
8 years ago by

It’s time for my Instagram Update …!!! Woo, you’re about to hear some good ones (G the teasing expert).


I’m letting my hair grow out.
You may not realize it, but what’s happening is happening. My in-between hair makes me laugh a lot (Chris not so much, since my hair looks like an explosion going off every other day) And it’s not–to answer the cries of one commenter, “please don’t fall into the grow out your hair for your wedding category!!!”–to grow out my hair for my wedding (hahahaha, MY WEDDING, it’s so weird to say that.) it’s for an even stupid reason, it’s because my FIANCÉ (no seriously, so weird) really likes the idea of longer hair.
Yeah. Ok. Totally agree with you: Can we judge a woman’s Garance’s freedom by the length of her hair? Help. I DON’T WANT TO KNOW. The fact is, I like that I’m getting some curls back, and if we over-analyze everything, we’d never do anything at all, right?
It’s still possible that I’ll get sick of it and cut it all off again, though. Free once, free forever ;)

I admire how good other people are at organization.
Sometimes on Instagram, I regram, and it’s often when something makes me dream about the girl I’ll never be, the girl capable of organizing her suitcase like a pro. 
Suitcase? What? Didn’t I tell you? I’m in LA!!!


When I talk, I come up with great quotes all by myself. 
That’s how much of a genius I am. Haha, I’m kidding, but it’s funny how, taken out of context, anything can become a quote. And if you’re like me, part of you is so sick of the f*#$@&g sh*@#y #quotes on every third Instagram, and the other part of you is taking screenshots of them and keeping them nice and warm for later (or sending them to friends) because actually there’s something about them that touches you deep down in a way you can’t quite explain, those quotes on life.



The Studio is a garden, thank you, thank you, thank you!
I don’t understand anything about engagement. I’m happy just like that, me!
Fortunately there are people around me to remind me how it’s done. People sending us flowers, bottles of champagne, congratulations. Asking me WHEN we’re getting married. Asking me WHERE. Asking me WHICH DRESS. Asking when my engagement party will be.
Pheeeewww where do I begin?



This is my book in Polish.
Love Style Life is coming out all over the world, in ten languages right now, and more to come. It’s pretty crazy, I’m receiving Instagram photos from all different parts of the world, and I have no idea what they say (the only way I know they aren’t insult Instagrams is because of the emojis haha) but I’m super touched.


Ok, we have to do a little LA update, kids. 
So here we are, Chris and I escaped to LA for a couple of weeks OR MORE. 
First of all because I had work there, but also and most of all to try to get away from the New York winter for a while, since I have to admit, it totally knocked us out last winter.
And the winter before that. And the one before that too. No amount of vitamin E can remedy the misery of a woman and man from the South, raised by the sea in temperate climates, when they have to brave blizzards, snow and the cold for months on end.
Last year, full of good intentions, we even tried to follow our Norwegian friends’ advice by “making a party out of winter” by going to the mountains on the weekend to go snowboarding and cooking at home and…Pffff we didn’t find many other ways to make winter a party, actually. And we kind of ended up losing our minds a little bit, hating our parkas, and even giving our snowboards dirty looks (it’s super cold in the mountains, after all).
So this January, LA. I’m working on a series of posts about life in LA, like RIGHT AWAY cause they’re crazy here.
In the meantime, sublime sunsets every day!!! Vive the West coast!



Butcher’s Daughter is in the house!!!
In LA, everything is healthy, including me. I’m eating well and healthy, I haven’t smoked in two weeks (I’m not a big smoker, but I still occasionally like a cigarette with a glass of wine)(and do I like a glass of wine!), I’m doing Pilates like crazy and when I don’t do Pilates, I ride my bike or go for a run. We’re cooking at home every day, like in an ad for the perfect couple. I even made steel cut oatmeal, guys. INSTANT is NOT good for you. That’s how crazy I am.
I must have had maybe two glasses of wine since I got here.
No, you don’t get it. I always drink a glass of wine. Every day. After work. That’s life, that’s how it is.
But in LA, no. No need. If this continues, 2016 is really going to be my #hotyearYeah right, I’m going to get back to New York and all my bad habits, take out, stuffing my face daily and non-Pilates going are going to come galloping back. Shit!!! And I’m even going to start swearing again! Fuuuuuck.


James’ Beach is in the house!!!
No, nothing, but James’ Beach is in the film I Love You, Man and I love that film. Have you seen it? I love it. Love you, dude.


Love Style Life is in the mega hoooooooooooooooouse!!!
Let’s bring this update to a close with the best most killer news. Love Style Life is a New York Times Best Seller, which is kind of the coolest thing that can happen in the life of a book and its author, especially when you’re French and you can’t believe your eyes. It’s like, the thing I’ll be able to say all my life. Like now, they won’t call me Garance Doré anymore, but New York Times Best Selling author Garance Doré, hahaha. Ok ok, this is getting a bit long. I’ll just tattoo it on my face, then, ok.
I’ll spare you the weepy thank yous (I’m saving that for Instagram, much better for that) but THANK YOU, EVEN SO (tears) and I kiss you on both cheeks.

Talk to you later!

Translated by Andrea Perdue

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  • deux mots : je kiffe !

  • i’m glad you go back to long hair: it suits you better! :)


  • Quel succès, bravo pour ton livre!
    Et les cheveux… je ne peux m’empêcher de repenser à Fred qui t’avait conseillé de valoriser tes boucles… on y vient ;-)!!

  • All this images in “cream” feels like you announcing the color…. very soon you are getting married ….yes yes you told us ….but …that’s what you show us flowers your wedding coat yes i know i’am sure it’s going to be in the summer because for a dress wise…fashion …it’s so much nicer…
    can’t wait…but please this little pictures from Instagram are nice on Instagram…make sure we can see the details of the events ..big nice pictures..
    with love
    Yael Guetta


  • Congrats Garance! it’s really awesome to see you radiant and happy (and warm)! The ‘make winter a party’ idea made me smile. Though I never went that far, I once organised a winter picnic in Paris where we all brought food and picnic with our jackets and blankets (ever the optimistic) we all froze our fingers & bums at the end. well.. friends who freeze together stick together right? ;)


  • Ohhh mais j’adore ta nouvelle coupe! <3
    Ca te va super bien!
    Belle journée et bon week-end

    Julie, Petite and So What?

  • lmao the part about winter and cold kills me hahahaha


  • What a wonderful round-up! I just love following your Instagram account, so many gorgeous photos!

  • Bonjour..j aime tes boucles et tes cheveux sauvage..plus chaleureuse..avant.. bin.. jt trouvais froide comme un glaçon..

  • Trop cool l’hiver à LA ! Fais attention quand même parce que la tendance healthy ça peut être très très chiant à la longue ! ah ah (moi j’aime bien la Garance un peu baltringue )

  • Are you going to do another book signing in NY? I thought you announced earlier that you would ????

  • I have to buy your book in Polish !
    I get into the groove with reading your blog :-). I cannot imagine my life without this stories . Although I don`t live in US it is so interesting and inspiring. Love you !

  • Félicitations encore pour le mariage et surtout le livre, que je viens de finir été qui est fabuleux.
    NYT Best seller, yeeeah! C’est amplement mérité.
    Tu fais partie des rares blogueuses à avoir pris son temps avant de sortir un bouquin et tu as eu bien raison, car tu es de ce fait une des rares à avoir proposé un excellent ouvrage intéressant, pertinent et qui n’ai pas seulement un montage du contenu de ton blog. 1000 fois merci pour ça.

  • I grew my hair out for a guy. And the next guy liked it too. HAHAHAH. Grow it, cut it. It’s just hair and personally, I don’t want one hair style for the rest of my life.

  • Cristiana January, 29 2016, 11:16 / Reply

    I’m probably one of the few who preferred you with your natural long and curly
    hair. I agree with Chris. I loved your boucles and I’m happy to see them back.
    Congrats …on everything!

  • Jane with the noisy terrier January, 29 2016, 11:19 / Reply

    I’ve spent the past six winters on Hilton Head, extending my stay each year a few weeks longer (last year I didn’t return until the third week of April and it still was cold!). But this year, I’ve sold my apartment (ACK! After 18 years in NYC, I’m moving to my house on Hilton Head!) and have been packing stuff up, seeing friends and generally appreciating having an apartment in New York for probably the last time in my life. But damn — it’s cold and gray! I have one more month to go, but gee, I miss temperate weather, blue skies, and heavy sweaters instead of coats. I feel your pain.

  • C’est génial ces articles Update, comme les Style Story, d’ailleurs je n’ai pas commenté celui de cette semaine mais je tiens à féliciter Brie & Erik pour le super boulot et de nous faire partager tout ça !!!
    Très bonne continuation à toute l’équipe, vous nous faites du bien au quotidien :)

  • La nouvelle coupe : petit patre des montagnes. Cute !
    Nous suivons la saga Garance Dore avec plaisir au lu des coms, un peu comme s’il s’agissait de la vie d’une amie chere.
    La suite !!!

  • Please please Garance do not grow your hair. You suit short hair! It makes you soooo chic and sexy. You know you will go back to the bun if you let it grow.xxx

  • Ah quelle surprise de voir soudain sur ton blog un morceau de texte en polonais! Car je suis Polonaise:) francophone;) et je suis ton blog depuis des annees. On s’est meme croisees un jour a Paris il y a oh la la 4 ans, mais je n’ai pas ose te dire bonjour, ce que je regrette… bref grand fan de ton travail:) Je te felicite du succes, je suis vraiment contente pour toi:) gros bisous

  • You’re growing your hair out for a guy? Oh Garance! You really should keep your hair how you like it. Remember how happy you were when you cut it off? So happy! Though even then I remember you blogged about how Scott had encouraged you to do it because you’d been wanting a change for ages but kept stalling. Ahhhh stop looking to the men for hair validation! Ps. Your hair looks good Pps. Does Chris like long hair when it’s scraped back into a bun every day? Because that’s what’s going to happen!

  • karacocoa January, 29 2016, 2:10

    I agree. And Garance, I think the short hair looks divine on you. You with long hair looked more generic.

  • Tu ne veux pas peut-etre venir un jour en Pologne pour la signature de ton livre?;)

  • You’re growing your hair out for a guy? Oh Garance! You really should keep your hair how you like it. Remember how happy you were when you cut it off? So happy! Though even then I remember you blogged about how Scott had encouraged you to do it because you’d been wanting a change for ages but kept stalling. Ahhhh stop looking to men for hair validation! Ps. Your hair looks good Pps. Does Chris like long hair when it’s scraped back into a bun every day? Because that’s what’s going to happen!

  • Stephanie January, 29 2016, 12:08 / Reply

    You are amazing and so inspiring! I love reading your posts. What an exciting time in your life :) I love how candid you are and open and honest. I can’t wait to get your book :) Hope you enjoy your time in LA!

  • Sunny Side January, 29 2016, 12:27 / Reply

    Ah la la oui presque un refrain comme de se laisser repousser les cheveux bouclés … non mais je garde au chaud un email de toi, du temps où tu répondais aux émails, où tu me dis que si tu coupes tes cheveux … quelqu’un proche de toi va grave péter un cable !!! Et tu les as coupés, et tu t’es fait plaisir ! Franchement je trouve très bon signe que tu acceptes enfin ton côté “Mowgli” avec tout le charme que cela te donne ! Le mariage quelle blague, y a de quoi se dédoubler genre je suis le “witness” de mon propre mariage ! Si tu pouvais enregistrer avec une voix off tout ce que cela t’inspire, t’as un scénario drôlissime ! N’empêche que tu vas pleurer et que c’est trop émouvant cette histoire ! A suivre …

  • Oh, Garance! Thank you for making my day, as I am a Polish Girl in NYC, it was so nice to see a page of your book in my language!!!:)))

  • Garance, I’m loving your growing-out hair. All those vivacious curls look fantastic, and I envy you the bone structure to carry them off. Tres jolie.

  • Amazing thats your book is at the NYT best seller’s list! Congrats!!!
    Love, love your work; you are such an inspiration! Keep going.

  • Esperanza January, 29 2016, 2:00 / Reply

    Congrats, Garance & enjoy this moment! Will be the book in spanish? Kisses from Arg!!

  • before I even read the post, i thought “love the hair… maybe I should grow mine” … Looks great!
    Congrats on the book! Have mine here in my own studio… love it! Enjoy LA!


  • Je suis tellement heureuse pour toi ????

  • Rousspétée January, 29 2016, 4:54 / Reply

    La vache ! La repousse ! C’est tellement la galère ! Bon courage : 50% de chances que tu finisses par craquer à H-2 mois de pouvoir te faire une micro-queue. 50% de chances de tenir. Résiste ! ;-)

  • It sounds all really exciting!
    And I think it’s great to try new hairstyles. You looked beautiful with longer hair!


  • Men like long hair! Of course, because it is feminine. So that’s a perfect reason. And I keep and maintain my long hair because my man loves it. If he suddenly grew a giant Duck Dynasty beard, I would not like it! So I think it is fine to be what the person you love loves.

  • Beautiful update, Garance! Nice weather inspires healthy ways. It’s hard not to jump in and embrace it. Enjoy your time here in LA!

  • The ring, oh the ring, when are we going to see the ring?


  • When you had long hair, I noticed what you were wearing first, and then your beauty. With short hair, I noticed your beauty first, clothes second. Sure I want my husband to look at me and think I look great, but nothing makes a woman more appealing than when she feels amazing herself. Reread your posts from when you first cut it. Happy, happy, happy. It was a full-on love affair with your hair.

  • Your hair in that photo with the white duffel coat looks Gorgeous, absolutely perfect and timeless.

  • Men simply do not like short hair. I’m an extremely youthful looking sixty-two. I’ve had very, very, very short hair for about ten years that I bleach white. I can count on one hand the (white) men who have complemented me. However total strangers, hairdressers, women in general, and African American men and women in particular literally stop to tell me how few women can get away with the look, but that I do it beautifully. My husband of thirty-two years tells me it looks elegant…and swears he likes it…but I know he wouldn’t argue if I grew it out a little. Ain’t gonna happen…I have too many other things I rather do with my time. Getting up in the morning and giving my head a quick tussle…is a well-earned delight!

  • Bonjour Garance ! Je suis une inconditionnelle de ton blog : depuis-presque-le-début : les années passent ! Et j’adore son évolution, la tienne aussi.
    Voulais juste savoir si tu allais retourner aux défilés et continuer à nous faire des petits débriefs ? Beaucoup d’amour avec ton nouveau projet : en attendant d’en savoir pluuus ;p

  • mademoiselle mauve January, 30 2016, 4:56 / Reply

    bravo pour cette vie fabuleuse que tu te construis (consciemment ou pas !) <3

  • Cecilija January, 30 2016, 7:07 / Reply

    Oh, I loooove the curly bangs on you!!! I say- keep ’em while you grow your hear. So cool!

  • Hello Garance!
    My nome is Isabela, I am Brazilian, and I always read your website in French. First of all because you are the French girl style to me and it wouldn’t fit to read you in English. And second it is a very pleasant way to keep me in track with the language, that I so much love! So I would love to buy your book in French. I didn’t find that version here in Brazil and I am going to NYC next month, so I wonder if it is possible to find the French version there? Thank you very much! Luv, Bela

  • perfect! love…

  • You are probably a much better cook than I am, Garance, but here’s a tip re: the steel cut oats. You start them the night before in the rice cooker and they’ll be ready for you in the morning. That is all….

  • I love winter, but winter in the city is the whole other category of winters. Nothing to do with crispy air, quiet and white landscape, going for a run in the snow and coming back to a hot shower and logs burning in the chimney. Nope.

  • You so deserve the Best Seller author title, I’ll call you that ;) x


  • Your reaction to being quoted is the best ! AND… Congrats New York Times Bestseller Author Garance Doré !

  • Your man fell in love with you with short hair.
    I think you look amazing with short hair; long hair is so common (I have long hair, but only because I don’t have your bone structure!) Right now, you stand out from the crowd.
    I love your blog because of your strong personality and sense of style…

  • I just want to say thank you back, Garance! I have been reading your blog since I was 16-17 years and yesterday was my 26th birthday. What did my fiancé get me? Your book, of course! And I’m enjoying every page! I was also a big fan of Enid Blyton’s books about the Five, and I too loved George, she made me wish I had a boy’s name..
    So, yeah, thank you for your pictures and your words all these years.
    And congratulations to you and Chris, I wish you love and happiness :)

  • Huge congrats on getting NYT best seller!! I laughed at how you described it because it was so full of joy, humor, and unapologetic.

    I LOVE that you are growing your hair out!! I too have gone back and forth between the sexy short hair and feminine long hair and I soo dig that you are in fact doing it for Chris! I consider myself a modern woman but see nothing wrong with wanting to please my partner! In my eyes, my style is my own, but I love wearing or doing my hair the way my boyfriend likes it. Because let’s face it, hair is such a large part of one’s look and if you have found your forever love, what’s wrong with doing something a little special or different especially for them? Same idea as dainty lingerie, a smashing red dress, or in my case growing your hair out… :)

  • Garance Congrats on your engagement, Hair? You rock with any length, love the locks!!!

  • Lisa Walker January, 31 2016, 3:46 / Reply

    Everyone is like– have you seen Garance Dore in town??? She’s so cool… Isn’t Angeleno life grand!?

  • Maryanne January, 31 2016, 6:52 / Reply

    Love your hair!!! I’m 56 and have curly hair and it has been the bane of my life.. I’ve gone from long to short to very long to crew cuts and have decided long curly hair is what I want as it is so much easier!!! Nothing wrong with listening to other people’s options on how you would like your hair.. Makes sense as people are the ones looking at your hair most of the time…

  • yes you´re crazy, Garance..and we all love you that way. enjoy your hapiness momment ,and drink a glass of wine inmediatly so you are a wonderfull French Girl in LA. Red wine is so healthy…;)

  • Welcome to LA (of course it is rainy today!)

  • Victoria Regia January, 31 2016, 8:04 / Reply

    You hair in the picture above looks stunning. Very youthful chic! I agree with one of the comments – longer hair suits you much better.

  • J’habite a Zagreb, en Croatie, je suis franco-croate (et j’ai presque 39 ans, c’est important a signaler hmm) et je te propose te traduire ton livre en croate? ;)

  • Coucou Garance!

    De magnifiques photos, j’aime beaucoup le fait que tu nous racontes les photos de ton instagram, ça rajoute vraiment quelque chose de singulier.
    Et j’adore comment poussent tes cheveux, ça donne un côté à la fois très cool et très chic.

    Gros bisous

  • I’m Polish and a great fan of the blog and the books-so I am so excited to see the polish translation posted. And I actually decided to cut my hair inspired by your great look. And as I haven’t got used to it after 10 months, only seeing how great you look gives me hope. Honestly, from all the pictures I have googled, you are one of these very very few women who look better wearing short hair.

  • Leave Garance’s hair alone! She looks gorgeous whatever way she likes, and moods change as hair changes. (I should know, I just went from long to very short after 30 years of long hair and I’m single in NYC!) Speaking of being single , ANYONE dating in NYC deserves combat pay, period , and anyone who meets a great person and marries them and then wants to sweetly please them, deserves a congratulations not criticism. If Garance wants negging she can marry a jerk OK?

  • Also NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER face tattoo! I die! You are such a charming and talented writer with such great voice- you make fashion, style and women’s lives truly accessible in a warm, smart, chic, inclusive, insightful way. You remind me a bit of Colette come to think of it …. Congratulations on a job well done!

  • Congrats for book :) ! ça te va bien les cheveux comme ça :) Merci pour tout ce que tu as partagé dans le livre, je suis encore un peu sur l’effervescence de la lecture…j’adore savoir quelques choses que parce que lectrice du blog et ça m’a fait une sourire complice quand je lisais… l’élégance du cœur, la quarantaine, l’amour, mes passages préférés :-)

  • Congratulations for such amazing news Garance!!! So happy for you!
    It is a pleasure to read you, as always. I got your book for Christmas and I am enjoying every page :)
    Looking forward to reading your L.A posts too! Enjoy your little summer in the middle of the winter.

  • Did you eat at Gjelina or Kreation Kafe yet? Both are really close to The Butcher’s Daughter. So delicious. I just got back from a similar winter escape (from Alaska) with my husband and it was dreamy and refreshing. Have fun!

  • Gosh Garance, it is so beautiful to see how some relationships can encourage us to try new ways, to redefine us, taking up a new hair style, a new healthy lifestyle, new destination. We can stray true to ourselves but add new shades to our life..So nice to see you on your journey. Thank you for sharing your experience.
    Warmest Regards,


  • Do whatever you want – you’re beautiful and kind and funny and reading your posts makes every day brighter. Thank you for being your own lovely self and sharing it with the rest of us!

  • I love your grow out hair faze, reminds me of my Mum in the 80’s, who I thought was the most beautiful person in the world. She permed hers though, it wasn’t natural, we now both wish we had curly hair, always wanting what you can’t have….

  • Great post. I totally understand how you feel about winter. I am spending the winter in Mexico (San Miguel, Oaxaca, Guanajuato, etc.
    You are very pretty so you always look great but I prefer your hair short sans too many boucles.
    Oh and congrats on your success as an author. Bien fait!!!

  • Emmanuelle February, 5 2016, 10:28 / Reply

    J’adore tes cheveux comme ça! Belle et solaire, as usual quoi.

  • I just loooveee your Coach coat, but can´t get it in the web.. Help! anyone?

    By the way, love your messy grown hair…I think it is the perfect hair growing time.


  • Good luck growing your hair out. I grew mine out for me, as well as my boyfriend who likes long hair. He has helped me grow it out, he does my trims for me, so the scissor happy stylists don’t hack it all off. Once my hair got long enough to braid, I had him learn how to braid my hair for me. I love having it combed and braided for me. I feel really pampered when he does it for me, so I know I am never going to chop my hair off and give up the pampering. I wore my hair in a waterfall braided style for my wedding. And a few people asked if I was going to chop it off afterwards. I tell them there was no way that was going to happen. Why grow beautiful long hair, look great with it, then get a boring frumpy haircut and cry for months? Go for it, I’m sure you will look great with flowing tresses.

From the Archives

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