Studio Finds

Safety First!

9 years ago by

Safety First!

Helmet hair !

…And a fear of looking like Marvin the Martian have steered me away from helmets in the past. Plus, what are you supposed to do with said helmet when you ride your bicycle to dinner? It’s possible we’ve come across a solution – a foldable helmet!

It’s minimal, solid grey (although you could add some stickers, if, like, that was your thing…), and super light. And yes, it folds down small enough to fit into a standard tote, or perhaps your small Mansur. If anything, it’s an interesting approach at what has been a difficult road to finding a suitable bicycle helmet.

Not making promises on my end to sport it all the time, it feels a little like Devo does cycling, but at least I will be safe!

Have you found the perfect helmet? Do you actually wear one?


Helmet, Closca Design 


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  • how about an invisible helmet – in your scarf –
    don’t know why this hasn’t taken the world by storm yet. I do see a few around.

  • I wear an airbag when biking – no helmet hair for me! :)

  • Amy I crazy or is the brand not listed anywhere in the post? Help please.

    Also, I’ve thought this for a long time but why are the links always only to other posts on Garance Dore? It would be really helpful to link to the actual product rather than just other instances its been mentioned on GC. Just sayin’ :)

  • Hi Megan thanks for spotting that! Just added the link :)

  • Brie, Brie, Brie, sorry I just can’t help myself but as the mother of two adult sons, I have the credentials to pull the mom card. Head injuries can be forever. Please wear that helmut whenever you get on a bike. And believe me, with my curly hair, I know exactly what you mean by helmet head but, as your title here says, Safety First.

  • The search for the perfect helmet that combines comfort, style, and convenience is never-ending! I am more likely to sacrifice convenience for style, so I bike around San Francisco with a helmet that looks like a big straw hat.

    I actually have a selection of helmets. They become like shoes! Something to enhance your outfit rather than detract.

  • The Carrera/Brooks special edition foldable helmet. I love it and wear it all the time.

  • idée geniale!!!! à quand vendu chez Decathlon en France? :-)

  • You should check the scarf-helmet :
    It is even better ! No need to sacrifice your hairdo, it’s even pretty, and it’s even safer than a classic helmet as it protect your neck as well. This invention is really amazing and i wish it had the fame it deserves !!

  • I ride my bike a lot. A LOT. I average about 100 miles a week. Or more.

    If you ride long enough, it is not a question of “if” but “when” you will have an accident or a careless driver who is texting hits you. This happened to my friend Grant a couple of weeks ago and his helmet was in half when the paramedics got to him, and he walked away from the incident. Had he not been wearing it, he’d either be dead or a vegetable.

    NO ONE looks cute and chic in the hospital so please ladies wear your helmets! If you have helmet hair now is a fabulous time for a braid and anyway letting your hair blow in the breeze causes lots of tangling and nasty breakage.

  • when in France? :-)

  • The Giro Aspect is the best helmet I’ve found, and I do a ton of casual commuter riding, and more serious road cycling: It is lightweight, high performance, but very unobtrusive and classic in it’s design. It works well with what I wear on a daily basis, which is typically vintage dresses/skirts/blouses/tailored pants, but it also looks good when I’m in full cycling kit. I find a lot of other “lifestyle” helmets look very bulky on most women, are too hot to wear in the summer, or try too hard to be fashion-forward and end up looking silly instead.

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