
Style Story / Sissy Sainte-Marie Chacon

7 years ago by

Sissy Sainte-Marie Chacon is otherworldly. Not only does she have that striking, timeless beauty (and really great hair), she also has a refreshingly unique approach to personal style – full of confidence, intelligence, and grace. We met the LA based stylist and editor-at-large for Garmentory in New York earlier this year and couldn’t wait to get to know her better. She welcomed us into her Los Feliz home where she lives her husband and reinforced every idea we had about why she is a total dream woman. Meet Sissy!

fashion style story sissy sainte marie atelier dore photo

fashion style story sissy sainte marie atelier dore photo

Hat, Jacquemus ; Top, Shaina Mote ; Pants, Shaina Mote ; Boots, by Far ; Ring, Legier

Describe your style in 3 words.
Minimal, whimsical, mobius.

Did developing your very individual personal style happen organically or were you more conscious of certain decisions you made, trends you gravitated towards, etc?
It was a battle every step of the way. I second guessed every instinct I had. I was a ball of guilt, neurosis and confusion. I don’t think I felt comfortable in my own skin until I was 40.

Do you follow trends or steer clear of them?
I follow trends that resonate with me. For example, these days I will be wearing lots of statement sleeves and big earrings but you probably won’t find me wearing trackpants or graphic tees.

Where do you like to shop?
I love to shop online. I love being savvy with sales and discount codes. I shop online at Need Supply and Garmentory quite a bit. Locally I love nice boutiques like Nonna, The Apartment by The Line, Rachel Comey, and Assembly Los Angeles. And I am SO happy Creatures of Comfort will be returning to Los Angeles next month – and on the Eastside now!

Style Story / Sissy Sainte-Marie Chacon

fashion style story sissy sainte marie atelier dore photo

fashion style story sissy sainte marie atelier dore photo

Left: Top, Ciao Lucia ; Jeans, NEED by Need Supply ; Shoes, The Palatines ; Earrings, Vrai & Oro x Sissy Sainte Marie / Right: Bag, Crescioni

What’s most important when it comes to style: comfort, beauty, or innovation?
I’d have to say comfort. But for me personally I am most comfortable when I am really put together.

Do you have a fashion muse?
No, not really a muse. I have some women from the past and present I call my totems. My totems are women who were very stylish and good at being themselves – Georgia O’Keefe, Sade, Carolyn Bisset Kennedy, Gloria Vanderbilt, Diana Ross, Diana Vreeland.

There are some influencers, street style players and ladies in the industry whose style I admire. Rachel Wang can wear the boldest things in the most laid-back way, Annina Mislin has a chic easiness that is never boring, Christene Barberich is always beaming and consistently fabulous, Reese Blutstein is just adorable and I wish more young women would take a page from her book when they get dressed. Sophie Fontanel makes me not dread aging.

Are there things you don’t wear?
I rarely wear bright colors, logos, or sportswear outside of the gym.

Style Story / Sissy Sainte-Marie Chacon
Style Story / Sissy Sainte-Marie Chacon

Coat, Pari Desai ; Pants, Shaina Mote ; Boots, Shaina Mote ; Earrings, Rachel Comey

fashion style story sissy sainte marie atelier dore photo

fashion style story sissy sainte marie atelier dore photo


Does living in Los Angeles influence your style? Does your approach to dressing change when you travel?
Hmmm. I don’t know if it’s Los Angeles or that I’ve reached a place in my life where IDGAF, but I do feel permitted to do my thang. There’s a lot of elbow room here to go rogue and feel safe.

When travelling in rural areas, I’d rather blend in so I do go way more basic. But if I’m travelling to another metropolis, I don’t approach dressing much differently – as long as my shoes are comfy, I’m not too cold, and my outfits are Instagram-worthy haha. I will be travelling to Copenhagen and all over Italy next month, so let’s see.

What are 3 things you always carry with you while you’re traveling?
A Mophie, an extra canvas bag, and from now on Shaina Mote’s Uma trench which folds into a portable bag sewn in the lining.

What’s your most beloved item right now?
My Jacquemus Santon straw hat. I hope summer lingers so I can wear it a bit more.

An item you’re coveting?
The perfect suit!

fashion style story sissy sainte marie atelier dore photo

Beret, Clyde ; Top, Anaak ; Pants, Shaina Mote ; Boots, Shaina Mote ; Earrings, Vrai & Oro x Sissy Sainte Marie


Add yours
  • My goodness this woman is chic!

  • I follow Sissy on Instagram, but clearly no very well since I’m surprised that she’s 40 or in her 40s!!! Such amazing skin!

  • This women is over 40? Impeccable

  • I really like her style.
    And I really appreciate too this kind of interview with people in her 40s. She brings more value also to the article.

  • Can she share which product she is using on the terracotta? I have the same floor but not as shiny

  • Je trouve que votre première photo est tout simplement splendide ! Quel mélange des influences historiques et des volumes et des détails modernes! Et puis j’adore cette gamme de couleurs! Sissy est vraiment incroyable et inspirante. Elle aime des formes recherchées et décontractées à la fois. Quelle cool attitude, quel style, quelle subtilité ! J’adore la grâce et l’aisance avec lesquelles Sissy porte ce magnifique chapeau Santon Jacquemus. Effectivement, le fait qu’elle a 40 ans est très rassurant!

  • Elle a un style superbe… et elle est superbe ! D’ailleurs, elle fait très jeune, c’est fou ! Quand j’ai vu écrit “Je crois que je n’ai commencé à me sentir bien dans ma peau qu’à partir de 40 ans”, j’ai tiqué et je me suis dit “mais c’est pas possible, elle a l’air d’avoir 30 ans maximum !”
    Bref, elle est très jolie et très stylée en tout cas :)

    Belle journée au studio !


  • Oh so easy when you are wealthy! I wish this place, this blog was more like when it all started, funny, down to earth. More women of style with smaller budget please!

  • We love all women! And try to showcase as many as possible. In this particular case, we just adore Sissy’s amazing, individual style. xx

  • How stylish she is and I can’t agree more with about her choice for Jacquemus hat :)

  • J’aime particulierement la tenue noire avec le beret cognac de Sissy, entrant dans la maison aux tomettes brillantes.

  • This interview is so refreshing, we see a woman who has developed her own personal style, not a girl. That’s what I love about this site , real beautiful women telling their stories.
    Dress The Part

  • Sophie Fontanel is definitely one of my muses too. I’ve been following her work since I was a teen, watched her on TV, read her books & articles, her blog, and now religiously follow her Insta account. Her philosophy, style and humour are so elevating!

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