Under $50

The Neck Scarf

9 years ago by

The Neck Scarf

It’s no secret bandanas, handkerchiefs, little silk scarves tied at the neck are on trend. Everyone from my mother to a handsome boy walking on the street has been seen wearing one. And what really makes them special is you can find the majority of them for under $20 (especially bandanas!).

My favorites have been vintage, delicate handkerchiefs I’ve found in shops here in NY. But it’s also something that makes for a nice gift to bring back for someone while away – a little “I was thinking of you” present they can wear and in turn think of you! My best friend recently went to Gstaad and brought me this lovely yellow one with the national flower printed on it, which I already adore and can currently be seen knotted around my neck!

So many choices! A person can have an endless supply of them! Do you have a favorite gift someone has given you while away? Or maybe just a favorite scarf?


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  • I love this one ! This yellow is very pretty ! :)

  • I love silk neck scarves and bandanas! I just got some amazing leather sandals from Spain too!


  • I used to love wearing neck scarves in the early 2000s & collected quite a few beauties on my own and as gifts. My mother though, was given a beautiful scarf as a gift from Italy from an old boyfriend of mine years ago (I remember the moment I saw it I wanted it for myself) that I now think I should try to dig up when I visit her next time ;)

  • Aaw I love Bandanas! They’re the perfect accessory if you’re not up for something too glamorous :) xo

  • I wanna find a good one


  • So true ! But I’m surprised that this scarve comes from Spain… The drawing looks like an Edelweiss, a famous flower from Switzerland… ?!

  • Camille! I just realized , you are right! My friend traveled a lot this summer, to Switzerland too for a wedding- got its origins mixed up! :)

  • If you have a long slender neck, yes.

  • Love scarfs around the neck, wrist and waist…They look so chic! This one you’re friend gave you is beautiful!

  • Oh thank you so much Brie for your answer. I was puzzled by this scarve from Spain, like “my whole world is just a big lie !!!” :-)

  • Ai-Ch'ng August, 12 2015, 12:43 / Reply

    That has to the happiest little neck scarf in existence! It is pure sunshine, and makes me smile.

    Neck scarfs are such a nice way to cheer up a neckline – especially in a mild winter, like we have here in Perth, Western Australia. I always feel it lends a feeling of “the happy traveller” to whoever wears it.

    I have a few little neck scarfs (and loads of big silk ones) that I often wear. The little ones are great for indoors when central heating may be on, and you have to discard the big, warmer ones.

  • I love scarves! But only natural fabrics.
    Silk is great.
    I by vintage ones. Got so many that sometimes I think I should open an exhibition! :)
    Actually I don’t really wear them as I don’t like to have sth around my neck.

  • wendy carter August, 12 2015, 3:20 / Reply

    my favourite is my Gucci necktie in the flower print designed for Grace Kelly!

  • I adore this trend and would love to have a chart with all the ways to tie scarves.

  • Bandanas like these are also very typical in the mountain towns of northern Italy. I have one I purchased in Cortina and wear for hiking.. but now you inspire me to wear in the city, too! Plus that yellow color is great… putting a yellow one on my shopping list for the next visit to Cortina! :)

    Visit our website to see our new collection of leather accessories:

  • I love the scarf/bandana/handkerchief look. Do you have some suggestions to, other than the usual spots to buy them? This is a great color btw


  • Jane un sérieux doute... August, 25 2015, 7:17 / Reply

    T’es sûre sûre qu’elle n’est pas allée en Suisse ou en Autriche ta copine ? L’edelweiss est la fleur nationale la-bas. Ca pousse pas en Espagne l’edelweiss… La fleur nationale espagnole est l’œillet ;)
    Un œillet c’est ça : https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Œillet

    Un edelweiss c’est ça : https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edelweiss

  • Hi Jane! Yes indeed – I had forgotten she went to Gstaad for a wedding :)

  • Je l’ai déjà , acheter en suisse , existe en rouge et bleu . Bis

  • les carrè d’hermes.
    je suis banale?
    je les adore, j’en ai trois qui sont de cadeaux de mon Papa (d’ici l’amour fou :) ) et une petite gavroche.
    les foulards, les echarpes et tout ce qui se ronde autoru du cou sont mes “couverte de linus”
    hein, maintenant j’ai BESOIN d’un cerrè/foulard jaune!

  • This yellow colour is so bright and beautiful.
    I love the scarves, I have a big collection and I wear them every day.
    My current favourite silk scarf is Friendship from Cyclades .
    They have stunning accessories


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