Guess Who?
10 years ago by

The Official Garance Doré Halloween Costume is who…
Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but having someone dress up as you for Halloween is perhaps the scariest version of that sentiment. But you know you’ve really made it when you have your own costume. A commenter alerted us to a 0$ Last-Minute Garance Doré Halloween costume, and we love the idea. But we have a few elements to add to make this costume perfect.
Here is a complete list of what you need to dress up as Garance Doré for Halloween:
1. Pixie cut
2. Red lipstick
3. ALL GREY clothes: grey jeans, a grey sweater, a grey coat and grey sneakers
4. Scarf
5. White headphones around your neck
6. A camera in one hand
7. iPhone in the other (always ready for Instagram!)
8. Oversized sunglasses
9. Black bag
10. …With a jar of peanut butter hidden inside it!
Make sure to send us pictures of your costumes!
PS: text from G = probably the most boring costume ever!!! But flattered ;)
This idea is great!! Can I be a copycat??
XOX, Gap.
the total grey look! :)
Miam Miam le peanut butter
Careful you opened a door…you never know..
Yael Guetta
this is awesome!
Haha that is hilarious! Garance, be happy, you probably wouldn’t want the costume to be more spiced up by turning it into a slutty version of you ;-)
love this
Hahahaaa. That is great. xa
The illu is super as always and I love the idea of Garance Doppelgangers everywhere.
Excellent ! Très réussie la bloggeuse !
C’est comment un fouleur noué à la francaise ?
Love this! Who says Halloween has to be scary?!
Haha j’adore !! Et c’est clair, on a clairement réussi le jour où on a son propre costume !
haha!! ça marche, je prévois!!!
bahaha, she says she even dyed her hair to match Garance’s hair better! :D
dang i’m too late
great post and blog
More narcissism.
Quelle prétention…