The Slouch
8 years ago by Brie Welch

As much as I talk about high-waisted pants, I have a soft spot for the low-slung, slouchy style most popular in the early 90s.
It’s a whole other type of carefree cool – the girl who can pull on her man’s pants, belt ’em, and more than likely show just a hint of tummy. Casual, yet somehowwwww pretty chic when paired with a minimalist flat. It reminds me of this photo G took a while ago – do you remember it?
I’m kind of into it! A small break from the fitted … What do you think?
The logical reaction to the pendulum having swung so far on the skinny jeans.
so few ppl ever look good in skinnies and so many look great in wide pants. here, i said it! :)
Love it!
I’m loving it! x
i don’t think i’ve ever stopped wearing pants like this… i have a long torso so skinny pants and long tops have never worked for me. looser bottoms with tighter tops always make me look more proportional, add some volume to my lower half :) plus a little tummy or lower back is kinda sexy, but since the pants are loose, it doesn’t feel “too much.” kind of “not trying too hard” which i am a big fan of :) great pictures!
Unrepentant tomboy that I am, I love the third look from the left (though I don’t see those exact pants in the shopping section). I spent my formative years swathed in painter pants in both denim and natural. Also, Brie, love that you reference Garance’s photo of six years ago. I have been following the blog since before the,n but remember that image as one of my favorites!
This style again… easy to pull of if you’re really skinny, and tall.
Otherwise tough.
Beautiful in these photos, I agree.
Oh yes! So nice!
These five styles – all in similar solid colours and patterns as what you’ve posted – have been my everyday pants for the past four years (until lately, I’ve bene buying them as second-hand men’s pants of Easy or eBay, as they weren’t being manufactured for women until more recently). Prior to that, my Mum had me wearing this cut of pant from about aged fifteen to twenty, as she bought me the most beautiful pair of Japanese cotton, navy wide legged pants that I loved to wear with everything (vintage baggy Ts, Breton striped Ts, white silk or cotton shirts, striped shirts, men’s khaki shirts, men’s singlets, plain navy and red silk camisoles, ruffled shirts – these last ones were weird, but I liked wearing them so much, and always with my tan flat Jesus sandals and white sneakers in summer, and flat brogues in winter).
From twenty to about thirty five, I did the skinny jeans like everybody did. Then, injuring my knee, I graduated (if it can be called that: I still love wearing them from time to time) to the baggy-kneed drop crotch (deeply offensive to all men – deeply grateful was my knee) to remove all stress on my knee cap when I sat (to drive, which is often). And then the past six years – baggy and wide-legged pants.
I don’t think one has to be tall, young, or even skinny to wear them – I am only 5’4″, and my age is my height flipped around plus 4 years. It’s more about proportions of your pants to your top (I tend to do all-baggy; including my tops, as I have a long, skinny torso and wide shoulders, with thin arms); the drape of your pants (softer-textured, wide-legged pants look good on everybody) and length (my preference is just above the ankle for convenience of running around, but my even-shorter friend likes hers almost touching the ground, and we both wear flat shoes all the time. It’s a look that you see a lot in rural China – lots of short, old ladies of all shapes and sizes, wearing their wide legged pants and their loose tunic tops with little flat shoes – and they look lovely in them.
Je suis fan. Depuis des années même pendant le pic slim. Je n’ai jamais laché. J’adore ce genre de pantalon même dans la version classe : style smoking + escarpins.
Il faut qu’il soit large avec un côté dégingandé, un peu mec !!
Ca peut être très sexy, bien plus qu’un pantalon/jean moulant.
Mais, je crois qu’il faut être plutôt élancé