The Shade Store!
6 years ago by

One of the new most important things in my life is sleep – I finally FINALLY understood I am nothing without it.
And to sleep well, I need a good bed, complete silence and total, complete dark. Basically like a luxurious hotel room.
Which is why I am so excited to start this part of the project that is going to be my bedroom that is dedicated to sleep.
Sarah and I have put a lot of thought into it. It’s going to be the darkest place in the house (I am talking paint), the most comfortable (bed, mattress and sheets are SO important), the most temperature regulated (ac please) place possible. And we’re adding serious black-out shades to complete the scenario. For that, the other day we took a visit to the Shade Store because well, they know what they do.
Window treatments are actually super important in California. When I got here and bought the house, the only thing I wanted was light, light, light. My studio is facing West and now I know what “light, light, light” means in LA : it means HOT, HOT, HOT and also “crap I can’t see what’s on my computer, I need to wear my glasses, and also did I just get a sunburn”?
You often end up with your curtains closed.
We found everything we needed there. For now I am only going with black outs for the bedrooms, but soon enough I am dreaming of giant light shades for my studio. I cannot wait to show you.
Ah super idée pour la chambre, j’ai hâte de voir ca pour que ça m’inspire. Jai aussibesoin de calme et noir. Jemrts systématiquement des bouchons d’oreilles, et un tshirt sur les yeux quand c’est pas assez sombre. Il me manque le lit d’hôtel à moi aussi !! ?
Garance– (not to be super nosy, but…) since you mentioned it, please tell us more about your bedroom! (What mattress did you pick? What linens? Do you keep the electronics out? and so on…)