Morgane Sezalory: A Freedom Inside
6 years ago by
This week on Atelier Doré is dedicated to our Moroccan retreat called “The Art of Storytelling.” We hope to share some of the lessons we taught and learned. So, when we asked our retreat guests who would be one of their dream speakers, Morgane Sezalory came up more than once. We were so happy. She was on the top of our list, too. Fast forward to a few months later and here we are, on the rooftop of Hotel El Fenn. The sun is shining and I’m sitting here with Morgane. How did she create Sézane, the amazingly successful French brand, and how does she manage success? You’ll see in this episode that Morgane is not your typical entrepreneur. As she describes herself, lazy and messy, it’s by using her vulnerabilities that she created such a special destination for women. Alright, meet Morgane!
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On adapting to life in Paris after living in Africa…
In Africa, we were going to school very early. Every afternoon was lazy because it was too hot. Most people work very early and maybe at 2pm you don’t have school anymore. So this was very hard for me. In France you go to school all day, and if you have to take a nap—I love to rest, but when I’m passionate, I don’t want to stop doing something— and when I was little, the first days in school, they wanted us to lay down and look at the ceiling. I was not used to it, so it was hard!
On not knowing what she wanted to do or be…
I didn’t know what I wanted to be. I just knew I wanted to be an independent woman, which means I never wanted to ask any man what I’m supposed to do, or if I could buy anything, or move anywhere—just to feel very free. I understood that it was the biggest chance for women in Europe and a lot of countries where you can actually choose what you can be and how you can live. I couldn’t just not choose my life and realized that school was not for me.
On getting her start…
Our family always loved vintage hunting and my mom likes nice shoes, nice earrings, nice bags—so when my sister left, she left those bags and usually we would’ve given the pieces to a charity. I had just started to hunt on eBay U.S. for myself. You could find amazing things twelve years ago, and even now, but it was so crazy. For me it was like a world. It was the beginning of the Internet. It was so crazy to be able to buy something from someone who was living on the other side of the world. So I was buying my little things. I had a little job to have pocket money. When my sister left, I realized, “Maybe I’m going to shoot those pieces, her pieces, and we’ll see.”
On the earning money in the early days…
I kept my little job. I was working in a shop because I didn’t want my parents to think, “She’s doing nothing.” And I think I didn’t really explain it to them that I was starting to sell things on eBay because I didn’t even realize myself that it was real money. It was so digital and unreal, but it’s funny because after a few months I was earning—not like a lot of money—but still a lot of money. I didn’t realize it was money!
On how others can motivate you to realize your dreams…
My husband, he’s the one who encouraged me to go for design. I was always thinking, “Oh, I’m not ready. I can’t do it.” After a few months of dating, he said, “Morgane, I printed you the list of all the manufacturers in France. You have to go for it.” He went on vacation with his family for Christmas and he said, “When I come back, I don’t want to have any excuse from you. I want you to tell me you’ve found your first manufacturer.” It’s crazy because sometimes you just have to be pushed. I already knew I wanted to do that. I was just waiting.
On how the loss of her brother helped her appreciate life every day…
We miss him so much, but at the same time I think my family realized that there is one life and we have to live it. So the way I live it—I live it every day and every morning with this belief and truth. So many people have so much pain. We all live a pain some day. Each one of us has a shape for pain. When you remind yourself that you have one life and that now is now and maybe you’ll have no chance tomorrow, it makes life more like you have to catch it now.

On having a panic attack for the first time…
At first, I didn’t know what was happening. I thought I had a medical health issue. It’s funny how you don’t want to see. You know, like it has to be medical, it can’t just be me being tired or my body telling me what to do—to stop and slow. I did all the exams you could imagine. I was so afraid.
On the moments you share with strangers…
I was on the phone with Thibaut, my husband, after my panic attack and the taxi driver heard everything. When I hung up, he talked to me. When we arrived home, he stayed with me for like one hour and we talked and shared life. Some taxi drivers in Paris are not the most welcoming, but when they are nice, it’s like you can share so much. It was a beautiful moment despite not understanding what was happening.
On how Sézane evolved organically…
That’s always how I worked with Sézane. I thought, what do I want? What do women around me want and need and what makes them feel something? What makes me feel something? What if a brand is not only a brand and it’s more than a brand? It’s going to sound crazy, but I never dreamt about doing fashion. I just wanted to do something good.
L’incroyable histoire de Morgane Sézalory nous fascine toutes, je crois! Merci, Garance, pour cet interview! Je suis toujours heureuse de savoir un peu plus sur Morgane. Elle est très inspirante et son parcours atypique est incroyable! Elle a vraiment beaucoup de talent et une vision, cette fille. Elle a une intuition de folie! Mais aussi, je crois, c’est une histoire de rencontre des personnes qui se sont prédestinés et de magie qui opère entre elles. :)
It was truly amazing to meet Morgane at the retreat! We LOVE her!!! Thank you for the inspiration and your story! Hugs!
beauté et talent, vous êtes deux icônes de la réussite internet <3
comment l’écouter en français ? merci
Bonjour Cathy,
Unfortunately we are only able to publish the podcast in English at this time. xx
Tellement dommage devoir écouter une créatrice FRANCAISE, en anglais ? Pourquoi ? Pourquoi ce choix ? vraiment je ne comprends pas, 5 min de conversation ok mais pendant 1h ??
Hi Audrey,
Unfortunately we only have the capability to publish the podcast in English at this time! So sorry for the inconvenience, you can read the excerpts in French in the post. x Natalie
Je vous ai écouté du début à la fin.
C’est très touchant, inspirant, sincère et plein d’énergie.
Je la voit vraiment comme une visionnaire, avoir su mener sa marque au succès quelle connaît grâce à l’instinct et la passion et non à toutes sortes de théories apprises sur papier.
Je pense qu’on aime Sézane autant pour ses produits que pour les valeurs et l’image qu’elle véhicule.
C’est une marque pour laquelle je bosserais volontier ;-)
Thank you so much for talking about panick attack; Got one at 28 and it took me two years to quit my job and a few more to find a new professional path (happier and healthier one). It was 10 years ago and I felt like I were alone. I now know that it happened to many women. It is important to talk about it. Beautiful interview.
I thoroughly enjoyed this interview! Thank you for covering such important topics of life and business, and asking such unique, unexpected questions. Also, it was such a pleasure hearing the birds chirping softly in the background, and the faint sounds of the city…it created an auditory backdrop not often experienced in Podcasts!
Tellement déçue que ça ne soit qu en anglais!
I didn’t know morgane until this podcast, but I am now a fan!! Thanks Garance for the podcast!
This podcast kept me wonderful company while cooking yesterday, so much so that I listened to it twice. I plan to play it for my teen daughter.
I love your accents–nothing beats a French person speaking English!–but at the same time I would have loved to have heard you two chatting in French.
J’aime beaucoup le travail de Morgane et de Garance. Je les suis dès le début.
J’avais hâte de passer un moment avec elles, de les écouter parler de leurs débuts, de choses que j’ai lu 150 x.
Mais je suis tellement déçue du rendu de ce podcast. Morgane, si douce mais si stressée (audible à son trémolo de la voix), à court de vocabulaire en anglais.
Cela aurait pu être un vrai moment entre femmes créatives avec une bonne humeur communicative. C’est un raté, sorry les filles. Garance, très sympa à l’audition mais en anglais, c’est too much, cela manque de naturel.
Cela arrive, même aux meilleures :-).
Youpiee!!! I enjoyed the podcast very much, it got me inspired. I love how she is so authentic, cero ego! I had the same impression with Violette, on her podcast: no gimmicks, no mannerisms, freshly them…talking from their heart.
complètement d’accord avec d’autres, on sent que la langue bride Morgane qui aurait été plus spontanée et à l’aise en français, c’est vraiment très dommage ! C’était tout de même super intéressant sur des sujets difficiles à aborder, donc un grand merci et bravo à Morgane. C’est vrai que sa voix fait fluette et presque fragile, on oublie presque à quel point elle est douée et exceptionnelle :-)
J’ai adoré ce podcast ! Morgane est si touchante ! :)
Je découvre, grâce à cette interview, une belle âme et de magnifiques pièces chez Sézane (Les pulls sont magnifiques !)
Super postcast (#teamIspeakenglish) mais la vraie question que personne n’a encore posé… Quelle est cette superbe robe que porte Morgane ? Je ne l’ai jamais vu sur Sezane alors que je suis cliente depuis les Composantes !
Belle interview mais je suis d’accord avec les autres commentaires, le rendu aurait ete plus agreable a ecouter en francais, dommage…
Really touching and helpful: thank you.
Bonjour à toutes les filles,
Je comprend la deception de nombreuses d’entre vous pour le podcast en “anglais”…
Mais merci d’avoir partagé avec nous la vraie nature de Morgane!
Une NATURE qui nous habite chacunes d’entre nous les femmes : la force et la fragilité !
Pour avoir eu la chance d’échanger quelques instants avec elle, je peux vous assurez les filles, que cette fragilité que l’on entend dans sa voix, est tout simplement la DOUCEUR de cette femme.
Merci pour cette belle rencontre entre deux femmes solaires ! Pourriez vous indiquer les références de la jolie robe deMorgane ? Merci mille fois …