

  • My hair and scalp are really dry and honestly there is nothing like coconut oil. I just put it all over my scalp and hair, wrap with a towel and go to sleep. In the morning I wash with maybe slightly more shampoo tha usual and voilà my hair are super smooth and not greasy at all!

  • Hands down coconut oil (the chemistry of it makes it penetrate the hair shaft) makes my overly bleached (not by choice but by person who badly highlighted my hair) hair feel like silk.

    Put it on dry hair (I section my hair with partings to make sure it’s all covered), comb it through, put on one of those hotel shower caps and put a towel on my pillow and go to bed. In the morning I wash my hair in the shower, use a light conditioner and my hair is like silk!

  • P.S. It’s best if coconut oil is soft and still white. It’s much much easier to apply if it’s not all melted and runny.

  • who is this model though?

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