9 years ago by
We wanted to take a different look at New York Fashion Week this season, so we asked our friend Paul if we could follow him around for a day! He’s Head of Events at Brachfeld New York, a luxury production company with offices here and in LA and Paris. So, he works on some amazing shows and presentations.
He really has to see every detail come together, taking what the designers envision for their show and making it reality. It’s one of the craziest jobs in fashion! Here is what a day at fashion week is like for him…
The creative aspects of my job are my favorite… when I have to develop quick and creative solutions to issues that I could never have predicted. It’s great to have your instincts tested like that.
I love the variation of the people I work with – and the roles that I perform. There aren’t many other jobs where you get to see such a cross section of the industry.
My uniform on set is general all black and serious shoes – it’s a simple way to signal that I mean business.
So much goes into fashion week, and people invest so much time and effort into it that it’s only natural that emotions can run high and tempers can wear thin . It’s all about postponing the panic, and keeping a level head.
I love the 5 or 10 seconds between when the lights cut, the music begins, and the first model enters the runway. It’s in those few seconds that the dream takes shape , and all of that work and time and effort becomes real . It is usually right then that I remember why I do what I do.
My best tips for surviving fashion week? Green juice, coffee, and a smile.
Sympa cet article, ça change c’est une manière différente d’aborder la fashion week.
Dommage qu’il n’y ai pas un peu plus de détails :)
Article très intéressant de l’autre côté du miroir. Je suis toujours admirative de ses jeunes qui vivent de leur passion.
I really like this — we know about all the designers and models and it’s great to see the people behind the scenes of these shows
Beautiful article and love his work uniform!
I love to see his job! Really interesting post!
Super intéressant, riche sans être trop long. Merci!
Super intéressant, merci !
Such a perfect timing!
I am actually seriously thinking about moving to a career less Fashion PR and more Fashion Events… It’s a perfect teaser this post :)
Will you make a Carreers interview as well? Pleazzzzz ? :)
j’adore cet article il est super intéressant merci
? http://fashionlandfb.blogspot.com/
What a cutie! He should be in a show, not just running them. It’s great to see the behind the scenes view of fashion shows. They seem to be quite an intense production. I also love how everyone wears black!
Analog House
It should be the best job of the word !
Nice pictures and editing …i believe that there are some interesting stories he could share with us about behind the fashion show….
Yael Guetta
Sympa de découvrir une journée de boulot avec Paul. Mais du coup ça m’a mis l’eau à la bouche et j’avoue qu’un poste “Career” pour découvrir son parcours et comment il en est arrivé là me rendrait assez curieuse! Chiche?! ;)
Great article, shows the true nature and hard work behind the scenes without being pretentious.
Mon Dieu ça a l’air d’être le job de rêve, exactement ce que je veux faire. Pourriez vous faire une un interview carrière pour voir un peu son parcours?
L’article et la mise en page sont top!
La petite rousse qui était venue au breakfast des readers de la newsletter à New York…
Bravo Neada :) très bon post ..c’est toujours interessent de connaitre les coulisses aussi..merci
Great piece,it must be such a stressfull job but so rewarding when the lights are turned on and everything comes together!
Where is his shirt from? It looks great!
Have always wondered.. Thank you for going this route.
Absolutely loved this NYFW insider’s guide! The pictures are also amazing!
Hello, post intéressant, vraiment (les métiers de la prod sont si spécifiques) mais complètement lacunaire!! Sa journée ne doit ni commencer à 13h ni se terminer à 18h!!! Héhéhé.
Travaillant moi-même dans ce secteur, je vois trèèèèèèsss bien les journées qu’il peut faire et c’est dommage que vous ne donniez pas une vision COMPLETE, c’est à dire des journées qui se finissent rarement avant 2h du matin et où on est rarement tout seul. La production, c’est un travail intense, d’équipe, dense, stressant mais d’une énergie folle. La vision que vous montrez ici est vraiment très caricaturale. quel dommage!
Une suite peut-être?
amazing article Garance, this is why i always love you and this inspiring blog you’re always coming up with new ideas new way to approach the issue. looking forward for the other “new” to come!
and i just forgot to mention how charming Paul is when he’s working!
Merci pour cette découverte très intéressante !
Chouette article. Par contre, je veux bien que ce métier soit prenant, ou stressant ou ce que vous voulez mais c’est loin, très loin, très très très très loin d’être l’un des “boulots les plus durs du monde”!!
Great to have a behind the scenes look! Really nice reportage!