6 years ago by

I was trying to keep informed about the important things of life the other day, so I checked out the new September fashion campaigns. The ones that are supposed to inspire us to buy, buy, buy.
And it was the same old thing, you know. A young photoshopped model (or 12 of them) lounging in a geometrical position in very uncomfortable and way too shiny looking clothes. (A few of them I liked, though).
Eh, I thought to myself:
Oh, no, actually, I thought nothing.
Same old same old, I get it I get it, yet same old.
Then, I went to Zara’s website and there I saw Aymeline Valade (a favorite of mine) and Carmen Kass (a favorite of mine) plus other super cool women of all ages (OK, ALL VERY SKINNY, you guys let’s not get ahead of ourselves and pop the champagne just yet) and there, right in front of my eyes, I saw them.
The few sparse white roots on Aymeline’s soft hair.
The sun spots of Carmen’s perfect face.
The lines around Georgina’s beautiful face.
That’s when I just felt like screaming at the top of my lungs “what’s going on!!!” (Only ladies from my generation will remember that song so if you insist I will provide a video of me singing it to the top of my lungs in my car).
“This is so cool!!!”
So fresh, so real, so simple, so awesome. No retouch, no shame, just the truth. Go look, seriously. It’s awesome. It’s even giving us here at Atelier a lesson on coolness.
(I do think Ezra Petronio is behind all that magic so if you’re interested in knowing who that fascinating man is, go ahead and give a listen to my PMF with him, he knows how to talk REAL.)
So. You know fashion has turned around and is never coming back when what we used to call “real fashion” can’t create a fresh image for the life of them (okay except a few, if you want let’s talk about them) and when “fast fashion” strips everything down, hires the coolest girls around, and is downright inspiring.
Ah, I can talk about that kind of stuff for eva and eva, can’t you?
So I have a question for you: which fashion brands REALLY inspire you right now?
Merci Garance pour ton article. En ce moment la marque qui m’inspire c’est ba&sh, il y a encore une semaine, je ne connaissais pas cette marque (honte à moi ou pas!). C’est grâce à un like d’une personne travaillant pour la marque sur l’une de mes photos instagram que j’ai découvert ba&sh. Ce qui m’inspire particulièrement, c’est l’histoire de la marque, l’amitié entre deux femmes, la réalisation d’un rêve commun mais aussi le style décomplexé, moderne et authentique.
ça ça s’appelle du storytelling :-) mais quand tu auras acheté quelques trucs et que tu te rendras compte que la qualité est naze, j’imagine que tu changeras d’avis ! Rien de perso dans mon com, hein c’est juste que toutes ces marques qui se servent des réseaux sociaux pour tisser leur toile en tissu made in india à 2 balles et qui revendent leurs fringues à 3 chiffres m’énervent. Dans ce contexte autant aller chez Zara en effet.
No biggy but the last name of the beautiful Model/kick-ass chess player is Kass!( I used to watch all her clips on FTV so…obviously a fan!!!)
And it’s kinda hard to name a brand or brands that stand out but i’ll have to go with Brooklyn Circus in terms of inspiration.
Kisses from Lisboa to the Atelier Dream Team!!!
I find Zara has been doing well with casting recently- they have some great women of colour as well. But I’ve been unto them with their looks since the summer time. the hair and the makeup have been so on point!
& Other Stories, because I fit in their clothes and they don’t make me feel that my 42 size (that would be a 12 or 14 US size? I don’t know) is normal. Because it really is. I gave up Zara a few years ago because my hips just don’t fit in their pants. I like their campaign, though, love those women.
The Swedish brand Hope is a favourite and their campaign this season includes unconventional older models – I was sold even more than I already am!
Eve lane is cool, they have good price point, updated classics and ethical
I was going mad on Sunday when I did the exact seem route to Until today I went to and saw Adrien Brody on the editorials!! Amber, Langley and Adwoa and their friends! the game is going hard. HARD.
i still think there is no absolutely no diversity in body shapes,all the zara models are 1.80 and weigh 45 kilos.when i see the pics i feel short and fat…..i cannot compare myself to a top model even if she is over 35,because for me she is not a real woman ,she is a goddess
The campaigns may be very cool, but the fast-fashion industry and its environmental toll are not.
I wish people would get informed before they purchase all that new stuff they don’t need.
Yes, yes, yes! And it seems very hypocritical to see a brand empowering “real” (western) women while exploiting women that make those clothes… I just can’t stand it. It’s trying to make the dirtiest brand (Inditex) looking great.
Pleats Please! Avant c’était pour moi une marque de vieux (merci Maman et ta robe tube fuschia ressortie à toutes les sauces!) mais après un craquage sur leur sac BaoBao qu’on voit partout, je me suis rendue en boutique et là je me suis pris une vraie baffe. Et je suis repartie sans sac, deux heurs après avoir tout essayé. Impossible de me décider j’avais l’impression d’avoir poussé les portes d’un nouveau Disneyland! Là-bas rien ne ressemble à ce qu’on voit dans les magazines, dans la rue ou même les vitrines. C’est un champ de possibilités absolument grisant. En plus c’est hyper confortable, chic ou streetwear comme on veut, comme une page blanche où l’on peut écrire l’histoire du jour. J’ai commencé par une veste 3/4 noire et puis un pantalon imprimé cet été.
Merci Garance pour cet article, j’ai pensé exactement la même chose et cette manière de communiquer est beaucoup plus inspirante… oui j’ai envie de sur ressembler.
Je suis complètement obsédée par Everlane depuis un bout de temps : leurs vraies VRAIES mannequins! Leurs produits, leur positionnement éthique, leur transparence : honnêtement les suivre sur Instagram est un MUST, et les stories du compte sont non-seulement jolies (obv!) mais surtout intéressantes et pertinentes. Une marque que je suis fière de porter et d’endosser :)
“The few sparse white roots on Aymeline’s soft hair.
The sun spots of Carmen’s perfect face.
The lines around Georgina’s beautiful face.”
Is this a joke? They’re stunningly beautiful women, and, as you say, stick skinny. Not photoshopping these features out is *not* progressive, it’s the literal bare minimum. Don’t ask people to throw a parade for an unethical company that is happy to steal designs from smaller artists, it’s insulting.
I want to become a model for ZARA.
PLease suggest me if there is anything you can help me with.
I live in Toronto, Canada.
Please inform me how can I apply.
I will be looking forward to be heard back from you.
want to become a model for ZARA.
PLease suggest me if there is anything you can help me with.