The Bubble
10 years ago by

Fashion week can feel like one…
It’s easy to get caught up in everything that’s happening around you and forget about what else is going on in the world. We run from show to show, come back and look at more shows on our computers, check the same shows on Instagram and repeat it all the next day. It’s times like these that I am thankful for my 6:30am email from The Skimm.
What is it? A daily email that includes breakdown of what’s happening in the world from sports to foreign affairs. It’s easy to read, condensed and includes the links you need if you want to read more about a topic.
Now when someone asks me what Obama has on the schedule today, I don’t respond: “Marc Jacobs?”
I found it very relaxing to be away from what is happening in the “real”world .fashion is another world with different rules….you are occupied in the beauty of this world…and that is relaxing to me…
Yael Guetta
Hey Garance,
i am unclear why the posts in these sections are all in french and not also available in english when the rest of the website is english version… :s
Hi Annika,
This is a fix we are working on with Colorz! If you click see the mini’s, it will change back to the French version of the blog, but everything is available in English if you click the EN at the top of the site!
We will have it fixed for you soon :)
xx Emily
Je trouve le principe de Theskimm vraiment top, malheureusement, je suis loin d’être bilingue en Anglais… Sais-tu si il existe une version française dans le même style? Mes recherches n’ont abouti à rien.
Autre chose, je me demandais, pourquoi ne pas créer une application Garance Doré? Je suis sûre et certaine que ce serait une tuerie.
XOXO. -Priscilla.
Au contraire, je trouve ça super de se dégager du flux massif des informations (presque tout le temps négatives), ça laisse la porte ouverte à l’imagination et la créativité ! Faut en profiter ! :))
I had never heard of The Skimm before your post, so I just checked it out, and I love it!! Total savior to get caught up every day. Thanks so much for sharing!!
There’s another secret for keeping up with the world: newspapers! They even have them online these days, which is how I can read the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times from the south of France. I also like to listen to podcasts of NPR news and other NPR programs.
May I also recommend Quartz (, which isn’t so much about the day’s news as about big ideas delivered in easy-to-digest bites.
I find the Skimm a little thin, but I guess it’s better than nothing.
Hello Alex, je trouve ton post hyper intéressant voire …rassurant. Je ne connaissais pas cette appli. J’ai souvent l’impression (certainement à tort) que les gens de la mode sont complétement déconnectés du “Monde Réel”, qui notre monde à tous, que les égos de certains les rendent complètement aveugles à ce qui se passent ailleurs. J’adore la mode car pour moi cela est un vrai “candy” dont ce monde de plus en plus dur a bien besoin, mais comme toutes sucreries il ne faut pas trop en abuser et aller voir ailleurs même si c’est moins plaisant. En tout cas j’aime ton mini post ;)
Alex — I am also a mid-western girl (okay…well into “woman” at this point!) If you want to really be cool and know what is going on in the world –GET A NEWSPAPER! I would suggest – The Wall Street Journal. Because Skimmed is way shallower and ickier than skimmed milk. You can’t cross pollinate your brain if you aren’t seeing stories laid out on a page one after another…Today in the WSJ? “UPS profits stalled by e-commerce” THIS is news for your business. Just for fun? “Thousands of drivers in Belgium get their cars blessed by priests” Also on page #1 is a column business, finance & world news – 22-tidbits that will set you up Waaaaay better than Skimmed. Read mine in about 120 seconds. You’re a mid-western girl – you can do this thing….
Apparently, you have a very well read and intelligent readership! Fashion for smart gals.