From the Beauty Closet

Wet Look

11 years ago by

It appears the wet hair look isn’t ready to leave the runway (or ad campaigns) just yet…

We saw wet hair again on the Prada runway last week. I can’t decide if it’s a look we can start pulling off for everyday or if it is better left to the runway (and the beach). I decided to survey the studio…

Garance: My boyfriend once told me, as I was coming out of the shower : “Why do we always look better with wet hair?”
I thought about it – he was right. There is a certain sexiness – think of the beach, coming out of water, the sun shining on your locks… Does hair get sexier than that ?
BUT there is a big difference when you try to achieve it when you’re not actually wet – the context (the beach, the shower, a rainstorm) is too important to be overlooked.
It might work at a show or in a ad, but in real life, would you be ready to have people ask you why your hair is “wet” all day? And what is with the technique to get that look? Do you have to use a whole bottle of hairspray? How does that even work?

Emily: I like the idea in theory and from an editorial angle. However, unless your hair is short and fairly thin I think it’s difficult to achieve while still looking cool.

Christiana: I don’t understand how you can make a wet hair look last all day…is it just a ton of gel? If you can make it happen, then go for it.

Krista: I like the look. I want to do it, but I also do nothing to my hair ever so…It might be too much effort for hair that looks like you just got out of the shower.

Personally, I like the wet hair look, even if it does require a lot of effort for an effortless look. If I ever do attempt wet locks for everyday, I’d want my hair to be a mix of the Prada show and Kate Bosworth in Blue Crush

What about you?


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  • I sometimes shower before leaving the house and go about with my day with my hair still wet, but I can’t imagine trying for a wet look for an entire day. It has a great effect on the runway but I feel like it would look a little silly on me.

  • Wet hair looks super sexy… out of the shower, at the beach or by the swimming pool. In real life, I don’t think a lot of people can pull that off… Try
    THE DEEP BLUE CORY Fashion blog
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    Xoxo Cory

  • moi j’aime pas trop! je préfère laisser ca à la plage je me vois pas me trainballer comme ca en ville!

  • Alors je suis désolée hein mais moi l’effet mouillé à part dans un magazine ou en défilé ou en sortant de l’eau à la plage… j’ai du mal !! c’est difficilement naturel à part si t’as pas eu le temps de te secher les cheveux en sortant de la douche mais du coup ça fait vite “effet cheveu frisotté mi sec qui essaye de s’en sortir” !!

  • I love the wet hair look but I hate tons of gel in my hair so that’s a problem. But nevertheless I love it, on men and women! xx 

  • Wet hair is harder to style than dry and Rachel boys worth looks great and would look great with a shaved head…

  • You can get with using a lot of mousse on wet hair and leave it that way.
    I used to wear it like that when I had longer hair. But my hair is very thin.

  • I practice this look every morning. Don’t think I look fashionable though. This look is only good in context, like you said.

  • I like the look for the runway but when I see woman who leave the house with wet hair in the morning I never think it looks sexy. Just looks like they didn’t have enough time to blow dry it.
    And can you imagine wearing that much gel in your hair to get the look… But I agree with Emily that it can def look good on woman with short thin hair.

  • Is it a look, though? Can you call something like that a look?

  • I love the wet hair look, always wanted to try it outside the shower :) So I recently used it for an editorial, it looked great but when I had to go outside like that it felt a bit missed placed, so I guess there’s my answer. Might have also been the weather, I’m sure fits better in the summer, so I’ll give it one more try then!
    Here is my look:

  • C’est joli mais pour une “journée ordinaire”, je trouve ça toujours difficile de ne pas avoir l’air d’avoir les cheveux trop gras… Ce qui bien sûr enlève la beauté!

  • I got that look every day, for about half an hour… after washing my hair… I have no hair dryer and I hate to put stuff in my hair after washing of the conditioner, well no, not quite true… I put some hair oil in my dry ends, but that’s as far as it comes…. so, not happening for me. I think, the real thing looks very sexy and for the show at Prada it looked fabulous, but that’s about it. xxx

  • Hors contexte plage ou piscine ou fashion week, l’effet mouillé fait vraiment négligé pas net, j’veux dire, ça donne l’effet d’avoir les cheveux gras non ? Je n’aime pas trop. Mais j’aime sur les photos de mode. Mais pas dans la vraie vie (comme beaucoup de choses en fait ;)

    Bisous !

  • I wouldn’t try for a everyday look, it would look like your haire are dirty and you didn’t wash them so no…

  • it’s not my style but is nice!!!

  • C’est pas mon truc… Besides, I already did it when I was 10, in 1985, despite my lack of confidence (at that time…) in the style’s “bon goût” ;)

  • C’est vrai que c’est dégaine sur le défilé Prada, mais dans la vraie vie j’aurais peur que ça fasse “bad hair day” (voir very bad… on croit que tes cheveux sont mouillés mais en fait ils ne sèchent jamais !!). Pour le défilé Prada, j’avais plutôt imaginé que les filles avaient essuyé une averse. Ca c’est super sexy je trouve !

  • Attention DANGER
    Rappelez vous le défilé Rykiel de l’hiver dernier, cheveux mouilles plus bandeau de ski donnant un effet Bjorn Borg et cheveux gras!!!!! Bouu moche et méga moche
    Les filles vraiment cool c’est effortless ( même si c’est pas vrai, genre j’ai rien fait!!)

  • I like it but only when you have a shower, don’t have time to dry it and leave it like that… that look is cool because it’s natural… but for all day… I don’t know if it would work, at leads in my case

  • Oh my ! Je suis fashion sans même le vouloir !
    Une fois par mois au moins je m’approprie le style “Wet Look” pour chouchouter les cheveux : En sortant de la douche, les cheveux encore mouillés, je les enduit d’une bonne couche de masquintence de Kerastaze, je fais un chignon par ce que j’ai des cheveux très long et je laisse poser toute la journée =)

    D’ailleurs, c’est une des astuces des filles du crazy horse (ou alors du moulin rouge, je les confond toujours) pour un de leur numéros, les filles doivent être mouillées et garder leurs cheveux mouillé malgré la chaleur des projecteurs, leur solution : une épaisse couche de masque nourrissant qui donne l’illusion d’un effet mouillé =)

  • I love the wet hair look ! as wet hair is shiny, sleek, natural – and so cool. but. no hair care product can really make your hair look and feel (!) like wet hair. if there is someone out there who does know a product that can … please tell me !

  • I love the wet hair look when it makes sense, at the beach, the pool around the house, otherwise no!

  • Stephanie F. February, 28 2013, 11:10 / Reply

    Maybe it looked better in real life than in the pictures, but I thought it looked icky and distracted from the clothes.

  • Ha! You girls are silly :) When I see a woman with wet hair I always assume she’s running late. If her look is contrived then all I have to say is: CRUNCH! Ugh, can you imagine how awful that super glopped gelled hair is going to feel. No thanks, I’ll stick with my BFF, the blowdryer.

  • J’ai l’impression que ça donne vite un air de cheveux gras donc pas propre et du coup ça ne me branche pas du tout..

  • Daniela Robles February, 28 2013, 2:26 / Reply

    I love the wet look. When I was in middle school it was so in. We tried everything, from gel to tons of hairspray. We even tried gelatin (and as weird as this sounds, this was the one that worked best) I love it, but truth be told, I don’t think I’m ready to see it in my daily life again. On the runway looks amazing though.

  • I love this look for the runways but in real life… maybe not quite as much.

  • guilty of loving it too!! which is why i’ve been loving kristen stewart’s hair lately. it has that wet slightly grunge look but its still styled and curled.

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