Shoulders Sideways
9 years ago by

An update to the uber preppy sweater around your shoulders comes by way of Lemaire.
Asymmetrical and sans the bulk of an actual sweater, this lambswool and yak blended scarf is one of those pieces you didn’t know you needed because you didn’t know it existed…. until now. I love this idea though, its all the coolness of an aristocrat without the ubiquitous nature that comes with the ensemble of a golfer. And yes, it also happens to keep you warm!
How do you protect your neck from the cold?
Scarf, Lemaire.
I moved to Brazil to protect my neck from the cold. Since then it’s the most sweaty part of my body.
Hahaha, drastic but effective!
595 € le bout de laine tronqué à manches, en poil de yack ?!!!!!!!!
Putainmerde !
A ce prix là, le yack il a voyagé en limousine et jet privé j’espère.
Et y’a des pintades pour acheter ça ? Vraiment ?
Une famille française bouffe 3 semaines avec ça. Vous y pensez parfois ?