Things I love on YouTube
8 years ago by

… and how they’ve changed my mood.
I’m not one for the trash mags or celebrity stalking online, however, give me Jimmy Fallon or James Corden and their goofy antics with musicians and at least a solid hour of my time has disappeared. And I don’t feel bad about it, especially on Monday morning when your feeling a bit blue that the weekend has come to an end. Its the perfect remedy to any spell of sadness, and on that note, the type of thing on the internet that I’m glad it exists. So here for you now, two of my favorites – that had me in astonished laughter and absolute awe :
James Corden
Jimmy Fallon
Their channels offer endless clips for your enjoyment, so you’re welcome for the happiness that is about to ensue. Could there be a better way to spend a fewhours? Am I missing out on any others?
I love adele! you have to see her on Ellen
for a year or so i’ve started compiling a list of youtubbers i watch! :)
Ha! You have to watch the Chris Martin/James Corden Carpool…it’s amazing! You will see Mr Martin in a whole new light.
I love that Adele video, I’ve watched it so many times! She makes me proud to be British haha x
It feels good to laugh or smile at humor that isn’t snarky or sarcastic or at the expense of someone.
I love James Corden! And I’ve watched those carpool karaokes a thousand times (each!). They just make me want to sing! Have you seen the one with Rod Stewart? Hilarious!
Jennifer Lopez Carpool is on tonight! CARPOOL KARAOKE IS THE BEST THING EVER!
Made my day, thanks Brie!!!
Graham Norton!!! ses interviews sont tellement drôles, j’adore! et vive l’humour britannique <3
Prior to the Car Pool Karaoke with Adele, not only did I not like her music but I also didn’t know much about her character. After this CPK, I LOVE her (so funny and down-to-earth – how could you hate self-deprecating humour?!) and….well I still can’t get into her music but I’m down to listen to it when she sings it within this CPK video :)
J’adore !!! Une nouvelle liste de YouTube a regarder par Plaisir !
My favorite recently has been Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Wheel of Freestyle on Jimmy Fallon. You can’t help but watch and be amazed at his talents! He is a genius in more ways than one (Hamilton!).
Love it!
Thank you so much for this, Brie! Laughter… so happy to have seen this unseen-to-me-until-today video. Happy day to you and the Studio xo
Soooo funny! Thanks! Tree straight hours of great music!!! 3!!!! Hahahah
I have recently discover Carpool Karaoke in Utube… such a fun show!