The Vegas Altfit
10 years ago by

I’m heading to Las Vegas next week…
…To celebrate my little sister’s birthday (which includes seeing Britney Spears!!!!) and I’m totally at a loss over what to wear…
So, I asked myself the most important question I could think of: What would Emmanuelle Alt wear in Las Vegas (WWEAWILV)?
I thought long and hard about EA’s key outfit elements: pants (really have you ever seen her in a skirt?), leather (pants, jackets, shirts), a strong jacket (shoulders–bam!), a shirt (unbuttoned…just enough) and a great pair of heels. And then I thought long and hard about Vegas: sun, pool, clubs, Britney Spears. Hmmm…
I scoured collections past and present to find the perfect looks for both Emmanuelle and I that I can wear in Vegas. What did I come up with? It’s gotta be all Balmain, to the Bellagio and beyond.
What do you think? Would Emmanuelle wear it in Vegas? Should I wear it in Vegas? Who wants to let me into the Balmain archives?
You’re going to be hot if you wear any of those outfits. Think summer with maybe a light sweater for evening (unless we get a crazy spring windstorm that makes it COLD…at least cold for vegas).
something relaxed: you can surely find something lighter than balmain :P
Pantalon 7/8 en cuir, un tshirt loose, une veste à la EA et des escarpins : ça passe partout!
La veste ceinturée le soir!
J’adore ces looks du moins leur coupe et leur concept mais je trouve que ceux de EA sont plus simples ou soft… Je ne trouve pas le bon terme!
Dans tous les cas, je me pose la même question que toi dans des situations similaires.
Ben je me demande si qqn pourrait aussi m’ouvrir rien que 10mn le show room Balmain – mais je préviens je rends rien!! Et pendant qu’on y est le closet de EA aussi!!!
Trop de la chance, j’adore son look pointu mais super portable, elle a trop la cool attitude.
Allez bon courage Alex et amuse toi bien avec Britbrit!
Looks like a great idea, E.A. maybe is a little bit more minimalist… ;D
Mannish trousers and a pop bag on lowbudget-lowcost Fashion Blog
I’m loving the Balmain idea myself, but I second a previous posters’ concern regarding the heat. Leather and desert heat do not go well together and those heavy jackets might end up giving you a heatstroke. Then again, at least you’ll be stylish when they load you on the stretcher into the ambulance.
I am also going to Vegas next week to celebrate me & 3 of my best friends turning 30 this year! I also have no clue what to wear…isn’t it hot?!
I totally agree with you – pity I can’t afford it.
Hi Alex,
Have a great time in Vegas. The shopping & food are amazing. The very first photo (gold/white) is the most appropriate according to what I last saw in Vegas. I know Vegas pretty well now and you’ll be surprised at what people wear. They are uber casual but that doesn’t mean you have to be. Check out the Cosmopolitan hotel – glitzy FUN! I have a feeling you’ll like it.
Emmanuelle Alt in Vegas? Faudrait vraiment qu’elle soit obligée d’y aller pour l’anniversaire de sa petite soeur non?
Je pense que tu tiens le bon bout en matière d’inspiration! Ou le bon zip, selon…
Alex, I think Vegas is supposed to be the excuse to break out of your usual rules (WWEAW) and do something totally crazy. Like What Would Rhianna Wear. I’m serious. Let loose, be crazy, and do not forget to check out the amazing vintage stores that are like museums with all the showgirl and party ware.
I agree! When I was in Vegas last summer I wore such sexy, wild outfits that I never wear back in BK. It’s almost like wearing costumes when you’re there.
As someone who grew up in Vegas, you should be ok weather wise for that outfit. You’ll probably be in freezing cold AC hotels and casinos, so pants and a light blazer/jacket is the way to go. Thank you for bringing some awesome fashion to a sea of cut off shorts and Tommy Bahama shirts!
Love the outfits…but Vegas can get quite hot during the day! It IS in the desert…
That looks uncomfortably overdressed. Id go simpler, and with less clothing. Of course we have very different ideas on style anyhow…
Profite bien à Vegas et je suis sur que tu finiras par trouver une belle tenue :)
I found some pics of Emmanuelle Alt wearing skirts or even a dress! Maybe those might inspire you ;-)
go all out amy adams in american hustle! i know its so not emanuelle alt-ish, but what you wear in vegas stays in vegas!
The first picture reminds me of Elvis. I think those outfits are a bit OTT, both for Vegas and for Emanuelle, but if you like them you’ll rock them. Have a great time in Vegas!!
love the details
Alessia Sica
The New Art of Fashion
I went to Vegas last summer and wore sexy little rompers and heels at night! The rompers were comfortable enough to walk around in all night, but still so sexy. Try it! And I agree, pants and a jacket will be way too hot. Vegas is about showing skin!
Taking one element out of each of these photos could fill a suitcase and make a Vegas wardrobe with the addition of a bathing suit or two for the pool with a beautiful cover-up. For example, your sexiest white tee shirts and jeans of different lengths from the first photo a la Garance. Then the tuxedo jacket and fabulous heels that are probably already in your wardrobe with a short, lacy skirt or shorts that you already own. Last, a fabulous belt or two plus your new baseball jacket to go with a leather skirt or pants that you already own. That with a few pieces of your best bling! Spend the money you saved on new clothes by splurging on cocktails at fabulous venues you can post and share with us!
Ici Bari, bisous
Balmain Balmain toujours! Ca va!
Las Vegas, au secours ! Ça sent la moquette humide partout.
Pour Balmain, tu as raison. Surtout si c’est du vintage Decarnin.
Ou bien du Mugler, tant qu’on y est.
Lol Alex, you go girl! Except you might look a little too Elvis-y
My advice? Think NYC in August, then plan the wardrobe. It will be hot during the day. The fact that you are actually thinking about what to wear in Vegas is more than what 95% of visitors do. Have fun!