
Tashi Dos Santos

Tashi Dos Santos

In advance of our retreat to Chile, we are shining a spotlight on the experts that will be attending and leading us through our own self-discovery process! Next up, Tashi Dos Santos, a...

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6 years ago by

Come Join us in Chile!

Come Join us in Chile!

This past year has been transformative for us as an Atelier, a team, and a community. We wanted our...

6 years ago by

Susan Piver on Meditation

Susan Piver on Meditation

There’s a lot of talk around the benefits of meditation—we’ve touched on it through posts and...

6 years ago by

The Art of Self Discovery

The Art of Self Discovery

The magic of our retreat in Morocco last November is still resonating with us. The time we spent...

6 years ago by

Cap Beauty atelier dore

Conversations with CAP Beauty

Last week I had the immense pleasure of moderating a little chit-chat in the Atelier with Kerrilynn...

6 years ago by

Dallas Cocktails + Conversations

Dallas Cocktails + Conversations

I absolutely love a trip to Dallas—and our readers there have always been such a pleasure to spend...

6 years ago by

New York Cocktails & Conversations

New York Cocktails & Conversations

I just love me a funny lady. So when we were putting together our latest Women & Whiskies...

6 years ago by

people making things atelier dore photo

Marrakshi LIfe

One thing you should know about me is that I like to pretend I’m on vacation, for a good chunk...

6 years ago by

Tracy McMillan: A True Storyteller

Tracy McMillan: A True Storyteller

When I first listened to Tracy McMillan’s TED talk about love and finding yourself, I not only...

6 years ago by

A Week in Marrakech

A Week in Marrakech

As you can tell from this week of stories, our time in Marrakech was incredibly special for all of...

6 years ago by

How To / Tell A Story

How To / Tell A Story

When people ask us what we do at Atelier Doré there are a lot of ways to answer—we have the site,...

6 years ago by

Rituals at the Hammam

Rituals at the Hammam

It’s practically impossible to go to Morocco without at least talking about (if not experiencing)...

6 years ago by

Georgia on the Go

Georgia on the Go

I’ve always been incredibly inspired by women who manage to look chic and put together when they...

6 years ago by

Morgane Sezalory: A Freedom Inside

Morgane Sezalory: A Freedom Inside

This week on Atelier Doré is dedicated to our Moroccan retreat called “The Art of...

6 years ago by

community event laura ferrara atelier dore photo

Office Hours with Laura Ferrara

For our first installation of Office Hours at our NYC studio, we invited Laura Ferrara, stylist and...

7 years ago by

Chicago Cocktails & Conversations

Chicago Cocktails & Conversations

With the intention of connecting ourselves, our readers and our friends IRL, we have been hosting...

7 years ago by

LA Cocktails & Conversations

LA Cocktails & Conversations

Garance and I held a little breakfast and coffee here at the Atelier in September, then last week G...

7 years ago by