The New Hair Accessories
5 years ago by

When I was a kid, I knew it was bad news to see my mom with a hairbrush in hand. Having my curly, knotty hair brushed in the morning was the bane of my youthful existence, and while I guess I was grateful to be sent off to school with clean pigtails, it came at the cost of a red, tear-filled face.
A decade and a half later, I can’t say that anything has changed. Washing and drying my hair requires a litany of affirmations. Brushing it, even more. Naturally, I sought out a solution – one that could help me pass as put together, but with minimal effort.
Behold: the hair clip.
Hair clips make me feel like royalty, while encouraging my hair-cheating ways. Most importantly, they keep my hair from clinging to my face like a scared child in the wind (hi, winter). While the hair clip’s practicality has always been the base layer of my loving adoration, the snazzy, jazzed-up new versions that have been infiltrating my Instagram are the cherries on top. Do yourself (and your morning routine) a favor by hitting “follow” on these hair clip heroes.
Valet Studio | @valetstudio
Anyone inside the Atelier the day I received a package from Valet Studio can testify that their hair clips are capable of producing a range of reactions, from random squeals to outbursts of affection. The Australian brand is one of my most exciting Instagram fashion discoveries to date, with their Kelly Barrettes and Ursula Shell Clips allowing me to live out my childhood fantasy of becoming the Little Mermaid.
Corey Moranis | @coreymoranis
Aside from the initial excitement of having a large, marbled button in my hair, I am amazed by the hair-holding abilities of Corey Moranis’s funky hair ties. Look, I know these aren’t hair clips, but if they can pull my mess together chicly and in under a minute, they are welcome.
Kanel Denmark | @kanel_denmark
Simply put, Kanel Denmark is a hair clip lover’s heaven. Kanel, which translates to “cinnamon” in English, is a blessing with its endless assortment of geometric, floral, and straight-up abstract designs in every color imaginable. Finally, the brand my hair has been waiting for.
Timeless Pearly | @timeless.pearly
We love to love handmade, limited quantity fashion – especially when there’s lots of stars and pearls involved. Designed for mixing and matching, each piece is hand-crafted by designer Leslie Chetrit, whose Instagram @timeless.pearly is full of BTS content and jewelry-in-the-wild stagings.

Photography by Nina Sivan