Let's Talk About...

The Earring

10 years ago by

How do you wear just one statement earring? The Céline show got us thinking…

[3/3/14 10:22 AM] Alex: The single earrings at Céline?

[3/3/14 10:25 AM] Brie: Hmmm yeah

[3/3/14 10:26 AM] Alex: How do you make it look intentional and not like you lost or forgot to put on your other earring??

[3/3/14 10:27 AM] Brie: It’s very Edie Sedgwick art mom to wear one large earring

[3/3/14 10:27 AM] Alex: Hahahha art mom

[3/3/14 10:29 AM] Brie: but there’s almost something punk about it too, I think you need to wear one small earring on the other side

[3/3/14 10:30 AM] Alex: Ahhh

[3/3/14 10:32 AM] Brie: You know, so people know you haven’t got a few screws loose…


Add yours
  • I loved this detail on the Céline show.


  • this way, you can wear the same pair together w/ your girlfriend! :)


  • Bofff pour les boucles d’oreilles…trop encombrant dans la vie que je mène. En revanche depuis ce week end je m’attache des bracelets fins dans les cheveux et ça fonctionne … un petit côté gipsy en attendant l’été :-))

  • Je suis très peinée.
    Voilà environ deux ans que je ne porte mes boucles plus que par…une.
    Je les choisis toujours plutôt voyantes et pendantes.
    Je n’aurais jamais pensée être copiée par Céline…!
    Maintenant les gens ne vont plus me demander si j’ai perdu l’autre, mais si je me crois sur le catwalk de la susmentionnée.
    La barbe!

  • Ce qui me frappe sur ces photos c’est la beaute et l’elegance des cheveux lisses en arriere avec un maquillage nude. Magnifique !

  • Ai-Ch'ng March, 3 2014, 9:26 / Reply

    I like the one long statement earring they’ve done, but to balance it out with a small earring – or series of small earrings – in the other ear.

  • I agree, off the runway – you definitely need a small something-something on the other ear just so that people don’t think you lost an earring during the day. x

    the chic & damned

  • johanna March, 3 2014, 11:05 / Reply

    it’s very 90’s. it’s ok, but i have to say it comes off as pretentious because it’s not at all convenient, comfortable or as interesting/beautiful as other accessories if worn alone (ie nothing in the other ear).

  • I don’t know. It reminds me of that show Gallery Girls, which I admit I watched out of sheer horror. That girl Chantal always wore one earring, and it was just awkward how hard she was trying to be cool. I think it can look cool if it’s subtle. That red Dior earring Garance wore in the holiday randoms videos looked gorgeous and glamorous, but these huge dangly ones just look pretentious.

  • Ma maman porte les cheveux courts et la boucle d’oreille en solo depuis des années… J’ai toujours adoré !

  • Je suis une adepte du dépareillé en matière de bijoux, c’est spirituel, ça évite l’effet “parure” qui connote reine d’Angleterre.
    Cette tendance est super créative pour les boucles d’oreilles, on peut fait plein de scénarios avec par ex. juste un petit clou d’oreille d’un coté et le grand jeux de l’autre.
    Sur le défilé Céline le super long d’un seul coté fait très couture, très chic. D’ailleurs maintenant les marques vendent souvent une seule boucle plutôt que la paire, et même en joaillerie, c’est cool.

    PS: bravo Garance pour ta ligne de papeterie, suis passée chez Colette hier après le salon des Tuileries, et j’ai raflé la coque ipod à damiers, trop belle !!!! (fallait être motivé, un monde de ouf la dedans…)


  • Nope sorry not for me…still way too embarrassed remembering when I used to wear those in my teens!!! xo Sabina OceanblueStyle

  • “How do you wear just one statement earring?”

    Ask Elton John. He’s been owning this look for years …

  • You don’t. Because you’ve been around for the 80s and did it then like everyone else and there are enough ridiculous-looking pictures of you in the family album already.

  • Jane with the noisy terrier March, 4 2014, 8:47

    Been there, did that –along with super high-waisted pants worn with bandeau bra tops under oversized jackets with linebacker shoulder pads and a Pat Benatar haircut. Cool, huh?

  • Anneke March, 4 2014, 8:49 / Reply

    Oh this takes me back to the 90’s! One statement earring in the left ear, 3 small gold sleepers in the right. I still wear the 3 small gold sleepers, but usually balance it out with another small gold sleeper in my left ear.
    I’m so going to do the statement earring again!
    It’s also the perfect solution if you used to have a pair of fabulous earrings but you lost one and just haven’t been able to throw the remaining earring away.

  • Eleanor Graves March, 4 2014, 10:24 / Reply

    In case you haven’t been told lately: thank you thank you for figuring these things out for the rest of us : )
    As an aside, I often feel overwhelmed by my statement earrings. Just one could really work. And the small stud on the opposite side keeps the whole show above board. Smart.

  • Ma question c’est plutôt: quand on met une b.o, ça tire forcément un peu sur l’oreille ! Du coup avec une seule b.o. et aussi grosse, ça donne des oreilles qui n’ont plus le lobe de la même longueur ?


  • ebuy24hours March, 5 2014, 2:53 / Reply

    I want the unique earning!


  • OH I’m so fashionable! I used to do this all the time like 7 years ago! I had one ear pierced twice and the other one with just one. I allways made sure to use a small earing alone on the right side and a big one with a small one on the left. Just don’t know if that was enough to asure people that I wasn’t crazy…

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