
Caroline Issa Photo

Happy Thanksgiving !

I used to know nothing of Thanksgiving, but after living in New York, I have learned to love this holiday. No wonder this is one of America’s favorite holidays. It isn’t really a...

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12 years ago by

Daphne Javitch Photo

A Coffee at Daphne’s

I love Daphne’s style. We talked about her and her brand, 10, here, and today let me show you...

12 years ago by

Hôtel Thoumieux

Hôtel Thoumieux

Click the arrows to view all images.

13 years ago by

<em>Changing Lifestyle</em> / Finding Balance

Changing Lifestyle / Finding Balance

Oh, of course it’s nice to eat everything you want. In all my “Feel Good Books”...

13 years ago by

<em>Changing Lifestyle</em> / Food Obsessions & Feel Good Books

Changing Lifestyle / Food Obsessions & Feel Good Books

This is volume 2 in the series Changing Lifestyle. You can read the first episode here, where we...

13 years ago by

<em>Changing Lifestyle</em> / New York Skinny VS Paris Skinny

Changing Lifestyle / New York Skinny VS Paris Skinny

Moving abroad is much more than a new apartment and a new subway card. It’s a total change, a...

13 years ago by

Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Every morning since we’ve been in Montauk, we’ve been having breakfast at...

13 years ago by

Tea time in China…

Tea time in China…

… Is not always what you would imagine !

14 years ago by

Devil is in the Details !

Devil is in the Details !

In the end, the important things in life are the little details: A very simple sweater, BUT with a...

15 years ago by

G<em>i</em><B>r</B>l$ !

Girl$ !

Five ultra girly things I did this week: + Went to go get some flats as I knew I would be walking...

15 years ago by

three cool cats

three cool cats

Pour vous chères lectrices, un petit guide pour optimiser votre prochain week-end à Londres, avec...

17 years ago by



mouais… le fooding, les files d’attente, les gens qui te marchent dessus, et rien de...

18 years ago by