Who Needs A Wallet?
9 years ago by

I have given up on my wallet.
Yeah, I know, it’s an “essential” but that leather carrier has just been inviting me to sign up for every coffee loyalty card in downtown Manhattan – and, remember, I’ve been embracing a more minimalist life. But, what really drove me to give up on my wallet is winter. I’m always wearing a huge coat with big pockets, so I don’t always need a handbag. I just take the essentials absolute necessities: keys, phone, headphones, bank card, credit card, subway card, i.d.
It’s kind of liberating in this weird way, and makes for a lighter lifestyle. And it’s had me thinking about what we deem as essentials that maybe aren’t really, but I suppose this depends on the person and what they need every day.
What are the real essentials for you, those items you definitely can’t leave the house without? I always feel weird if I forget my phone, but some people leave it at home on purpose…
J’aurais du mal à m’en passer! J’ai peu de cartes de fidélité mais si on compte la carte vitale, étudiante, le permis,la cb, l’ID, les billets, les cartes de visites, mieux vaut avoir quand même un porte carte dans ça poche! Après les gros portefeuilles qui envahissent les sacs, non merci ^^ D’ailleurs je ne sors jamais sans sac, même mini! J’aurais l’impression que j’ai oublié un truc!
Mon bonhomme appelle mon sac à main “ton vide poche”, je suppose que ça veut dire qu’il est petit :-)
La vérité, c’est que je n’ai jamais été fan des silhouettes tortues SDF, et que j’aime me sentir légère, donc avec le minimum vital: clés, baume à lèvres, mini crème pour les mains, papier de soie matifiant, cartes de crédit, cartes de visite, pass navigo, porte monnaie et pièce d’identité, et tél portable
parfois j’ai un bouquin dans ma poche …
Les gros sacs, c’est pratique, et autrefois, j’ai eu de ces gros sacs avec lesquels, telle une tortue, je pouvais mettre ma maison, mais je me suis aperçue que le sac n’était jamais assez gros, et toujours plus gros…
I made the same decision while my second year in college. Even when I (still) carry a bagpack with my laptop and my books, I found my wallet to be a nuisance and totally unnecessary in my daily basis. Now I carry a small change purse where I put in the same essencials as you and just take my keys, phone, lip balm and two or three mint gums to stuck in my inseparable leather jacket pockets. Simple things that make your life more manageable!
im so use to have my wallet with me ..
but i think im gonna try live without it one day
Moi j’ai replacé mon portefeuille (après qu’on me l’avait volé) définitivement par un porte carte, tout fin. J’adore aussi me promener sans sac, donc je fait comme toi: le minimum dans les poches..
Ouhlala! Il m’arrive souvent de me balader sans portefeuille mais sans sac, non! J’essaie le petit sac mais ce n’est pas évident!
I had the EXACT problem. And then I discoverd mi pac.
Changed my life and now I love my wallet.
I don’t think anyone leaves their phone at home (on purpose!) due to work in this day. That said, carrying a very small wallets with under ten cards is also probably necessary. Forgoing a purse or bag is minimalist, but you need not use a large wallet, unclean and stuffed with extraneous items. Plus, what happens when your credit card or ID all get lost individually, or you grab the wrong card/keys before leaving? Seems silly.
Only people without children can give up having a wallet. Insurance cards, etc. have permanent residence in my wallet, in addition to bandaids and small packets of neosporin. :-)
Yeah that. Plus ID card, Driver’s licence, kids’ sports club passes….
I love my wallet anyway, it’s Chanel ;).
I get the concept, but would be terrified of accidentally losing one of my cards(and I have but a bank debit and a PayPal debit) while pulling my hands out of my coat pockets. I have sent cash, tissues and sales receipts to the wind this way so I know it can happen. The thought of losing one of those cards is one of my biggest concerns.
There are always a few things I have with me. My phone, a lipstick and/or lip butter and my drivers license and as an extra my keys and a cardholder with my creditcards. That’s probably it, but I still carry way too much stuff around every day. Why??! xx
I haven’t ever thought about giving up my wallet, but I don’t know if I could. I have to keep certain things on me, and I don’t know if I could fit them all into one card holder in my phone case.
my boyfriend doesn’t use a wallet — I wish I could do that but I need the organization
I’m always switching bags so I need a wallet or else I’d waste too much time looking for everything. But I have never met a wallet that I really liked. I currently despise my wallet.
I would say that to exist outside of house all I need is credit card, change, tube card, phone and headphones.
I stopped carrying a wallet when I was 18 years old. After I lost it along with $300 and photos of my parents when they were in their youth. I thought my life was going to end. 15 YRS later, I’m still walletless.
Check out my blog:
Sans portefeuille oui mais sans sac jamais!
No bag this winter only small wallet and most necessities so it can fit into my fantastic parka pockets
Neada! I love your posts! I can really relate to them!. I feel more free without a wallet but can´t allways leave all things behind.
I found a phone case with pockets for id and credit card, slide a $20 on top, slip my car reg and insurance info behind. My keys also have the essential mini shoppers cards (grocery, pharmacy, pet store, lowes) attached. And the car always has a phone charger. So the phone case and keys give me all my essentials. And I can always stick a lipstick in my pocket as well. It’s nice to have everything I need in my coat pockets.
If you go to Europe you need a wallet…all those damn euro coins and CASH ONLY everywhere. Heard in the not so distant future implanted RFID chips will be the ‘norm’ (celebrity promos and guinea pig or lemming volunteers). You will ONLY have to scan your finger or Iris. UUUGGGHHH CREEPY! =S
Why not just drop your wallet in one of your big pockets?
I need a book too so a bag us kind Of necessary
Habitant a Tokyo et depuis le tremblement de terre de 2011, jai pratiquement toujours tout sur moi –en dehors du jogging- : portable, passeport, argent, pansements, eau et vivres.
..on ne sait jamais.
Hmmm…sounds like what you need is a Skint Wallet … it’s absolutely jeans friendly! E-mail me a mailing address, we will send you one to try it out!