Let's Talk About...

The OTK Boot

10 years ago by

I just bought a pair…

I tried on this pair at Zara a few weeks ago and I felt an instant connection. They look cool with jeans, and cool with tights (I think, but I’ve only tried them on with jeans). To avoid another case of buyer’s regret, I asked for them for my birthday (thanks Mom & Dad!) and now here they are, on my feet!

Now my question for you is, can they be an everyday boot option or are they too much of a look?


Add yours
  • Clémence January, 6 2014, 4:31 / Reply

    La vraie question est : pourquoi pas tous les jours ?!?
    Pour moi c’est comme un rouge à lèvres bien rouge : tu peux le mettre tous les jours si ça te va à merveille !
    Encore plus, sur un jean ! C’est un basique, classique, simple et qui apaisera cette touche choc beautiful ! C’est comme un rouge à lèvres (je me répète), si tu le mets avec une petite robe noire, c’est voyant. Un jean, no problem.
    Fonce !
    Moi, je fonce à Zara !



  • So pretty!!!
    I just got some from Aldo, and this made me want to “sin” again. The sales start tomorrow in France, so who knows?
    Enjoy them!

  • Séverine January, 6 2014, 4:41 / Reply

    Absolument, toi seul le sais, si tu les adores c’est déjà bien parti…
    Moi ce que je me demande justement avec ces bottes c’est si ça va aussi aux petites ? Je me suis toujours dit que non et du coup jamais testé…
    Bonne soirée

  • Caroline Mt January, 7 2014, 4:34

    Séverine, je ne m’auto-proclame pas experte mais pour avoir eu longtemps le même préjugé (pas parce que je suis petite mais parce que je pensais que ça me raccourcissait les jambes et grossissait mes cuisses), je peux dire que cela dépend avant tout de ta morphologie et non de ta taille.
    Il n’existe pas une botte mais plein de types de bottes et selon la forme, elles correspondent à des morphologies alors qu’à d’autres non.
    Le meilleur moyen est de faire de multiples “shopping à vides” pour essayer toutes sortes de bottes en pantalon et en jupe.

  • Very nice, I might try and get those if they’re on sale wednesday – French sales, D-2 ! Yes, those are big, shiny boots, but isn’t it what’s great about them ?
    I’m sure you can pull that off Alex ;)

  • I think that they re ideal for every occasion and for everyday looks too.Thats something that I call Quck Fashion,you just add a statement piece and you have a ready chic look.

  • I love love love love my over the knee boots! I wear them all the time, especially when it is cold outside (nice and warm), I find it to be pretty sleek and a little subtle if you wear them with black leggings or pants, creates a long line which still holding a bit of an edge.

  • Elles sont trop cool, porte les tous les jours! Avec jean, jupe, short, robe, essaie toutes les possibilités!


  • Love over the knee boots, too bad I can’t decide on a pair! I was originally going for Stuart Weitzman, but after seeing these from Zara, I might need to reconsider (especially since they’re more reasonably priced)!

  • I’m fashion-sad… I want those boots very much but live in Venice Beach (can’t feel too sorry for me). I could wear them for a couple of hours, after 10 PM, at one outdoor bar-table, with a t-shirt. Much too sunny here : ( Can’t wait to see what you do with them!

    HNY, Lisa


  • ah they are still in my size in the states!! are they comfortable? i might break and get them!

  • I think I need these in my life!


  • Where then as much as you want! I just bought a pair of Stuart Weitzman Reserve in Grey over the knee. Black leather not so hot on me but these….they are sublime. I find myself trying not to wear them too much so I don’t destroy them. (I am insaniily hard on my shoes.) You will find many many fabulous outfits to wear them with. That’s why you wanted them so much . So wear them looking and feeling fabulous!!!

  • OTK boots are no go. Independent from daytime.

  • My flat (more accurately: 1 inch pancake heel) over the knee black boots are my go to boot with skirts, dresses, and skinny pants. I wear them with everything. They are also the warmest–more coverage, and you can fit an over the knee wool or cashmere sock under them.

  • Every. Single. Day.

  • They could easily work on an everyday basis, including for slogging trough the snow and slush we’ve been seeing in NYC.

    P.S. Great present!

  • I absolutely adore the confident women who go the sexy boots daily look. So go for it girl!


  • Definitely an every day look! I have brown otk Frye boots and I love pairing them with jeans, skirts, and dresses all fall and winter long,

  • Elizaveta January, 7 2014, 1:02 / Reply

    Great ones! Show full outfit! Happy birthday)

  • Elles sont géniales ses bottes. Tu peux les mettre tous les jours. Enfin, Why not right ?


  • Elles sont chouettes en effet et si je ne dis pas de bêtise, ce n’est pas la première fois que j’entends de parler de ces bottes chez Zara (une copine dingue de shopping comme moi).

    Tous les jours ça semble trop je pense. Mais ce n’est que mon avis ;)


  • En effet elle sont magnifiques et ça doit vraiment bien donner avec une jupe ou un short… Elles sont tellement élégantes !


  • moustachic January, 7 2014, 5:50 / Reply

    they are gorgeous!!!

    moustachic ?
    Twitter/Instagram: @moustachic

  • These are absolutely gorgeous! It would be a shame to only wear them for special occasions. Thy are just to damn amazing! I would wear them every day! xx


  • i found the everyday boot…Alexander Wang Annick….i only wear AW and they go with everything…

  • These look amazing! Kind of remind me of riding shoes, haha :)


  • Love these! Need a pair of over the knee boots — are there any from Isabel Marant that you suggest?

    read my blog for some great shopping finds: http://www.thechannelingboard.com

  • Everyday boot option BIEN SUR!!!
    My question is, can a shorter female (5’3″) pull this off? Or should we just stay clear of this trend…. :(

  • lee GOLDE January, 7 2014, 12:10 / Reply

    Everyday!!! As you see fit,…. if you have style then you wear them as you see fit!!!!
    Enjoy!! Belted Happy Birthday!!!

  • Wear your things and enjoy them.

  • Caroline Mt January, 7 2014, 4:24 / Reply

    Référence ultime : Theysken’s theory fall 2013!!!!! défilé ultime centré autour de la botte! Mais aussi porté avec un manteau long qui tombe en-dessous du genou et ne les voir que les bottes.
    so sex, so perfect

  • Every day for sure. We’ve come a long way from associating OTK boots with Julie Roberts in Pretty Woman! I love wearing mine with oversized knits or simple black shift dresses. They really elevate a simple piece to a real sartorial statement xo

  • Holly Law January, 9 2014, 8:36 / Reply

    i love them so much I almost got them in regular price, but sadly they are loose on my legs when I put them on (they stand somehow really nice by themselves in shop… weird…). i am still looking for my perfect pair of over-the-knee boots.

  • I love OTK boots!!! But I always make sure I combine them with a classy outfit to avoid looking like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman :). In my oppinion they will never go out of style. I’m sure you will enjoy yours. xo Hanneke

    Check out my style on http://www.hannekeverstegen.com

  • Merci: à cause de ton article j’ai passé mes soldes à les chercher. Comme quoi, tu as bien fait de ne pas attendre ! :)

  • Miroslava February, 5 2014, 10:43 / Reply

    Chère Alex… J’ai eu les mêmes en soldes et j’ai besoin d’un petit feed-back…. As-tu trouvé le moyen de les enlever facilement??? Parce que mi perso, c’est une demi heure tirer les bottes dans tous les sens, puis quand je suis limite sur le point de chercher un couteau pour les couper n’importe comment, je me résous à chercher mon mari pour qu’il m’aide… Et puis, lui mort de rire en me voyant les pieds coincés à moitié de la botte (genre tu tires, le pied sort un petit peu juste pour rester coincé à hauteur du talon), l’humiliation ultime!!!

  • Hi Miroslava! I’m so glad you brought this up because it is SO hard for me to get them off too! I usually end up yelling for my roommate to come help yank them off of me and then when I’m alone, it’s a 10 minute process that includes some serious leg shaking and pulling :) There has got to be an easier way… I’ll be sure to let you know if I find one! xoxo

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