9 years ago by
The other day, I told you about our retreat Upstate, where my team and I found ourselves full of good intentions (we’re going to work like crazy people, but in the country!) and where we actually ended up spending most of our time swimming, cooking, and drinking rosé (sorry to all our collaborators for the delayed emails). But anyway, it’s good to take a break sometimes, and it was really cool — we took lots of photos, and we thought it would be great to share them with you.
It’s also because we realized during one of our long meetings that we talk to you all the time about others, all the people we admire and who inspire us, but we don’t say much about ourselves. [Ok, actually I talk about myself all the time, but I don’t show many photos. I’m starting to realize I’m photo-allergic, which makes our photographer Erik’s life a living hell. That’s often the case, by the way: photographers prefer to stay behind the camera.]
And it’s true – our team is pretty cool. I mean, they inspire me!
There’s Neada, the super sweet Australian who’s really healthy and cool and loves yoga; Brie, the super hip girl who knows absolutely everyone in New York; Emily, the chill business girl who’s got a mind faster than a Formula 1 car; Amanda, who’s super chic and adorable, and has made herself indispensable after only being here for three month; Heloise, who has amazing style, and oversees our shop and has turned it into a little paradise of inspiration; and finally, Erik, our beloved Erik, we’ll have to make you a video of him dancing so you can see the magic this guy carries in his hips — with all these talented people, you end up with a lot of truly inspiring moments.
So today, I wanted to share that with you, to make the spirit of this summer last a few minutes longer.
I promise, we’ll talk about what we want to wear for the coming year really soon. I’m starting to get tons of ideas. What about you?

Très jolies photos ! Par contre, autant Erik on comprend tout de suite qui c´est, mais pour les autres c´est plus dur ! Ca serait sympa de savoir qui est qui et de pouvoir mettre des visages sur les noms ! ^-^
oui c’est ce que j’allais écrire, ce serait bien des petites légendes :)
l’endroit avait l’air top !
i love the celine flats! and the watermelon triangles! :)
Super ces photos!!!! Voilà, ça me le reconfirme: Vous êtes des Gentils :)
ps: sur la 1ère photo de Garance, it all shows (impossible de le traduire en français): si belle, si naturelle, si bienveillante… bravo au photographe (Erik?) qui a su capter tout ça!
Oh la jolie bande de copains !!!
Trop mimi Brie et son grand sourire ;-)
Sans doute un séjour super agréable! Et au fait vous êtes tous très beaux!
Trop bien ces photos ! On a juste envie de partir en retraite avec vous !
Ho oui une présentation de toutes l’équipe, qu’elle bonne idée !
En tout cas bonne rentrée à vous la garance team !
Cool la petite retraite créative !
Moi aussi e commence à penser à la rentrée… Mais c’est plutôt une arrière pensée pour l’instant. Je n’ai pas envie d’y penser vraiment, ça voudrait dire que l’été est terminé :-(
trop trop beau ! Photos magnifique, endroit juste génial !!! et vous tous merci ! Je suis d’accord avec le commentaire ci-dessus, on reconnait ben Garance, Erik, Chris, mais les filles on sait pas vraiment qui est qui. Merci pour votre créativité et joie de vivre !
Wahouuu les photos sont sublimes et donnent envie d’instaurer la même règle dans toutes les start-ups françaises ! Le paradis…
I’m in the hamptons right now and loving the country vibes — so much nicer than being in LA
Great moments great pictures..great inspiration …
Yael Guetta
Garance, je rebondis sur l’idée de réduire le temps de travail de tes équipes. Je trouve ça génial. Concrètement, ça donne quoi?
These photos really make us feel like we shared a bit of your retreat in this beautiful setting. Thank you for taking us along, so to speak, because I know your readers were very much a topic of the conversations that ensued. Your previous post about being part of a team was wonderful, and I am sure that these talented young people will always retain the values you have so thoughtfully embraced together. Many thanks for being a delightful part of my day(s).
what a great way to treat the people you work with….great for morale…although…i bet you don’t have an issue with that….beautiful photography…..wonderful to get to know the “team”…..xoxoxox
What a dreammm, I would love to be a part of your team! A weekend of swimming and rose in upstate. Certainly it has inspired to do it more often.
Très jolies photos, pleines de spontanéité! Bonne rentrée;-)
Splendid photos upstate! I just returned from the Catskills last night for my 30th Birthday weekend celebrations! It was a beautifully epic weekend in great company and beautiful surroundings! love love love
Perfect retreat! As always super beautiful pictures! Who could resist swimming and rose in such a great company!
Le rêve de bosser avec toi ! À quand une antenne GD à Paris ? :-) Je postule !
I think you make a dream team – rare, but so wonderful as it gives everyone so much positive energy and inspiration. Love this getaway idea very much. And also adore the updated blog design! x
Wonderful vibes to work!
Quelle belle ambiance ! Cela donne tout de suite envie d’y être, les photos sont pleines de chaleur et de gaieté… il y en a beaucoup qui se “damneraient” (cf le diable s’habille en Prada) pour bosser avec toi, ça c’est sûr …
Nothing can compare to a retreat away from work! I can imagine how re-energized you and the team must be after a relaxed time in a naturally beautiful setting! Erik did a fab job to capture the moments!! xo
Garance=Girl Boss Extraordinaire!
adorn la femme
Thank you!! … and she sure is …
Mon dieu mais c’est photo sont supeeeerbes !!! Inspirantes c’est le mot, tu ne t’es pas trompée :o
Waw :D je suis ravie d’avoir fait un tour chez Garance Dorée ce soir. Merci beaucoup, je reviendrai :) haha !
C’est un mervellieuse location! Je vous invite au trullo in Puglia la prochain fois, a bientot! Vous etes tris très simpatici! Tous! Ciao Garance
Garance you look so happy. I know in the past you wrote about having a baby of your own. Just to say you’re in such a good place in your career and Chris is amazing. I don’t want to be one of those people saying motherhood changes everything but it will heighten your work and life so much. As its changed Rachel Zoe’s work I am so interested to see if this change is in the cards for you. Its really the most beautiful and inspiring thing.
I think I just found the new fall show I want to watch- it’s all of you…wouldn’t that make a great series?!
More of these, guys! You’re beautiful! :))
It is great to love and admire the people you work with! How lovely that you all have each other and delight in the work that you are doing. It certainly shows in the beautiful product you produce day in and day out. Now, I only wish I could join you!
This is a dream team, Garance. You just come across as the Best Boss Ever :) Great photos!
Could you be pulling our legs? (said with a very sincere French accent) Are you sure that’s upstate New York? It’s as beautiful as the south of France. You’re living and creating the dream for others. It’s nice. Enjoy.
Merci pour cet article. Alors que je croule sous les cartons de déménagement, la poussière et le stress, j’ai cu le sentiment d’être au milieu de la pleine campagne en regardant les photos. ;)
Thanks for sharing these stunning pictures! Looks like you had so much fun!
Great escape! I wanted to ask Neada about her move to NY, all the way from Australia. How did you manage to make the move, find a job and get a living / working permit in the US? I would love to hear you journey, as I am planning on doing the same.
Thank you in advance!
Hi! Well, I’ve been living here for three years now. It wasn’t easy at first, especially on the visa side (I’m currently on an E3). I just made the leap of faith and looked for a job once I got here, and came with every letter of reference I could get. Wishing you all the luck on your planned move – moving to NY is the best thing I’ve done!
Great photos, so chill and effortlessly chic! You should totally buy that place and work from there!))
These photos are wonderful! They make me want to get on a flight to NYC and join your team. Not really sure what skills I have to bring to the table or if there’s room for two Australians in the office but I can dream right? Thanks for sharing :)
Always room for more Aussies!
Beautiful photos. Which camera, objectives do you use usually for these?
Looks like an incredible time! Would you mind sharing where the leather sandals are from? Merci!
Thank you for sharing! It’s so inspiring to see a team of motivated, creative individuals working together toward common goals AND having fun doing it. I’ll have to use this as “proof” for the necessity of creative retreats in my schedule. :)
Aww, lovely pics. Gorgeous place.
Vraiment beau, et beaux.
Ca donne envie d’être avec vous.
Des bisous
Aimez votre poste, et je l’aime votre style de vie. Une vie heureuse
Les photos de vos moments sont vraiment magnifiques, ça donne tellement envie ! Vous êtes une équipe tellement belle et inspirante, plus que des collègues, de véritables amis, cela se voit vraiment sur les clichés. Garance, best boss ever !
Thanks for bringing us on this glorious retreat with you!!! I would love to hear more about Emily and her razor sharp mind. What did she study, what does her function entail, where does she see herself in a few years?
And unrelated….where may I find those wonderful black and brown sandals?!?!
Is that your babe in the back of the car with you? He’s a doll!!!