The 90s
7 years ago by

Gosh, I love the 90s. It really was, for me, the best generation.
Ok, so I was born in 1989. I haven’t actually lived through that many generations, but so far it was better than the 2010s, and the 2000s. There was so much to love about the 90s. The music (I can karaoke to pretty much any 90s song and do on every road trip, thank you SiriusXM 90s on 9 station). The TV (West Wing, Sex and the City, Seinfeld…). The Politics (I love you Bill Clinton). The Movies (Clueless). The Fashion (just follow Simplicity City not all 90s but so much 90s). It was the era of the Supers and JFK Jr, just so many wonderful things. Maybe every generation feels nostalgic once enough time has past, but I don’t know if you can speak quite as highly of the 70s and 80s. CNN released their 90s series and I’m thoroughly enjoying the trip down memory lane.
I just wonder, will I ever think back as fondly on another generation in my lifetime? Am I just a child of the 90s but you remember it totally differently? Am I forgetting about a golden era?
image via simplicity city
Je reste nostalgique des 2be3 et spice girls entre autre ..!
I so feel you! I was born in 1988 and share this love and fascination for the 90s. Oddly enough it was a topic I discussed also with my friends lately – all more or less the same 90s kids and they share our love for it. I guess it was a special time still in the dust of the decadent 80s with seemingly no problems… but I also believe that every generation has a golden decade or maybe it is childhood that brings its magic to any time as you kind of love in your own little world? Anyhow I am with you – 90s rock!
May I join you? :)
I was born in the 70s so 90s were the time I really grew up.
My country, Estonia, got free in 1991. Everything was new, everything changed, everything seemed possible!
We got a glimpse of the world behind the iron curtain and the future was bright.
The clothes of that time make me really nostalgic… :)
I got my first real pair of jeans – Levi’s ?. I still hard perm. I started loving the gym. I got to travel to the U.S.! To go to college there, make wonderful friends.
There were really bad things too, I won’t go into those…
I love the movies of that time! Everything seemed more optimistic or was it just me? Or we were just not yet over flooded with information?
The 90’s are the best. I miss them.
I think you always feel nostalgic of the generation you kinda lived through but didn’t quite experienced. It’s like you saw it from the eyes of a kid/tween just waiting to be that cool teen or 20 something who was doing all the cool stuff you couldn’t do. And you keep seeing it like that even after you grow up. It’s like in relationships, you always glamorize the one that got away. Plus, your taste is imprinted around the time you come of age. Nothing else is ever as cool, athletes of your time are better than the new ones,etc.
Well said. I totally 100% agree with you.
i was in my 20s in the 90s. i have to say i have no nostalgia for it. it is easy to romanticize something you didn’t experience first hand. i also think that nostalgia is not a very generative force. it is dangerous and it slows things down. if you think about it the whole “make america great again” is a function of nostalgia. not that you can’t learn from the past. but that is a different impulse. you take what was learned and don’t repeat it. you move forward with it.
I get what you mean about 90s pop culture… but in reality I don’t think things were as glamorous. I have five years on you and my memory of middle school in the 90s in the suburbs in the Midwest did not include supermodels, but did include a lot of sunflower prints, Clueless, scrunchies, and Michael Jordan. :) The music *was* good – in some ways I don’t think we’ve ever had a return to the adult contemporary or rock scene since that time. There was also a rebirth of music made by adult women (yes I went to Lilith Fair ;) rather than just pop singers – I’m talking singer-songwriters (Sarah McLachlan, Paula Cole, Sleater Kinney, Sheryl Crow, Tori Amos, Fiona Apple, Ani, etc) and female-led R&B acts (Salt n Pepa, TLC, Janet Jackson, on and on).
What is with the dearth of women in the music biz? Why are we regressing? To make sure it wasn’t my imagination, I just checked the Billboard hot 100 – no women in the top 10 this week. None. This week in 1995? Four.
So agree with you about the music! Such great female singers–I wish I could have gone to Lilith Fair! We’re definitely missing that–I feel like now the women in music are so pop heavy, we’re missing a bit more of the indie women! xx